Notes for the teacher: This PowerPoint is designed to accompany the sound file Touchez un crayon which has instructions to either touch or show 8 classroom.


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Transcription de la présentation:

Notes for the teacher: This PowerPoint is designed to accompany the sound file Touchez un crayon which has instructions to either touch or show 8 classroom objects. There are several ways in which this can be used. Here are some suggestions: Pupils come up to the board, individually or in a pair, listen and touch the correct item on the board. After youve used the sound file, you can use the pictures to make up your own exercise. There are 3 different sets of the pictures for further practice. Print out the slides and give a copy to each pupil. They have to listen and touch the correct picture on the sheet. They can then give each other instructions in the same way. You could surreptitiously delete one picture to play Quest-ce qui manque? (Kims game) ©MFL Sunderland 2008 CS/IR Transcript: 1. Touchez un crayon 2. Touchez une fenêtre 3. Montrez-moi une table 4. Touchez une porte 5. Montrez-moi un cahier 6. Montrez-moi un ordinateur 7. Touchez une chaise 8. Montrez-moi un stylo