Jeudi le 28 août 2014 BONJOUR TOUT LE MONDE!. France is the world’s #1 tourist destination (70 million visitors yearly) Knowing a little bit of French.


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Transcription de la présentation:

Jeudi le 28 août 2014 BONJOUR TOUT LE MONDE!

France is the world’s #1 tourist destination (70 million visitors yearly) Knowing a little bit of French makes it so much more enjoyable to visit France & other French-speaking countries. France is the world’s #1 tourist destination (70 million visitors yearly) Knowing a little bit of French makes it so much more enjoyable to visit France & other French-speaking countries. French is a language of education & international relations!  the United Nations,  the European Union,  UNESCO,  NATO,  the International Olympic Committee,  the International Red Cross  Amnesty International  Interpol  Translating, diplomacy, teaching, hospitality & more!

Nom Classe Date Nom Classe Date Title of work with page # (USE BLUE OR BLACK INK ONLY! Not pencil, markers or red ink!) # HEADING HOW-TO

F1 1. Over alphabet, numbers 0-20* 2. Turn in Word Search for Turn in: sentences for 50%, unless absent 4. Turn in my form Per. 2: missing/incomplete/incorrect forms 5. Get back “ME” 10 sentences-rough copy to fix 6. Supply check H/W: Supplies, word search for 50 tomorrow, my form & 2 nd per.: school forms. Final “ME” copy is due Friday!

Alphabet-l’alphabet l'alphabet.docl'alphabet.doc Alphabet-l’alphabet l'alphabet.docl'alphabet.doc

Youtube links for basic French 1 (alphabet & accent marks) - ABC RAP Accent marks: e=related e=related L’alphabet: EBAECE&index=2&feature=plpp_video

 Greetings 1. Hello/good day-Bonjour 2. My name is- Je m’appelle Numbers Zéro 1-Un 2-Deux 3-Trois 4-Quatre 5-Cinq 6-Six 7-Sept 8-Huit 9-Neuf 10-Dix

un (unh) deux (deh) trois(trwa) quatre (catr) cinq(sank)

six(sease) sept(set) huit (weet) neuf (nef) dix(dease)

onze(onz) douze(dooz) treize(trehz) quatorze(katorz) quinze(kans)

seize (sehz) dix-sept (deeset) dix-huit(deesweet) dix-neuf (deesnef) vingt (van)

Basic French videos-numbers Numbers: –Numbers Numbers - Number song* Video: Games online: /games/ /games/

F 2 1. Turn in 10 sentences for 100%, Friday is 50% 2. Turn in MY form 3. Over phonetics page & accent mark slide* 4. SEE: (phonics) basic greetings: overview-vl&list=PL91BD69E471307CC2 5. Get rough draft of sentences back. PreAP: New 10 questions & borrowed words H/W: Tonight-fix & re-write 10 sentences with corrected heading, title, new number, fix errors, enumeration, etc.

F 2-Review: Accent marks-Les signes orthographiques

**French 2 PreAP- Due next Tuesday 1. Comment t'appelles-tu? 2. Es-tu un garçon ou une fille? 3. Quel âge as-tu? 4. Quelle est ta nationalité? 5. Où et avec qui habites-tu? 6. Quelle est la date de ta naissance/ Quelle est la date de ton anniversaire? Où es-tu né(e)? 7. Quelle est ta cuisine préférée? 8. Quels sont tes loisirs préférés/Tu aimes faire??? 9. Quel est ton numéro de téléphone? 10. As-tu des frères ou des soeurs? Copiez les questions!

*French 2 Pre-AP Borrowed words “G”-due next Wed. 1. Crudité 2. Élan 3. Force Majeure 4. Gaffe 5. Milieu 6. Panache 7. Roux 8. Repartee (repartée) 9. Cache 10. Ruse 11. C’est la vie 12. Soupçon 13. Du jour 14. Escargots 15. Film noir 16. Exposé 17. Forté 18. Layette 19. Macramé 20. Mêlée 21. Motif 22. Noblesse oblige 23. chef d’oeuvre 24. Par Excellence 25. Passé

FRAP- 1. Un jeu (2 choses vraies/ 1 chose fausse) 2. VOTER-- “DVD” A ou B et commencez le film Les devoirs: 0

F 3 1.La phonétique 2.Les 10 phrases-50% 3.Les fournitures scolaires-110% 4.Un jeux (2 V/1 F)

Le 25 à 29 août 2014 lundimardimercredijeudivendredi FRENCH 1 Week’s Goals: Rules, Numbers, Alphabet, Greetings Roll,procedure papers, syllabus etc. Bonjour/Je m’appelle H/W: Supplies & sentences F 1-Roll, name cards, supplies 120 Powerpoint: Rules, Name cards, Heading rules, early Website Video: ABC’s & greetings H/W: Supplies & sentences F 1-Roll, supplies-115 due & sentences 100 (forms due today for ALS IBC) Over ABCs, numbers 0-10 H/W: Supplies, wordsearch Per. 2: school forms F 1-Roll, sentences for 50% Supplies-110, also due: my form Wordsearch for 100 Over ABCs, numbers 0-10, greetings H/O-Supplies,& TBA Per. 2: school forms No ALS F I-Roll, Supplies-105. Wordsearch for 50 Oral review of ABC’s, numbers LAST DAY FOR SCHOOL FORMS FRENCH 2 Goals: Phonics, number & basic review of French 1. Roll,syllabus, etc. 1 st powerpoint H/W: Supplies, sentences “ME” F 2-Roll, Name cards, Heading rules, supplies 120, sentences 100. over phonics, greetings H/W: Supplies & sentences Per. 2 TURN IN FORMS! F 2-Roll, supplies-115, sentences 100 Over 0-100, Introductions, DVD H/W: TBA-number pages TURN IN FORMS! F 2-Roll,supplies 110, sentences- 50 Class & F 1 review on slides H/W: TBA/ Number pages Turn in FORMS! F 2-Roll:Supplies 105 Tues-100 # pages-100 Tues. for 50 Per. 2: ALL KC FORMS DUE-last day!!! F 2 PA Same F 2 PA Same F 2 PA Same F 2 PA Borrowed words “G” F 2 PA Same FRENCH 3 Goals: Phonics, greetings, numbers, grammar review of French 2., introductions/phrases Roll, syllabus, powerpoint H/W: Supplies/sentences French 3 Roll, Supplies 120, sentences 100. Phonics, greetings, numbers review H/W: Supplies & sentences French 3 Roll, ck. Supplies 115, sentences 100 Review of F 2 French 3 Roll, Supplies -110 Sentences-50 French 3 Roll, supplies 105 DVD Readers: hand out FRAP: Goals- Introductions/Review Roll, syllabus,etc. Introductions/descriptions Useful phrases H/W: supplies/sentences FRAP Phonetics,introductions All paperwork due FRAP Basic phrases New vocabulary French interactive Reading/Listening site FRAP Listening site French interactive Games in French FRAP Les clips in French Discuss/compare h?v=sX_oeV3OQzw