1 Semester 1 French 1 Final Review Game A Mme. D..


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Transcription de la présentation:

1 Semester 1 French 1 Final Review Game A Mme. D.

2 Game directions: Each slide contains a problem/question. Students play in teams of 4-5 players. Each team has a whiteboard and marker. Teams keep their own scores on their whiteboards. When it is your teams turn, you give the answer aloud after 20 seconds. A different person must speak for your team each time! A correct answer earns your team 2 points. When it is not your turn, you can still earn 1 point by writing the correct answer before the playing team responds. Rotate the board within the group each round.

3 Ready? On your mark…. Get set… Go!

4 Category 1: QUESTION & ANSWER a. Read the question in French. b. Select the logical, appropriate answer as a group. c. Read the WHOLE answer aloud. (Remember: A different person must speak aloud each turn!)

5 1. ¿Comment ça va? A.Je vais en France. B.Ça va bien. C.Il va au Canada. Remember, read the whole answer aloud, not just the letter!

6 2. Où habites-tu? A.Je veux habiter en Californie. B.Tu habites en France. C.Jhabite en France. Remember, read the whole answer aloud, not just the letter!

7 3. Tu aimes aller à lécole? A.Non, je naime pas aller à lécole. B.Je vais à lécole. C.Tu aimes aller à lécole. Remember, read the whole answer aloud, not just the letter!

8 4. ¿Où habite ton frère? A.Jhabite avec mon frère. B.Il habite au Canada, avec mon cousin. C.Tu habites avec moi.

9 5. Qui est la femme? A.Elle naime pas ma mère. B.Elle est dans lauditorium. C.Cest ma tante, Christine.

10 6. Comment sappelle ton prof? A.Non, cest faux. B.Il sappelle Luc. C.Je mappelle Luc.

11 7. Où va Marc? A.Il va chez Mme. D. B.Cest mon oncle. C.Il va être prof.

12 8. Quelle heure est-il? A.3 p.m. B.Il est trois heures et quart. C.Il fait beau.

13 9. Quel jour de la semaine est-ce aujourdhui? A.Cest le 8 novembre. B. Cest mercredi. C. Il est une heure.

Quand il neige, quel temps fait-il? A.Il fait froid. B.Il fait chaud. C.Il pleut.

15 Category 2: Clothing True or False: What are they wearing? a. Look at the picture. b. Read the statement about what he/she is wearing. c. Decide if the statement is vrai ou faux.

16 1. Marie porte une robe courte. Cest vrai. Marie is wearing a short dress. Marie Antoine

17 2. Marie porte une jupe noire. Cest faux. Marie is not wearing a black skirt. Marie Antoine

18 3. Antoine porte les chaussures noires. Cest vrai. Antoine is wearing black shoes. Marie Antoine

19 4. Marie a un sac et les chaussettes. Cest faux. Marie has a purse, but no socks. Marie Antoine

20 4. Antoine ne porte pas un pantalon noir. Cest faux. Antoine is wearing black pants. Marie Antoine

21 Category 3: Description opposites: Ton meilleur ami, Frédéric. To describe your best friend Frédéric, complete each statement with the appropriate, opposite word. Read the complete statement with the missing word aloud.

22 1. Il a les cheveux courts. Il na pas les cheveux _____.

23 2. Il nest pas gros. Il est _______.

24 3. Il nest pas moche. Il est _____.

25 4. Il nest pas intelligent. Il est _____.

26 5. Il nest pas grand. Il est _____.

27 6. Il na pas les cheveux bruns. Il a les cheveux _____.

28 Category 4: Answering personal questions a. Read the question in French. b. Select the logical, appropriate answer as a group. c. Read the WHOLE answer aloud. (Remember: A different person must speak aloud each turn!)

29 1. Combien de personnes est- ce quil y a dans ta famille? A.Ma famille est grande. B.Jai une soeur. C.Il y a 4 personnes dans ma famille.

30 2. Quel âge as-tu? A.Tu as 15 ans. B.Jai 15 ans. C.Oui, cest mon anniversaire.

31 3. Cest quand, ton anniversaire? A.Cest le 21 décembre. B.Oui, cest mon anniversaire. C.Aujourdhui, cest lundi.

32 4. Comment est ta mère? A.Nous habitons à Chicago. B.Elle a un chien. C.Elle est grande et sympa.

33 5. Comment sappelle la soeur de ta mère? A.Ma tante? Elle sappelle Jeanne. B.Ma cousine? Elle sappelle Jeanne. C.Ma grand-mère? Elle sappelle Jeanne.

34 Category 5: Verbs: Fill in the blank a. Read the sentence. b. Use the English word bank to determine the missing word. c. Fill in the blank with the French verb (in the INFINITIVE form!).

35 to buy to travel to visitto finish to eat to be to go to have to talk to dance 1.Jadore la musique africaine. Je veux ________. I love African music. I want to dance.

36 to buy to travel to visitto finish to eat to be to go to have to talk to dance 2. Je vais __________ français avec mes cousins qui habitent en France. Im going to speak French with my cousins who live in France.

37 3. Un jour, je vais ___________ docteur ou peut-être (maybe) architecte. One day, Im going to be a doctor or maybe an architect. to buy to travel to visitto finish to eat to be to go to have to talk to dance

38 4. Mon ami, Jacques, veut ____________ une nouvelle voiture rouge pour $1800. My friend, Jacques, wants to buy a new red car for $1800. to buy to travel to visitto finish to eat to be to go to have to talk to dance

39 5. Je veux bien ___________ en Europe. Jaime voir les cultures différentes. I really want to go to Europe. I like to see different cultures. to buy to visitto finish to eat to be to go to have to talk to dance

40 6. Pour aller en Europe, il faut ________ un passeport. To go to Europe, it is necessary to have a passport. to buy to travel to visitto finish to eat to be to go to have to talk to dance

41 7. Caroline aime ____________ la pizza après lécole. Caroline likes to eat pizza after school. to buy to travel to visitto finish to eat to be to go to have to talk to dance