Talking about people’s activities Les normes: Communication 1.2: Comparisons 4.1:


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Les verbes réguliers en -ER

Les verbes –ER Et Le partitif
REGULAR -ER VERBS Mme Marsala French 1 Learwood Knowing what subject to use Step 1.
Le présent Present tense The present tense describes what is happening now.
Les verbes en -er. chanter – to singtelephoner – to call danser – to dancetravailler – to work diner – to have dinnervoyager –to travel ecouter – to listen.
Les Verbes Régulier “ER”
1. Je joue au football. 2. Tu as mangé une pizza. 3. Il va regarder la télévision. 4. Nous allons visiter le musée. 5. Vous avez organisé une visite. 6.
Jadore la natation. (jaime beaucoup la natation.)
échauffement vendredi le 4 octobre
Talking about the things you do
A Les verbes en -er: le singulier p. 94 The basic form of a verb is called the infinitive. Many French infinitives end in -er. Most of these verbs are.
C’est jeudi, le 7 janvier 2014 Les Objectifs: • NS 1.1 Students engage in conversations, provide & obtain info. Express feelings & emotions, and exchange.
STEM INFINITIVE jouer aimer jou écout aim écouter Many verbs whose infinitives end in -er are called regular verbs because their forms follow a predictable.
LES VERBES DU PREMIER GROUP: -ER VERBS. Home Les activités 3 3 RAPPEL A Les verbes réguliers en -er: formes affirmatives. INFINITIVE STEM ( La racine)
Welcome to French Live Lessons!
3 L’imparfait Les normes: Communication 1.2 Comparisons 4.1 -
Conjugation for –er verbs
Conjugating –er verbs. Start with an INFINITIVE (unconjugated verb).  aimer =  parler =  danser =  chanter =  manger =  jeter =  nager =
Verbe + Infinitive.
Les verbes en -er. –er 5000 –er verbs !!!  They are called REGULAR verbs because about 5000 verbs have the same endings.  It’s a good idea to learn.
Les verbes qui se terminent en -ER (-ER verbs). French has both regular and irregular verbs. (English does too, for that matter.)
Leçon 7: Une boum Les verbes en -er Many French infinitives end in -er
3 Les Verbes -ER Talking about people’s activities Les normes: –Communication 1.2: Understanding the written and spoken language –Comparisons 4.1: Understanding.
InfinitiveStem ParlerParl- ÉcouterÉcout- AimerAim- French verbs change endings with each subject. To form the stem to which the endings are added, you.
By Michelle and Jenn WHAT THEY MEAN IN ENGLISH  Être – To be  Avoir- To have  Faire- To do/make  Aller- To go.
4 Le verbe Venir et Venir de + l’infinitif Les normes: –Communications 1.2: Understanding the written and spoken language –Comparisons 4.1: Understanding.
Let’s go back to the verb endings. What are our 3 infinitive endings? ER IR RE What is an infinitive? An unconjugated verb In other words, a verb in the.
Qui est présent? Écoutons Les préférences Vocabulaire: les activités Panorama Culturel.
2 La négation Les normes: –Communication 1.2 –Comparisons 4.1:
J’aime: I like Je n’aime pas: I don’t like
2 Le verbe « être » au pluriel Les normes: Communication 1.2 Comparisons 4.1 Les questions essentielles: - What are the plural subject pronouns in French?
French Verb Conjugation J’ai Vous êtes Ils finissent Nous commençons on vend Elles font Il va elle vient Puis-je Vous voulez.
Les verbes français Objective: Understand the tense of the verbs and how to conjugate your very first verb.
La Revue: Les verbes – ER. La norm: Comparisons 4.1 Understanding the nature of language What is a « regular verb »? How are regular –ER verbs conjugated?
-ER VERB CONJUGATION -Er verbs are regular verbs. Regular verb—all verbs follow the same pattern. Formation: 1.Drop –ER 2.Add endings.
Regular “er” verb conjugation French I Steps for conjugating regular “er” verbs Subject pronouns “er” verbs Find the stem Verb endings for conjugation.
2 L’impératif  Telling people to do things  Les normes:  Communication 1.2 Understanding the written and spoken language  Comparisons 4.1 Understanding.
Français I -IR Verbs.
Warm up Write about each chore you do and say how often you have to do them, using French expression such deux fois par semaine, chaque Lundi, souvent,
How is it conjugated in the present tense?
Français I -re verbs. Many French verbs end in –re. Most –re verbs are regular, which means they follow a pattern, just like –er and –ir verbs. Remember…
9 Les verbes – RE another “family” of verbs Les normes: Communication 1.2 Comparisions 4.1 Les questions essentielles: 1.What is the conjugation formula.
A parler parl- je parle -e parles tu -es parle il/elle/on -e parlons
1. Est-ce que Est-ce que, literally translated "is it that," can be placed at the beginning of any affirmative sentence to turn it into a question: Je.
Français 1 1. Unlike the regular –ER verbs that you have learned so far, the verb être is an irregular verb.
Leçon 7: Une boum Les verbes en -er -e -ons -es -ez -e -ent je nous tu
‘Oddballs !’ Some more irregular verb revision in the Present Tense.
Chapitre 1, Faisons Connaissance
Chapitre 1, Faisons Connaissance
Les verbes réguliers « ER » Comment les conjuguer au présent.
Les verbes réguliers en -er Parler Aimer. Let’s look at the forms of the present tense of the regular –er verb Parler All regular –er verbs follow this.
JE is I TU is YOU IL HE ELLE is SHE ON means ONE NOUS is WE and VOUS can mean YOU ALL ILS is THEY (ELLES is THEY!) and VOUS can also mean YOU FORMAL JE.
Unité 2-A Le Présent. How do you form the present tense? Take off the –er ending from the infinitive...
n What is the “passé composé”? n How do I conjugate the passé composé? n What are some common past participles? n How do I know when to use être and when.
Verb Conjugation Learning to conjugate your first verb in French.
We all ready know two French verbs. What are they?
3 Les Verbes -ER Talking about people’s activities Les normes: Communication 1.2: Comparisons 4.1:
Le verbe Venir Les normes: – Communications 1.2: Understanding the written and spoken language – Comparisons 4.1: Understanding language through comparisons.
Jechante An activity, something that you do. Many (but NOT all) verbs in French end in –ER Parler = TO talk Jouer = TO play Chanter = TO sing Nager =
Present tense Lesson objective: To revise how to form the present tense.
SOME EXAMPLES:  Danser – to danceAimer- to like or love  Chanter – to singAdorer- to adore  Manger – to eatDétester- to hate  Jouer – to play  Parler.
UNITÉ 9 : LEÇON 34 – PARTIE B : le verbe PRENDRE.
Infinitive There are 3 groups of REGULAR verbs in French: verbs ending with -ER = 1st group verbs ending with -IR = 2nd group verbs ending with -RE = 3rd.
-er verbs French I.
Le verbe aller au présent
Talking about people’s activities
Grammar Flash Cards La révision.
Expressing likes and dislikes use a conjugation of the infinitive verb AIMER add an infinitive of an action you like to do. J’aime danser. J’aime nager.
Transcription de la présentation:

Talking about people’s activities Les normes: Communication 1.2: Comparisons 4.1:

What is the « infinitive » form? What is a ‘regular verb’? How is the « stem » formed? What are the « -ER verb » endings? What does the subject pronoun « On » mean and how is it used?

- ER verbs are “regular”verbs Regular verbs all follow the same pattern of conjugation A conjugation fomrula is “stem + endings”

Conjugation formula: Stem + endings = conjugated verb Stem = infinitive – ER Endings = On = we, they, people (in general) Je – eNous - ons Tu – esVous – ez Il, elle, on - e Ils, elles – ent

Les verbes réguliers en -er au présent 1.A word that expresses an action or a state is a verb. Parler (to speak), écouter (to listen to), and aimer (to like) are verbs in the infinitive form. They are called regular verbs because they all follow a regular pattern. Their infinitives end in -er. ***The InfinitiveEnglishFrench TO + verb verb + ER To talkParler

Les verbes réguliers en -er au présent StemInfinitive parler aimer parl- écout- aim- écouter 2. French verbs change endings with each subject. To form the stem to which the endings are added, you drop the -er from the infinitive.

Les verbes réguliers en -er au présent AIMER je parle nous parlons tu parles 3. You add the ending for each subject to the stem. Note that, although the endings for the je, tu, il, and ils forms are spelled differently, they are pronounced the same. PARLER je parl -e il/elle parl -e tu parl -es nous parl -ons vous parl -ez ils/elles parl -ent il/elle parle vous parlez ils/elles parlent j’ aime tu aimes il/elle aime ils /elles aiment vous aimez nous aimons

Singular Je joue Tu joues Il, elle, on Pierre } joue L’ecole Nous jouons Vous jouez Ils/elles Pierre et Sophie } jouent Les élèves Plural

Les verbes réguliers en -er au présent 4. You will see and hear the word on a great deal. On has several meanings, such as “we,” “they,” and “people.” On always takes the il/elle form of the verb. In spoken French, people use on more often than nous. On parle français en France. On travaille beaucoup. On arrive à l’école le matin.

1.Nous __________ au téléphone après les cours. (parler) Complete. Answer: parlons 2. Vous __________ dans la cour pendant la récré? (jouer) Answer: jouez 3. Les élèves __________ des questions. (poser) Answer: posent Les verbes réguliers en -er au présent

4. Tu __________ ce livre? (aimer) Answer: aimes 5. On __________ des CD l’après-midi. (écouter) Answer: écoute Les verbes réguliers en -er au présent Complete.