Subjontif apres superlatif
Qui est la plus grande personne que tu connaisses? __________ est la plus grande personne que je connaisse. La plus grande personne que je connaisse est ___________.
Quel est le film le plus terrible que vous ayez vu? Le film le plus terrible que jaie vu est ___________. ______________ est le film le plus terrible que jaie vu.
Quel est le meilleur film que vous ayez vu? Le meilleur film que jaie vu est ___________. _____________ est le meilleur film que jaie vu.
Quel est le livre le plus interessant que vous ayez lu? Le livre le plus interessant que jaie lu est __________. __________ est le livre le plus interessant que jaie lu.
Qui est la personne la plus serieuse que tu connaisses? __________ est la personne la plus serieuse que je connaisse.
Quel est le cours le plus difficile que vous ayez eu à BP? ____________ est le cours le plus difficile que jaie eu à BP.
Subj. after: Seul(e) premier(e) dernier(e)
Qui etait le premier prof que tu aies connu à BP? ______________ etait le premier prof que jaie connu à BP.
Qui est la seule personne qui te comprenne le mieux? La seule personne qui me comprenne le mieux est ______________. ___________ est la seule personne qui me comprenne le mieux.
Quels sont tes derniers mots que tu dises aux eleves de BP? Les derniers mots que je dise aux eleves de BP sont ______________.
Packet O and P A faire ensemble…
la fete americaine ensemble
Project: Things that are the MOST in the world The il fauts: 8 different adjectives used in the superlative with the subjunctif following. 8 pts A picture for each one, neat, colorful. 4pts Big enough for Mme. to read and see from 5 paces away. 4pts Correct French. 8pts
Examples in English: The silliest thing in the world that I know of is a chicken in a frog costume. The best book in the world that I have read is… The stickiest thing in the world that I have been stuck to is a 400,000 lb wad of bubble gum.
Project: Things that are the MOST in the world The il fauts: 8 different adjectives used in the superlative with the subjunctif following. 8 pts A picture for each one, neat, colorful. 4pts Big enough for Mme. to read and see from 5 paces away. 4pts Correct French. 8pts
Examples in English: The silliest thing in the world that I know of is a chicken in a frog costume. The best book in the world that I have read is… The stickiest thing in the world that I have been stuck to is a 400,000 lb wad of bubble gum.
Project: Things that are the MOST in the world The il fauts: 8 different adjectives used in the superlative with the subjunctif following. 8 pts A picture for each one, neat, colorful. 4 pts Big enough for Mme. to read and see from 5 paces away. 4pts Correct French. 8pts
Examples in English: The silliest thing in the world that I know of is a chicken in a frog costume. The best book in the world that I have read is… The stickiest thing in the world that I have been stuck to is a 400,000 lb wad of bubble gum.