Ch. 13, L3 & révision
Question: « I want to learn a language but its so hard. What should I do? ?>>
Being bilingual automatically puts you a step- above the rest. It is something that you can constantly prove, constantly use, and constantly improve upon. It is necessary to be successful in international business or international affairs. It enriches your life.
Go abroad and integrate yourself: Volunteer Get an internship Mingle with the locals in bars, cafés, libraries, anywhere! Travel travel travel! Anyone can do it, of any means, as long as you want to.
Quand j’étais bénévole (volunteer) pour Solidarité-sida à Paris en Solidarité-sida est un ONG (orginasation non- gouvernmentale) qui aide des gens avec le VIH et le Sida partout dans le monde francophone, et particuliarement à Paris.
16 février (mercredi) de 16h (4PM) à 18h (6 PM) Arjona 339 Pizza!
Vis-à-vis: P. 370, act. B (souvenirs) & act. C (un rendez-vous difficile) Un article pour lundi!