Garnishes. Main course dishes and fish dishes sometimes have the vegetable garnish indicated as in integral part of the dish.


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Transcription de la présentation:


Main course dishes and fish dishes sometimes have the vegetable garnish indicated as in integral part of the dish.

Group 1 – garnishes associated with meat and poultry: boulangère bruxelloise Clamart Du Barry fermière florentine jardinière Judic Parmentier portugaise printanière Provençale Duxelles Rossini

Group 2 – The following group is associated with fish dishes: bonne femme Véronique dieppoise belle-meunière marinière Doria armoricaine

Group 3 - Miscellaneous niçoise milanaise indienne

The following garnishes are in common use but fall outside the classification so far. Au beurre noir Au beurre maître d’hôtel Au beurre noisette Aux croûtons Aux fines herbes royale

Pommes boulangère

Poulet Véronique

Poulet florentine

Tournedos Rossini

Homard armoricaine