Essential Questions  How to the French express possession?  How does it compare with English?


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Transcription de la présentation:

Essential Questions  How to the French express possession?  How does it compare with English?

Match each description with a person in Carole’s family. 1. La fille de ma tante Le père de ma mère… 3. Le frère de ma mère… 4. Le fils de ma soeur… 5. La soeur de mon père… a. c’est mon oncle. b. c’est ma tante. c. c’est ma cousine. d. c’est mon grand-père. e. c’est mon neveu. 1.2

En anglais  In English, there are two ways to express possession.  That is David’s sister.  That is his sister.  How many different possessive adjectives can you think of in English?  In French, possessive adjectives tell not only to whom things belong but also the gender of the thing possessed. 4.1

C’est mon mari.

C’est mon fils.

C’est ma fille

Ce sont mes enfants

C’est mon père.

C’est mon frère et mon neveu.

C’est mon chien.

Ce sont mes chats.

Possessive adjectives Here are the possessive adjectives in French. Notice that the possessive adjectives agree in gender and number with what is possessed. MasculineSingularFeminineSingularPlural my monmames your (tu) tontates his/hers/Its sonsases our notrenotrenos your (vous) votrevotrevos their leurleurleurs

Possessive adjectives  Mon père est petit.  Ses frères sont sportifs.  For singular nouns beginning with a vowel, use the masculine form of the possessive adjective, even if the thing possessed is feminine.  Ça, c’est mon amie, Claudine.

Possessive adjectives  Another way to indicate possession is with the preposition de  De/D’ plus a person’s name is used in the same way as ‘s in English.  J’aime bien le frère d’André.  I really like Andre’s brother.  C’est le baladeur de David.  That is David’s MP3 player.