Journées Scientifiques et Pédagogiques 2005 CV of Farnaz Moser Equal opportunities officer Master of chemical engineering, PhD, Business Administration.


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Transcription de la présentation:

Journées Scientifiques et Pédagogiques 2005 CV of Farnaz Moser Equal opportunities officer Master of chemical engineering, PhD, Business Administration degree Married, two children (6,12)

Journées Scientifiques et Pédagogiques 2005 Equal Opportunities for Men/Women at EPFL Current Situation Journées Scientifiques et Pédagogiques 2005

Undegraduate students and PhD students by gender in 2004 Undergraduate (total 4’664) PhD (total 1’374)

Journées Scientifiques et Pédagogiques 2005 Female undergraduate/PhD student percentages,1999 to 2004 %

Journées Scientifiques et Pédagogiques 2005 Female undegraduate students per School

Journées Scientifiques et Pédagogiques 2005 Female PhD students by School

Journées Scientifiques et Pédagogiques or 18 women professors over 278 ! Associate and full Professors % Tenure-track Assistant professors % Professors “titulaires” % National Science Foundation Professors 30 % 73 Female Professors at EPFL

Journées Scientifiques et Pédagogiques 2005 EPFL staff, by gender and salary class

Journées Scientifiques et Pédagogiques 2005 Equal opportunities policy Recruit female students and encourage academic careers for all categories of female academic staff Make it easier to reconcile family life and professional activity Encourage female administrative careers Measures and actions to:

Journées Scientifiques et Pédagogiques 2005 Reconcile family life and Professional activity Two pre-school classes and day- care facilities School holidays activities Parent’s discussion group French courses for the partners of EPFL’s employees

Journées Scientifiques et Pédagogiques 2005 Promotion of EPFL studies for young girls Film Brochure Open days (film, exhibition, quiz) Internet courses

Journées Scientifiques et Pédagogiques 2005 Female undergraduate/PhD students and scientists Mentoring (Réseau romand de mentoring) Conferences (role models) Workshops, networking, courses Lunch-discussions

Journées Scientifiques et Pédagogiques 2005 Targeted strategies for recruiting female professors Work-life balance More daycare facilities Tactics for changing mentalities New strategies for encouraging female administrative careers Suggestions