Les adverbes. modify a verb. They often describe how, when or where an action takes place. ex. Most adverbs in French end with –ment. (ly)


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Laccord des adjectifs. If the subject is FEMININE, add an -e Il est brunElle est brune.
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Et les adverbes ? Many adjectives can be turned into adverbs In English, this is often done by adding –ly rare rarely In French,
L’adverbe en français.
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Les adjectifs et les adverbes
FRANÇAIS IV/AP S 2.2 – 2.3. Les adverbes: p A: If masculine singular adjective ends with a vowel = simply add –ment (i.e. absolument, poliment)
Sarah Amaya Victoria Lake
Les Adverbes de manière
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Forming Adverbs An adverb is a word that modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. It often expresses how the subject performs an action. In French,
Most adverbs end in –ment (-ly in English)
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Les adverbes en « -ment »
La création des Adverbes Un grand nombre des adverbes se forment quand on ajoute –ment à la fin de la forme féminine de l’adjectif. Lent…Lente… Lentement.
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MODIFIER OU PRÉCISER DES ÉLÉMENTS DE LA PHRASE. Les adverbes sont des mots ou des groupes de mots invariables. Il en existe quatre types- a)bien (well)
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On ajoute –ment au féminin de l’adjectif:
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Adverb Placement. Traduisez..... Sometimes – quelquefois From time to time – de temps en temps Once a week – une fois par semaine Often – souvent Usually.
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Two versions– slide three is updated as of 2012 to simplify the activity for students...hopefully.
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Les adverbes. modify a verb. They often describe how, when or where an action takes place. ex. Most adverbs in French end with –ment. (ly)
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Les Adjectifs.
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Sarah Amaya Victoria Lake
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We usually call regular adjectives the masculine adjectives that ends with: t t d d s s i i.
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A cent cinq cents deux mille
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Transcription de la présentation:

Les adverbes

modify a verb. They often describe how, when or where an action takes place. ex. Most adverbs in French end with –ment. (ly)

To form: Feminine form of the adjective + ment Des exemples sérieuse rapide lent nerveuse  sérieusement  rapidement  lentement  nerveusement

Practice: 1.final 2.heureux 3.actif finalement heureusement activement

Devinez le sens: constamment patiemment intelligemment

If an adjective ends in -ent, add -emment to the end. If an adjective ends in –ant, add –amment to the end. Ex. constant constamment différent différemment

Des adverbes irreguliers bon  bien mauvais  mal genti  gentiment rapidement = vite

Common Adverbs toujours beaucoup souvent quelquefois un peu rarement franchement malheureusement évidemment