Warm up About your dream vacation: Write five sentences about your dream vacation. Can you imagine things you would do once you arrive there. Make sure.


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Transcription de la présentation:

Warm up About your dream vacation: Write five sentences about your dream vacation. Can you imagine things you would do once you arrive there. Make sure you use d’abord, ensuite, et puis, and finalIement. (Possible destinations: Paris, Québec,… bb

Review: verb pouvoir (to be able to, can, may) Pouvoir is an irregular verb. Notice how similar it is to the verb vouloir (to want) Je peux Nous pouvons Tu peux Vous pouvez II/Elle/On peut IIs/Elles peuvent Ex. Je peux lire un lire. il peut nager aujourd’hui. Nous pouvons chanter. Tu peux jouer au foot.

Fill the blanks with appropriate forms of the verb pouvoir in present tense. Je…………écrire mon devoir de Français. Elle……….aller à l’école ce matin. Demain, vous…………..dormir à l’hôtel. Aujourd’hi, tu……………venir me voir. Ce soir nous…………….regarder la télé. Après la victoire, ils……………fêter.

P.27, Do # 10 and # 11 / Handouts! Changing Gear: In blank sheet of paper, wirte on the top: Me and my world- A. Describe yourself (in French); Use adjectives we have learned. Ex. Je m’appelle Sue; je suis brune,…. B. Write about your family and describe each member ( ex. My mère est belle, elle aime…; where do you live ( ex. Nous habitons à Raleigh…

Write about your friends-( J’ai trois ami (e)s, Marie et David; iIs sont très intéressants,…. Write about things you do together…échanger les textos, face book, aller au ciné…. Write about anything you love to do…. Then, exchanger you paper with your neighbor so you can read each other paper

Make sure you write your name on your paper and do not loose you paper Make sure you write your name on your paper and do not loose you paper. ( It’s a draft, you will need next week) The final is going to be a large poster ** Students get the rubric on Monday** **Exit**