Warm up Think of a beach you have been or you have seen pictures of. Make a list of words you associate with a beach.


Présentations similaires
avoir = to have être = to be

Français La mémoire (2) Les phrases. Nous allons…
Je ne vais pas voyager cet été.
Moi, le week-end je vais aller en France dans ma voiture verte!
Share A Confidence J’ai un petit problèm. I’ve got a little problem.
Oops j’aime pas l’anglais
Mes activités.
Unité 1: Faisons Connaissance Leçon 2 Famille et copains
Notes les novembre SAVOIR et CONNAÎTRE The verbs savoir and connaître both mean to know, but they are not interchangeable.
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Warm up You probably know the names of your clothes ( you are wearing today) in English; using your smart phones, find equivalents of those names in French.
Le Comparatif et le Superlatif
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Warm up How much of colors do you like for you clothes, how much of make up. Do you like strong fragrance?
Forming questions in French
A. Le comparatif p.234 Comparative constructions are used to compare people or things. Cet hôtel est aussi moderne que l’autre. This hotel is as modern.
La nourriture française
2 Le Pronom « EN » Referring to people, places and things already mentioned La norme: –Communication 1.2 –Comparisons 4.1 * Les questions essentielles:
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Spot the odd one out! L’histoire J’aime le dessin La technologie
Warm up What activities you must (devoir) do every day, every week, or every year in your life. Then write a sentence like: chaque jour, je dois respirer.
Warm up * Fromage, salade, entrée, fruits, and plat principal. Write courses in proper order and add an appropriate food item for each.
Year 10. Bon appetit unit. Introducing ‘en’. ‘en’ – ‘some of it’ or ‘some of them’ ‘En’ is a small but important word in French that is commonly used.
As tu des freres et des soeurs
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Warm up Life is about making personal choices and decisions; What good habits, as far as nutrition and fitness, you want to keep or adopt and some bad.
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Sharing confidences and consoling others; asking for and giving advice.
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Warm up List four good and two unfortunate things that happened to you during the past week.
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 C’est à toi 1 – Unité 6 - En voyage Nous avons visité Paris.
Verb  a word that show action or a state of being.  Examples: run, jump, play, talk, listen  In English, we just the verb “to be” to describe how people.
Nous parlons des matières Buts: To be able to give extended opinions on school subjects To express agreement or disagreement.
 I am a new student in your school. You invite me for lunch. You start the conversation.
Spot the odd one out! L’histoire J’aime le dessin La technologie La musique Les sciences J’adore le sport L’anglais Le français Les mathématiques Je déteste.
LES ARTICLES le français 1. Discussion Read the statements below and then discuss the questions. J’ai une amie française. Elle s’appelle Anne. J’ai un.
We all ready know two French verbs. What are they?
Mes préférences At the end of this lesson; you will be able to:
Section 1 Part A (Video in book)
Le passé composé J’ai regardé la TV Tu as joué au foot Il est allé au cinema Elle a acheté des bonbon 1. what do those sentences have in common ? 2. What.
Le 8-9 novembre. L’examen Pass up your study guides Spread your desks out You MUST write with a pencil Place your test on my desk when you are finished.
Le Verbe Avoir L’Objectif: to learn the verb avoir in the present tense and to be able to use it in context By: B. Antoniazzi DDE French 1 U1 L2C AVOIR.
L’IMPÉRATIF. IMPERATIVE is another word for COMMAND. Imperatives tell people to do or not to do things. The imperative starts with the verb. This is similar.
Vocabulaire électronique. I’m pretty good at... Je suis assez bon (bonne) en...
Sous la mer, il y a ... Activities.
Allez, viens! Chapitre 10.
Transcription de la présentation:

Warm up Think of a beach you have been or you have seen pictures of. Make a list of words you associate with a beach.

On p. 284 Note culturelle: La Guadeloupe P. 285: photos de l’ile. Qu’en penses-tu? Savais-tu que…? Vocabulaire: une méduse, une pieuvre, un corail, une algue, un requin, une crevette, un hippocampe, un coquillage, un espadon, une tortue, une étoile de mer, un rocher, un crabe, un homard,..

P. 286, Do # 8 **Time for the Quiz** ** video Guadeloupe** P. 287, do # 9. Bragging; Flattering To bragg: C’est fastoche, ça! That’s easy! C’est pas pour me vanter, mais… I’m not trying to bragg, but…

Oh, j’en ai vu d’autres. J’ve done/seen bigger and better things. C’est moi, le/la meilleur(e) I’m the best. C’est moi qui nage mieux. I….the best To flatter: Tu es fortiche/calé(e). You are really strong/good at that.

Alors là, tu m’épates! I’m really impressed! Tu en as du courage. You’ve really got courage. Tu es vraiment le/la meilleur(e). Tu es le garçon le plus cool que je connaisse. You’re the…est..I know. ** Draw things you find a the beach of Guadeloupe. Exit!!