CHORES WITH FAIRE! Brainstorm: which expressions have we already learned with the verb “faire”??


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Transcription de la présentation:

CHORES WITH FAIRE! Brainstorm: which expressions have we already learned with the verb “faire”??

We already know… Faire du shopping = to go shopping Faire de l’exercice = to exercise Faire la cuisine = to cook Faire la fete = to party (If you remember these, there’s no need to write them down. If they look foreign to you, go ahead and take notes on this slide cause these are all good to know!)

Faire on its own… When “faire” is on its own, rather than being in a phrase like “faire la cuisine” or the others that we’ve seen, it means “to do” or “to make.” Just like the rap “Qu’est-ce que tu aimes faire?” means “What do you like to do?”

How do you conjugate “Faire”? It’s an irregular verb (like aller, avoir, & être), so its conjugation does not follow the “er” verb rules and is different than all other verbs. Je faisNous faisons Tu faisVous faites Il/Elle/On faitIls/Elles font

PREDICT: In the following sentences, is “faire” used on its own or as part of a verb phrase? 1.J’aime faire du shopping. 2.Il fait beaucoup. 3.Nous faisons la vaisselle. 4.Qu’est-ce que tu fais ? 5.Vous faites la lessive ? 6.Je fais les courses. 7.Tu fais trop. 8.Vous faites trop.

CHORES WITH FAIRE! “Faire” is used with a lot of chores in French, and since we’re learning about *HOMES* this is a great opportunity to learn them! faire le ménage = to clean faire la lessive = to do the laundry faire le lit = to make the bed faire la vaisselle = to do the dishes faire l’aspirateur = to vacuum faire la poussière = to dust

faire le ménage = to clean

faire la lessive = to do the laundry

faire le lit = to make the bed

faire la vaisselle = to do the dishes

faire l’aspirateur = to vacuum

faire la poussière = to dust

Analyze this family’s chore chart! Le ménage!! MamanPapaMartinCamilleCarolineLuc Faire la vaisselle XX Faire la lessive XX Faire la cuisine XXX Faire le lit XXXXXX Faire la poussière XX Faire l’aspirateur XX