Quels vêtements est-ce que tu aimes porter?


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Transcription de la présentation:

Quels vêtements est-ce que tu aimes porter? La Mode Quels vêtements est-ce que tu aimes porter? parce que / car J’aime porter = I like to wear J’adore porter= I love to wear Je n’aime pas porter= I don’t like to wear Je déteste porter= I hate to wear C’est beau/belle= it looks good C’est comfortable = it’s comfortable C’est fantastique = it’s fantastic Ce n’est pas comfortable = it’s not comfortable C’est horrible = it’s horrible Level 4 = positive and negative

Aujourd’hui….. On va parler en Français!

Les Objectifs To practice adjective agreements and to express opinions about fashion (L3/4) To practice spontaneous speech to ask each other about what we like to wear, and the last thing we bought (5c) To use the past tense to review what some celebrities wore on the red carpet. (L5a)

LES VETEMENTS démodé(e)(s) joli(e)(s) nul(le)(s) cool moche(s) super Fais des paires démodé(e)(s) joli(e)(s) nul(le)(s) cool moche(s) super nice ugly old-fashioned cool great awful

LES VETEMENTS démodé(e)(s) joli(e)(s) nul(le)(s) cool moche(s) super Fais des paires démodé(e)(s) joli(e)(s) nul(le)(s) cool moche(s) super nice ugly old-fashioned cool great awful

les baskets sont nulles Giving your opinion À mon avis le pull est démodé Je pense que les baskets sont nulles

Combien des phrases vous pouvez faire dans trois minutes? 1. Frankly, these trainers are ugly! 2. I think that those trousers are cool. 3. In my opinion that jumper is old fashioned. Tu peux faire plus des phrases?

Les Objectifs To practice adjective agreements and to express opinions about fashion (L3/4) To use the past tense to review what some celebrities wore on the red carpet. (L5c) To practice spontaneous speech to ask each other about what we like to wear, and the last thing we bought (5a)

il porte …. elle porte …. il/elle a porté un tee-shirt bleu. À mon avis le tee-shirt est démodé. une robe blanche. Je pense que la robe est jolie. Comment on peut faire le passé composé? il/elle a porté Level 5 (+5 examples)

Imagine que tu est reporter pour le magazine, ‘Elle’ en France

Qu’est-ce que les célébrités ont porté au tapis rouge? Le Tapis Rouge…….. Qu’est-ce que les célébrités ont porté au tapis rouge?

Qu’est-ce que les célébrités ont porté au tapis rouge? Les Questions…… Qu’est-ce que les célébrités ont porté au tapis rouge? Rhianna a porté…… Will.i.am a porté……….. Justin Beiber a porté……….. Rita Ora a porté……. + ton opinion

Les Objectifs To practice adjective agreements and to express opinions about fashion (L3/4) To use the past tense to review what some celebrities wore on the red carpet. (L5c) To practice spontaneous speech to ask each other about what we like to wear, and the last thing we bought (5a)

A ton avis, la mode est important? Je pense que… A mon avis….

La mode est important? GCSE

Who prefers to wear comfy clothes? Who bought jeans in the sale? Who reads fashion magazines? Who loves big brands? Who doesn’t buy fashionable clothes? Who is savings for trainers? Natascha Clement Liane

A ton avis, la mode est important? Le weekend dernier, j’ai acheté.. Je pense que… J’aime porter… Le weekend dernier, j’ai acheté..

Les Objectifs To practice adjective agreements and to express opinions about fashion. To use the past tense to review what some celebrities wore on the red carpet. To practice spontaneous speech to ask each other about what we like to wear, and the last thing we bought.

Les Questions…… Quels vêtements est-ce que tu aimes porter? A ton avis, la mode est important? Qu’est-ce que les célébrités ont porté au tapis rouge? Rhianna a porté…… Will.i.am a porté……….. Justin Beiber a porté……….. Rita Ora a porté…….

Peer Assessment Assess your partner: Did they use a variety of adjectives to describe what the celebs were wearing? Give an example. Could they talk to you about what they like to wear and their opinion on fashion? What did they say? How could they improve with their speaking next time?

Not all adjectives follow this pattern – check the dictionary! Useful vocab Il/elle a porté- he/she wore Je l’aime – I like it Je ne l’aime pas – I don’t like it C’ était – it was Ce n’ était pas – it wasn’t Je pense que c’est – I think it’s Il/elle avait l’air…- he/she looked… Where adjectives go in a sentence Usually adjectives go AFTER the noun they are describing. e.g. un jean bleu The only ones that go BEFORE the noun are adjectives for: Beauty Age Goodness Size Usual adjective endings Describing a masculine word – leave it as it is BLEU Describing a feminine word – add E BLEUE Describing a masculine plural word – add S BLEUS Describing a feminine plural word - add ES BLEUES Not all adjectives follow this pattern – check the dictionary!

Les Questions…… A ton avis, la mode est important? Qu’est-ce que tu as acheté récemment? Qu’est-ce que les célébrités ont porté au tapis rouge? Rhianna a porté…… Will.i.am a porté……….. Justin Beiber a porté……….. Rita Ora a porté…….
