Écrivez You have a new French pen pal. Write out the following in French: -Greet your friend. -Tell her your name. -Tell her where you are from. -Tell.


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Transcription de la présentation:

Écrivez You have a new French pen pal. Write out the following in French: -Greet your friend. -Tell her your name. -Tell her where you are from. -Tell her your nationality.

Tu as la parole Introduce yourself by telling… -your name (spell it out as well) -your nationality -which city you are from

Conversation At a party you meet an exchange student who speaks only French. Ask your new friend… -what his or her name is -if he / she is French or Canadian -if he / she is from Paris or Quebec

Unité 1, Leçon 1C How do you greet your teachers when you see them before school or in the hall? How does this differ from how you greet your friends? Vidéo-scène: p. 22

Pour communiquer Salut! = Hi / Goodbye Bonjour! = Hello Bonjour, monsieur! Bonjour, madame! Bonjour, mademoiselle! Au revoir! = Goodbye ***In written French, the following abbreviations are commonly used: M. Dalton = Monsieur Dalton Mme. Dafoe = Madame Dafoe Mlle. Ritter = Mademoiselle Ritter

Bonjour ou Salut?

You are enrolled in a French school. Greet your friends and teachers. Modèle: Valérie = Salut Valérie! 1.Céline 2.Monsieur Masson 3.Nathalie 4.Marc 5.Madame Albert 6.Mademoiselle Boucher

Pour communiquer Ça va? = How are you? How are things going? How’s everything? Ça va! = (I’m) fine. (I’m okay). (Everything’s all right). Zut! = Darn! – Zut! Ça va mal. Merci = Thanks! – Ça va, merci.

Ça va? Ça va…

Ça va? Ça va? (How are you?) is an informal greeting that corresponds to the following expressions: Comment vas-tu? (when addressing a friend) -Bonjour, Paul. Comment vas-tu? Comment allez-vous? (when addressing an adult) -Bonjour, madame. Comment allez-vous?

Vidéos Z50 Z50 EOTg EOTg

Dialogue Exchange greetings with your classmates and ask how they are doing. Modèle: Salut, (Thomas)! Ça va? -Ça va! Et toi? -Ça va bien. Merci.

Situations. How would you respond in the following situations? Modèle: You have the flu. -Ça va? -Ça va mal! 1.You just received an “A” in French. 2.You lost your wallet. 3.Your uncle gave you five dollars. 4.Your grandparent sent you a check for $ You bent the front wheel of your bicycle. 6.Your parents bought you a new video game. 7.Your little brother broke your cell phone. 8.It’s your birthday. 9.You have a headache. 10.You just had an argument with your best friend. 11.Madame Dafoe has just canceled a quiz.

Answer “Ça va?” for the following

Révision You are spending spring break on the French Caribbean island of Martinique. At the beach, you meet a French teenager. -Greet your new friend. -Ask how he / she is/ -Ask your new friend his / her name.

Les consonnes finales (Final consonants) In French, the last consonant of a word is often not pronounced. -Final ‘s” is usually silent. -trois, français, anglais -Most other consonants are usually silent. -Richard, Albert, Robert, salut, américain, canadien, bien, deux -The following consonants are usually pronounce: c, f, l and sometimes r. -Éric, Daniel Lebeuf, Pascal, Victor -However, the ending –er is usually pronounced /e/. -Roger, Olivier

Les nombres de 0 à 20

Les nombres de 20 à = vingt30 = trente 21 = vingt et un31 = trente et un 22 = vingt-deux32 = trente-deux 23 = vingt-trois33 = trente-trois 24 = vingt-quatre34 = trente-quatre 25 = vingt-cinq35 = trente-cinq 26 = vingt-six36 = trente-six 27 = vingt-sept37 = trente-sept 28 = vingt-huit38 = trente-huit 29 = vingt-neuf39 = trente-neuf *Use et before un: vingt et un

Les nombres de 40 à = quarante, quarante et un, quarante-deux, quarante-trois, quarante-quatre, quarante-cinq, quarante-six, quarante-sept, quarante-huit, quarante- neuf 50 = cinquante, cinquante et un, cinquante-deux, cinquante-trois, cinquante-quatre, cinquante-cinq, cinquante-six, cinquante-sept, cinquante-huit, cinquante-neuf 60 = soixante, soixante et un, soixante-deux, soixante- trois, soixante-quatre, soixante-cinq, soixante-six, soixante-sept, soixante-huit, soixante-neuf

Les nombres 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, = vingt 30 = trente 40= quarante 50 = cinquante 60 = soixante

Séries. Read the following numbers out loud

Séries. Say the numbers in series. *Count by 3s: 3, 6, 9, 12, 13, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 53, 56, 59 *Count by 4s: 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60 *Count by 5s: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60