Industrialization & Urbanization 2 phases of industrialization: – Phase 1  1860-1900 – Phase 2  1901-1929 1870-1901: – The National Policy helps Canadian.


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Transcription de la présentation:

Industrialization & Urbanization 2 phases of industrialization: – Phase 1  – Phase 2  : – The National Policy helps Canadian industries do well  protects them against U.S. competition Industries start to change… Artisans (make products one at a time)  factories (mass production  make a lot in a day)

Industrialization & Urbanization Ingredients for industrialization: 1.Cheap labour (workers)  immigrants / french Canadians 2.Capital($$$)  money to invest 3.Raw materials (wood, leather, etc.) 4.Transportation  Railways / boats 5.Energy  Coal / steam engines 6.A place to sell your products / goods « market »

Industrialization & Urbanization Industries / factories started using steam engines Steam engines allow for more products to be made in one day Steam engines needed lots of coal to power them

Industrialization & Urbanization Who profited from industrialization? In Québec: Montréal  a big city with a large population  « cheap labour », railways that connect with the rest of Canada, access to a port to ship products by boat, people that can invest money in industries The Rest of Canada: The province of Ontario (Toronto) benefits the most

DomaineCaractéristiques TechnologieMoteur a vapeur  utilise charbon Capital ($$$)Majoritairement anglais  hommes anglais son les propriétaires des industries TransportChemin de fer pour transporter les matières premières et produits manufacturer Choix du site pour les usines/ industriesEn villes (Montréal, etc.)  proche de bassin de population/ligne de chemin de fer/transport maritime Champs de l’industrialisation Alimentation, cuir, textile, vêtement, bois, fer, acier Marché viséMarché local / Canadienne Main-d'œuvre (gens qui travaille dans les usines) “CHEAP LABOUR”

Artisans  no machines Before the first stage of industrialization

From Artisans to Industrialization

Montreal  access to ports and railways

Factories  Using machines powered by steam engines

Stitching collars on mens’ shirts (Montreal)

Large factory in Montreal

Machines powered by steam engines

Investing money: Montreal Stock Exchange & Banks

YearPeople working in industry Total population of Quebec Percentage of workers in industry ,600890,0001.8% ,3001,112,0002.3% ,0001,192,0003.3% ,7001,359,0004.0% ,6001,489,0004.9% ,0001,649,0007.8%

Industrialization & Urbanization Urbanization  people moving into cities / cities getting bigger Industrialization = more jobs = more workers needed = URBANIZATION  cities get BIGGER! No work in rural areas (farms)  people move to cities for work Industrialization made people move to cities faster

Urban population of the province of Quebec 14.9%19.9%36.1% Population of Montréal 57, , , 730 Population of Québec (city) 42, 05259, 69968, 840 Population of Sherbrooke 2, 9984, 43211, 765

Industrialization & Urbanization Living in cities  difficult life for most… Living conditions in cities (1870s-1901): Poor hygienic conditions City services do not meet demands  garbage collection, sewer system, outdoor toilets. Affluence (being rich) VS. Poverty

Industrialization & Urbanization Situation for the poor: Houses too close to each other  fire hazards Flooding in the spring Bad ventilation in houses  people get very sick/ tuberculosis / typhoid/ scarlet fever Horrible smells  houses close to barns, slaughter houses Wealthy people  large houses, good food, ect.

Home of a lower class family (or families) in Montreal  late 1800s

Home of an upper class family in Montreal  late 1800s

Living room of an upper class family in Montreal  late 1800s

Cartoon showing the situation in industrial / lower class neighborhoods in Montreal not sanitary diseases  death

Industrialization & Urbanization Working conditions for the factory worker: Work week = 6 days (60 to 72 hours) No social security if you lose your job… Children working in factories Punishment of fines for bosses if you make a mistake Dangerous conditions  too cold / hot, injuries from the machines, etc. Supervisors harass / beat workers

Industrialization & Urbanization Children started working at 8 years old  to help the family « make ends meet » Woman were asked (forced) to work up to 72 hours a week Employers preferred women and children as workers  they were more docile and easier to control

Weekly salaries in Montréal  1889 Type of workMenWomenChildren Cotton weaving $4.80-$6.00$4.50-$4.80$1.50-$5.00 clothing$6.00-$9.00$3.50-$ Tobacco$6.00-$8.50$1.50-$3.75$1.50-$5.00 Shoe making$6.00-$16.00$1.50-$

Industrialization & Urbanization Working condition for women ( ) Almost the same work as men  paid 60% the salary of a man… Role of the woman at home: mother, wife, procreation (have lots of babies) Aged quickly  stress, children, work Preassure from the Catholic church  have big families Women in the church  nuns…

Industrialisation & Urbanisation Les femmes était considérée comme un être faible et inférieur… Pour échapper à la vie dure  les femmes sont devenues des religieuses (sœurs/nuns) Nombre de religieuses (Québec) en 1851  650 En 1901  6, 628 DROIT DE VOTE POUR LES FEMMES  NON