Commission Européenne - Direction Générale de lÉnergie et des Transports Mariàngels Pérez Latorre 1 European Commission AER Committee C Meeting EU Energy Policy and the Lisbon and Goteborg Strategy Mariàngels Pérez Latorre Exeter, Devon 20 Octobre 2005 The Regions and the Lisbon Strategy
Commission Européenne - Direction Générale de lÉnergie et des Transports Mariàngels Pérez Latorre 2 European Commission Where are we? l Constant increase in global consumption mainly in transport and households, l Constant increase in electricity production, Consequently: l In spite high increase in renewable production its share in total consumption stagnates, The Energy Sector in Europe, EU-25
Commission Européenne - Direction Générale de lÉnergie et des Transports Mariàngels Pérez Latorre 3 European Commission Gross Energy Consumption EU-25
Commission Européenne - Direction Générale de lÉnergie et des Transports Mariàngels Pérez Latorre 4 European Commission Gross Energy Consumption EU-25, 1725 Mtoe in 2005
Commission Européenne - Direction Générale de lÉnergie et des Transports Mariàngels Pérez Latorre 5 European Commission Gross Energy Consumption EU-25 Renewable Sources
Commission Européenne - Direction Générale de lÉnergie et des Transports Mariàngels Pérez Latorre 6 European Commission Gross Energy Consumption EU-25 Biomass and Waste
Commission Européenne - Direction Générale de lÉnergie et des Transports Mariàngels Pérez Latorre 7 European Commission Community Legislation l RES Elect. Directive l Bio-fuels Directive l Directive on the taxation of energy products l Buildings Directive l CHP Directive l Eco-design Directive l Energy Services Directive
Commission Européenne - Direction Générale de lÉnergie et des Transports Mariàngels Pérez Latorre 8 European Commission Community Programmes l Research on RES (since 1974) l FP RTD (since 1984) l SAVE ( since 1992) l Altener (since 1994) l Intelligent Energy Europe ( ) CIP ( ) l Support to local agencies l Public Awareness Campaigns
Commission Européenne - Direction Générale de lÉnergie et des Transports Mariàngels Pérez Latorre 9 European Commission Which is the current situation at EU level? l At EU level the legislative framework is almost completed with measures taken in both renewable and efficiency fields, l Research, innovation and other energy related programmes support projects in both fields Is this enough ?
Commission Européenne - Direction Générale de lÉnergie et des Transports Mariàngels Pérez Latorre 10 European Commission Where we are (1) Trends in last 10 years: l Increase in consumption l Increase in RES production, but l Stagnation of RES share on gross energy consumption l Poor action on energy efficiency l Weak market penetration compared with actual progress in technology+innovation in Europe
Commission Européenne - Direction Générale de lÉnergie et des Transports Mariàngels Pérez Latorre 11 European Commission Where we are (2) Persistent Weakness: l Lack of development of mid and long term l Deficit of public/private partnership l Lack of coordinated action in both demand and supply sides Deficit of cities/regions partnership l Lack of awareness of both decision makers and consumers
Commission Européenne - Direction Générale de lÉnergie et des Transports Mariàngels Pérez Latorre 12 European Commission Main Priorities Legislation l Improve energy efficiency l Biomass & Biofuels Action Plan Financial Perspectives ( ) l RTD FP 7 th l Intelligent Energy Europe - Competitiveness & Innovation Programme l Structural Funds
Commission Européenne - Direction Générale de lÉnergie et des Transports Mariàngels Pérez Latorre 13 European Commission Green Paper on Energy Efficiency Doing more with less COM(2005)265 final of Main figures: l Savings, by 2020, the equivalent to 20% of current EU energy consumption l Savings, by 2020, 60million per year or l Saving combined energy consumption of both Germany and Finland
Commission Européenne - Direction Générale de lÉnergie et des Transports Mariàngels Pérez Latorre 14 European Commission Biomass Action Plan l Current use (2002): 61 Mtoe/year l Objective 2010: 135 Mtoe/year Efforts to reach 2010 objective of 12% l Electricity: + 32 Mtoe/year l Heat: + 24 Mtoe/year l Biofuels: + 18 Mtoe/year
Commission Européenne - Direction Générale de lÉnergie et des Transports Mariàngels Pérez Latorre 15 European Commission EU support programmes RTD FP 7 th l In FP 6 th actions as Concerto and Civitas are devoted to demonstrate how to integrate RES & RUE. Good examples available useful to develop energy planning in regions and cities
Commission Européenne - Direction Générale de lÉnergie et des Transports Mariàngels Pérez Latorre 16 PV for buildings Renewable Energies Wind Biomass and waste Small Hydro Geothermal Solar energy Ocean Energy RTD: capacity increases, efficiency increases, cost reductions
Commission Européenne - Direction Générale de lÉnergie et des Transports Mariàngels Pérez Latorre 17 European Commission RTD FP 7 th - Chapter 5. Energy l Hydrogen and fuel cells l Renewable electricity generation l Renewable fuel production l Renewables for heating and cooling l Energy savings and energy efficiency l CO2 capture and storage technologies for zero emission power generation l Clean coal technologies l Smart energy networks l Knowledge for energy policy making
Commission Européenne - Direction Générale de lÉnergie et des Transports Mariàngels Pérez Latorre 18 European Commission EU support programmes IE-E in CIP l Intelligent Energy Europe I building in Altener and Save I & II supports capacity building action in energy, including regional or local legislation development and implementation, and promotional action to raise awareness in energy matters
Commission Européenne - Direction Générale de lÉnergie et des Transports Mariàngels Pérez Latorre 19 European Commission EU Public Awareness Campaign Sustainable Energy Europe l l Funded under EI-E l Budget of million euro 3.7 l Lunched in June 2005 by Energy Commissioner Mr. Piebalgs l Information in
Commission Européenne - Direction Générale de lÉnergie et des Transports Mariàngels Pérez Latorre 20 European Commission
Commission Européenne - Direction Générale de lÉnergie et des Transports Mariàngels Pérez Latorre 21 European Commission Main Priorities Sustainable Energy Europe focuses on main sustainable energy sectors that contribute to the Community Strategy on Sustainable Development: l Renewable energy sources l Energy efficiency l Clean transport and fuels
Commission Européenne - Direction Générale de lÉnergie et des Transports Mariàngels Pérez Latorre 22 European Commission Aim of the Campaign Sustainable Energy Europe is designed to bring about a genuine change in behavior by the main players concerned so they commit themselves to move towards efficient, clean and sustainable energy production and consumption schemes
Commission Européenne - Direction Générale de lÉnergie et des Transports Mariàngels Pérez Latorre 23 Campaigning Areas Sustainable Energy Cities Sustainable Energy Towns Sustainable Energy Islands Sustainable Energy Co-operation Sustainable Energy Buildings Sustainable Energy Lighting & Appliances Sustainable Energy Transport Sustainable Energy Promotion European Commission
Commission Européenne - Direction Générale de lÉnergie et des Transports Mariàngels Pérez Latorre 24 European Commission Main activities Sustainable Energy Europe campaign will be supported by the following: LOGO – WEB SITE – SUSTAINABLE ENERGY PARTNERSHIPS – SUPPORT TO PARTNERS – AWARDS – ANNUAL CONFERENCE – MEDIA CONTACTS – EXHIBITION & TRADE SHOWS – PUBLICATIONS – VIDEOS – NEWS RELEASES
Commission Européenne - Direction Générale de lÉnergie et des Transports Mariàngels Pérez Latorre 25 European Commission Privileged partners Sustainable Energy Europe will support main stakeholders promotional activity : National governments - Regions - Municipalities - Energy agencies – Energy services companies - Industry manufacturers – Utilities – Energy companies – Building developers - Agro and forest industry - Consumers assoc. Industry and farmers assoc. - Financial institutions - Domestic and external trade assoc. - Non-government organizations – Cooperation institutions
Commission Européenne - Direction Générale de lÉnergie et des Transports Mariàngels Pérez Latorre 26 Thank you for your Attention Mariàngels Pérez Latorre European Commission