Warm up As student, do you sometimes have a bad day, which can start in the morning: you did not hear your alarm and you wake up late and miss the bus.


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ever for This presentation requires PowerPoint XP or later.
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Le Verbe Avoir L’Objectif: to learn the verb avoir in the present tense and to be able to use it in context By: B. Antoniazzi DDE French 1 U1 L2C AVOIR.
Ma journée. Reflexive verbs: Verbs which need ‘me’ between the ‘je’ and the rest of the verb are called reflexive verbs. Je me lève Je me lave Je me douche.
Transcription de la présentation:

Warm up As student, do you sometimes have a bad day, which can start in the morning: you did not hear your alarm and you wake up late and miss the bus. The very same day, you get bad grade,… What is a bad day for you? Write a minimum of 6 sentences.

Speaking French while in France (Sam, the American ) * See the end of the youtube! * What is a bad day for the two girls (Sacha and Annie) or for Sam? * Did you feel that you could introduce yourself in French… Bonjour! Je m’appelle Mary; je viens des États Unis d’Amérique. * Did you recognize French words and expressions you already know.

Video (cont.) Words and expressions: on va te montrer ta chambre; tu va dormir ici(in the couch); je m’appelle; tu es Américan. Les hommes, les filles, garçon, je vais au salle de bain, le musée, II travaille au musée, jouer avec les petites voitures, tu es rich, qu’est-ce que tu fais ici, les amis, faire connaissace ( get to know each other), le lit, enseigne Sam le Français,…

Chapter 5: Quelle journée! * Objectives: You will learn… Unit one: * express concern for someone Unit two: * inquire * express satisfaction and frustration * sympathize with and console Someone Unit three: * give reasons and make excuses * congratulate and reprimand someone

Studies in France *L’école maternelle ( preschool): for children of 2 to 6 years old. *L’enseignement primaire:: for chilren 5 years old. *L’enseignement secondaire: in college lasts for four years ( children from eleven to fifteen years old; Le lycée prepare for diploma ( le bac)  university

Mise en Train: C’est pas mon jour! Cd 5, Tr.1- 2 What does it means? / vocabulary *Mon réveil n’a pas sonné. * …je suis arrivée à l’école en retard. * J’avais oublié mes devoirs! *…j’ai eu à mon interro (quiz) de maths…10! On page 132, do # 1, 2, 3, 4 ** Homework. **Exit!!!