* Our dreams are not written on stone; so write three careers that will make you happy anyway and why. Minimum five sentences!


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Les verbes –ER Et Le partitif

Questions about people Use Qui - either as subject or object. Qui est allé au cinéma? Avec qui est Jacques allé au cinéma? Qui is the subject of the verb.
Le verbe faire au présent
Quelle est la question?.
1.Est-ce que tu as un portable? __________________________________________________________ 2. Est-ce que tu as une voiture? __________________________________________________________.
1. Je joue au football. 2. Tu as mangé une pizza. 3. Il va regarder la télévision. 4. Nous allons visiter le musée. 5. Vous avez organisé une visite. 6.
CHORES WITH FAIRE! Brainstorm: which expressions have we already learned with the verb “faire”??
Warm up Why animals ( domestic and wildlife ) are important in the world? Write five sentences expressing your opinion.
Les verbes en -er. –er 5000 –er verbs !!!  They are called REGULAR verbs because about 5000 verbs have the same endings.  It’s a good idea to learn.
Discovering French Nouveau
Prendre and verbs like it. Prendre has three meanings: to take, to eat and to drink. As you have been told prendre is irregular. The following is its.
3 Les Verbes -ER Talking about people’s activities Les normes: –Communication 1.2: Understanding the written and spoken language –Comparisons 4.1: Understanding.
Objective 1: revise holiday activities Objective 2: identify the verb and use it to express opinions of holiday activities Objective 3: identify verbs.
Sujet Objet Les pronoms interrogatifs et relatifs
Warm up There are organizations which advocate animals rights; otherwise the killing of animals to use parts of the bodies for any human need is a violation.
The Passé Composé The past tense in French is referred to as the passé composé. It is made up of two parts! You must always have these two parts to create.
Français 2, 5 Novembre 2014 Read blog comments. Reply to one of them in French. What has three teeth and sixty feet? Tant – so much. Attends! Je ne t’en.
FORMING QUESTIONS ????????????????? ??. 3 WAYS TO ASK YES/NO QUESTIONS 1. Make your voice rise at the end of a sentence (Note: Your voice WILL rise at.
10 Asking the questions “Who?”and “What?” Les normes: Communicaiton 1.2 Comparisons 4.1 Les questions essentielles: How do you say “Who” in French? What.
depuis, il y a, pendant, pour
Les pronoms objets indirects.  Peux-tu identifier les règles des ‘pronoms objets indirects’ en regardant les exemples suivants?
Pour commencer: put these verbs in the present tense 1. Nettoyer (ils) 2. Finir (ils) 3. sortir (ils) 4. Faire (ils) 5. Etre (ils) 6. Avoir (ils) 7. Aller.
How do you conjugate a regular –er verb? You drop the –er Ex: parler  parl jouer  jou travailler  habiter 
Warm up About your dream vacation: Write five sentences about your dream vacation. Can you imagine things you would do once you arrive there. Make sure.
French 101 Important Verbs. The most important French verbs – avoir (to have), être (to be), and faire (to do/make) They are used in some of the ways.
French II Chapter 5 Review. Relative Pronouns: qui means “who” for people means “which” “that” for places and things replaces a noun or phrase which is.
Warm up What type of public and private buildings and type of roads you might expect to see while traveling around a big city in France? How those structures.
Warm up What activities you must (devoir) do every day, every week, or every year in your life. Then write a sentence like: chaque jour, je dois respirer.
Warm up * Fromage, salade, entrée, fruits, and plat principal. Write courses in proper order and add an appropriate food item for each.
Les verbes réfléchis au passé composé
Qu’est-ce que c’est ? C’est un... When a noun is masculine, you’ll use UN as an article. You’ll also refer to it as “il”.
La Revue: Les verbes – ER. La norm: Comparisons 4.1 Understanding the nature of language What is a « regular verb »? How are regular –ER verbs conjugated?
Warm up Comparing the live of animals living in forest transformed into a park for safari-photo to those living in zoo; which ones are better off? Write.
Warm-up Write six sentences in French showing the difference in life- style between a young girl living in a village in Tunisia and your life style in.
Warm up Use reflexive and reciprocal verbs to write few facts about your life. Example: Ce matin, je me suis réveillé (reflexive) à 6 heures; puis je me.
Warm up Dream and write things you want to accomplish before you are 30 years old. Life is about having goals!
Warm up Write down four things that happened to you during the week or on the week end.( so you need to write four sentences)
Warm up As student, do you sometimes have a bad day, which can start in the morning: you did not hear your alarm and you wake up late and miss the bus.
Bienvenue and Welcome to Our French II Live Lesson! We will begin shortly!
La pyramide je Je déteste Je déteste faire
Warm up Write about each chore you do and say how often you have to do them, using French expression such deux fois par semaine, chaque Lundi, souvent,
Warm up Write a five sentences letter to your friend who is planning a trip to Africa. Tell your friend what clothing to bring and what sites to see in.
Warm up Many people go to the gym to lose weight or to stay fit; but eating a good nutrition is very helpful. Write in French the names of fruits and vegetables.
Les titres: la leçon 1: le pronom ‘Y’ la leçon 2: Demander le chemin et indiquer le chemin.
How is it conjugated in the present tense?
8 Les pronoms interrogatifs et relatifs Les normes: Communication 1.2 Comparisons 4.1 Les questions essentielles: - What are the 2 ways to ask the question.
Warm up Life is about making personal choices and decisions; What good habits, as far as nutrition and fitness, you want to keep or adopt and some bad.
Warm up Imagine you went to the fair with friends and one of you is lost (disparue) in the crowd; write 3 things you can do to find your lost friend (include.
Grammaire supplementaire *On page 149, do# 5 * On page 150, do # 6 * On page 152, do # 1 Homework: (p.150) Put verb entre parentheses in passé composé.
La prononciation française Ge gi make a soft jeee sound Ga /Go / G+ consonant harsh G sound généralement génial Manger église gomme goût Géographie gâteaux.
Warm up Think of something funny that can be put on screen. This is my story: long time ago when I came to the USA, a policeman gave me driving ticket.
Le commerce équitable. J’ai…… Je n’ai pas de / d’…. J’ai un frère. J’ai une soeur. J’ai un animal. Je n’ai pas de frère Je n’ai pas de soeur Je n’ai pas.
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Français 2, 2 mars 2015 Ouvrez vos livres à la page 103. Faites Panorama Culturel. What kind of clothes do lawyers wear in court? Dire – to say. Fais ce.
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Journal – le 24 novembre Décrivez la salle de classe. List as many classroom vocab words as you can remember. (Put all written activities in your journal.
Stress Pronouns French 2 Review. Stress Pronouns Moi = me Toi = you Lui =him Elle = her Nous = us Vous = you Eux = them (masc.) Elles = them (fem.) DO.
8 Les pronoms interrogatifs et relatifs Les normes: Communication 1.2 Comparisons 4.1 Les questions essentielles: - What are the 2 ways to ask the question.
Français 1 Aller and Venir Chapter 5, Etape 2. Aller – To go Je vais Tu vas Il/elle/on va Nous allons Vous allez Ils/elles vont.
Par Mme. Cook. Aller means « to go. » Je vais Nous allons Tu vas Vous allez Il Elle va Ils, Elles vont on.
The Passé Composé Regular verbs with avoir Look at the following 3 sentences. Ali played football yesterday They have visited Paris 3 times We did tidy.
Thanksgiving is around the corner. Using your smart phone find French names of food you are expecting to share with your family.
The Passé Composé Objective: to talk about things we have done on a visit to explain what events happened to speak and write about events in the past.
Dossier 2 depuis, il y a, pendant, pour. If you are asking a question about the duration of an action that began in the past and still continues in the.
AVOIR Quick review of the conjugation of the verb AVOIR  J’ai  tu as  Il/elle a  Nous avons  Vous avez  Ils/ells ont.
OBJECT PRONOUNS WITH THE PASSÉ COMPOSÉ Page 122. Placement  With all object pronouns, placement is the same. DirectIndirectPlaces De+ nouns or ideas.
It is necessary to do something Il faut + un verbe à l’infinitif.
Allez, viens! Chapitre 5. Première Étape Future choices and plans.
Ma journée. Reflexive verbs: Verbs which need ‘me’ between the ‘je’ and the rest of the verb are called reflexive verbs. Je me lève Je me lave Je me douche.
Transcription de la présentation:

* Our dreams are not written on stone; so write three careers that will make you happy anyway and why. Minimum five sentences!

** On page 132:the following cd 5 Tr. 2 is very, very important; make sure that you understand everything. Remember, we did played it before !!!

On p Asking and expressing intentions; expressing conditions and possibilities: To ask about intentions: Qu’est ce que tu as l’intention de faire in juillet? Qu’est ce que tu comptes faire cet été?

To express about intentions: J’ai l’intention de partir en vacances. Je compte passer mon permis cet été. To express conditions: Si je réussi mon bac. J’entrerai à l’université. Si j’habite à Dakar, je chercherai un travail. To express possibilités: Peut-être que je travaillerai. Maybe…

II se peut que je fasse un apprentissage. It might be that… * II est possible que je fasse des études de médecine. It’s possible that… ***Note that you use the subjunctive with the expressions II se peut que and II est possible que.

* On page 133, Do #7, Cd Tr. 3 ** Cahier d’activités, Act. 4-6 **Relearning the subjunctive of regular verbs. Review subjunctive on chapter 3 Handouts: Travaux p. de G. pp Act.5-7