HIER Passé Composé: a precise moment in time
A minuit Passé Composé: a precise moment in time
Fréquemment Imparfait: a continuous, habitual, or repeated action
Mercredi dernier Passé Composé: a precise moment in time
SOUVENT Imparfait: a continuous, habitual, or repeated action
CE MATIN Passé Composé: a precise moment in time
UN JOUR Passé Composé: a precise moment in time
TOUJOURS Imparfait: a continuous, habitual, or repeated action
TOUTES LES SEMAINES Imparfait: a continuous, habitual, or repeated action
TOUS LES PRINTEMPS Imparfait: a continuous, habitual, or repeated action
LA SEMAINE DERNIERE Passé Composé: a precise moment in time
A 19h34 Passé Composé: a precise moment in time
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