Reflexive Verbs in French


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Reflexive Verbs in French
Transcription de la présentation:

Reflexive Verbs in French

What are ‘Reflexive Verbs’ ? In English and in French reflexive verbs are doing words which you do to yourself. I wash myself I get myself up I call myself Je me lave. Je me leve. Je m’ appelle.

Let’s remind ourselves what verbs are all about. ……

Verbs are doing, being or having words.

Here are some common examples acheter ecouter regarder aimer aller avoir finir faire lire to buy to listen to watch to like to go to have to finish to do to read } end in ‘er’ } end in ‘ir’ } end in ‘re’

In English and French, verb endings change when linked to a PRONOUN. Why do verbs change ? In English and French, verb endings change when linked to a PRONOUN. PRONOUN (I) (you) (he) (she) je tu il elle nous vous ils elles (we) (you) (they)

We’ll concentrate on the most common form – ‘er’ verbs Patterns Luckily most verb endings in French follow a regular pattern. The pattern depends on whether the VERB INFINITIVE ends in: ‘er’ – habiter aimer ‘ir’ – finir choisir ‘re’ – vendre attendre We’ll concentrate on the most common form – ‘er’ verbs

Verbs ending in ‘er’: e.g. ‘habiter’ – ‘to live’ e es ons ez ent Take off ‘er’, add e es ons ez ent e.g. ‘habiter’ – ‘to live’ (je) j’ tu il elle nous vous ils elles habite habites habitons habitez habitent (I) (you) (he) (she) (we) (they) (live) (lives)

Here are some examples of reflexive verbs se laver se lever s’ appeler se reveiller se doucher s’ habiller se coucher to wash (oneself) to get (oneself) up to call (oneself) to wake (oneself) up to shower (oneself) to get (oneself) dressed / to dress to get (oneself) to bed / to go to bed

What is so different about reflexive verbs ?

It changes depending on who is speaking (the pronoun). In French, the ‘reflexive’ part of the verb (reflexive pronoun) also changes, as well as the verb ending. It changes depending on who is speaking (the pronoun). (I call myself) Je m’ appelle (ending changes) main verb pronoun reflexivepronoun

Here is how it changes: e.g. ‘se laver’ – ‘to wash (oneself)’ je tu il elle nous vous ils elles me te se nous vous lave laves lavons lavez lavent I you he she we they wash washes myself yourself himself herself ourselves themselves

Remember, we have to change the ‘se’ part of the verb, and the verb ending, depending on the pronoun.

Now try these simple exercises: Change the verb in brackets to it’s correct form. Je (se appeller) Bob. Il (se appeller) Bob. Comment tu (se appeller). Je (se lever) à six heures. Nous (se coucher) à onze heures. Elle (se reveiller) quand ? Vous (se laver) à dix heures Ils (se doucher) à sept heures. Je m’ appelle Bob. Il s’ appelle Bob. Comment tu t’ appelles ? Je me leve à six heures. Nous nous couchons à onze heures. Elle se reveille quand ? Vous vous lavez à dix heures. Ils se douchent à sept heures. …easy…

Again, change the verb ‘avoir’ to it’s correct form. So try these too: Again, change the verb ‘avoir’ to it’s correct form. Nous (se habiller). Vous (se lever) tot. Je (se laver) doucement. Elles (se reveiller) a cinq heures. Tu (se laver) les dents. Vous (se appeller) M. Shrimpton. Tu (se coucher) tard. Je (se lever) a sept heures. Nous nous habillons. Vous vous levez tot. Je me lave doucement. Elles se reveillent a cinq heures. Tu te laves les dents. Vous vous appellez M Shrimpton. Tu te couches tard. Je me leve a sept heures. …Well done !!

(It’s a bit more tricky in the past tense). That’s it !! (It’s a bit more tricky in the past tense).