LES JOURS = the days DE = of LA SEMAINE = the week EN FRANÇAIS = in French
the days / les jours Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday *The French calendar week begins with Monday. *In French, the days of the week are not capitalized. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday lundi mardi mercredi jeudi vendredi samedi dimanche
Vocabulaire day week today tomorrow it is… is it…? jour semaine aujourd’hui demain c’est… est-ce…?
Les jours de la semaine… mardi lundi mercredi vendredi jeudi dimanche samedi
Quel jour est-ce aujourd’hui? The French word quel means what or which. Quel jour est-ce aujourd’hui? C’est mardi.
Quel jour est-ce aujourd’hui? Aujourd’hui c’est mardi. Et demain, quel jour est-ce? Demain c’est mercredi. Quel jour préfères-tu? Je préfère samedi.
La Semaine The French calendar week begins with lundi. mardi mercredi jeudi vendredi samedi dimanche Reminders: The French calendar week begins with lundi. Days of the week are not capitalized in French.