1 Un Partenariat global pour accélérer le progrès vers les OMD grâce à lÉducation des populations rurales (EPR) A Global Partnership to accelerate progress towards MDGs through Education for Rural People (ERP)
2 ERP is a WSSD partnership bridging: the agriculture and education sectors efforts WFS and EFA aims and strategies LEPR est un partenariat du SMDD qui relie: Les efforts dans les domaines de léducation et de lagriculture Les objectifs et les stratégies du SMA et de lEPT
3 Why ERP ? WSSD: Only with cross sector collaboration we can ensure imaginative, coherent and integrated initiative to tackle most intractable problems Isolation is inefficient, leads to competition, and duplication, wasting of valuable resources and to a blame culture.
4 Value added by ERP flagship A focus on MDGs & PRSPs A dynamic intersectoral approach to WFS and EFA La valeur ajoutée du partenariat EPR Une convergence sur les OMD et le Cadre Strategique de Croissance et de la Lutte contre la Pauvrété (CSLP) Un approche dynamique et inter-sectorielle á SMA et EPT
5 Main results - cont New alliances between more than 300 partners (Gov. CSO. IO)300 partners ERP integrated into national RD and EFA policies (Kosovo, China, Venezuela, Mozambique, etc)Kosovo Capacity developed at national, regional and international level Capacity developed at national, regional and international level Research results incorporated in national policies Research results Les principaux résultats – cont Nouvelles alliances parmi plus de 300 partenaires (Gov. OSC, OI)plus de 300 partenaires LEPR intégrée dans les DR nationaux et les politiques de lEPT (Kosovo, Chine, Vénézuela, Mozambique, etc)Kosovo Competences et capacités développée aux niveaux national, régional et international Competences et capacités développée aux niveaux national, régional et international Résultats des recherches incorporées dans les politiques nationales. Résultats des recherches
6 Constraints Inability to access external resources Competitiveness among sectors Intolerance (of other sectors)
7 Managing the partnership Light informal coordination mechanism in FAO fostering: advocacy information sharing and knowledge management Capacity building Global policy making Technical assistance to global, regional or local initiatives
8 Managing the partnership FOR THE WORKING GROUPS TO DISCUSS What can each partner bring to the partnership? Information Products Expertise Relationships (with donors, policy makers, community groups, media, academia, civil society…) People ( seconded, volunteers and interns, administrative support Resources Common initiatives (such as today's one …and …)
9 Managing the partnership FOR THE WORKING GROUPS TO DISCUSS What can each partner bring to the ERP partnership: Local alliances Local consultations Local learning and capacity building on ERP National activities planned together by MOE and MOA
10 The ERP Challenge: more, differently and better More investments for rural people Address high unit costs Promote compensatory strategies Le défi de lEPR: plus, différemment et mieux Plus dinvestissements en faveur des populations rurales Faire face aux coùts unitaires élevés Promouvoir des stratégies de compensation
11 The ERP Challenge: more, differently and better Diversity of situation and needs Targeted, diversified strategies and supply Intersectoral collaboration Partnership: State – Civil Society – Private sector Le défi de lEPR: plus, différemment et mieux Reconnaissance de la diversité des situations et des besoins Diversification des stratégies et provision des services ciblés et diversifiés Collaboration inter-sectorielle Partenariat : Etat – Société civile – Secteur privé
12 We are having success if ERP is sustainable and self managing in each country The partnership has an added value in which individual partners gain significant benefits by: Sharing good experiences Learning from each other Collaborating in a competitive world. Getting political impact and financial support that individual partners would not receive in isolation
13 Group 1 -Advocacy and coalitions in support of ERP (ADEA, FAR, etc) Group 2 -3 Trends and modalities in inter-sectoral approaches and collaboration (PRSPs, ONE UN,...) and RP in the context of national, regional and international partnerships, initiatives, organizations (Kossovo, FTI, NEPAD,...) Group 4- Committed universities and III education- contribution to ERP, and rural development
14 Education for rural people key for a sustainable world LEducation pour les populations rurales: la clé pour un monde durable