Jeudi 11 novembre Petit Mot # 22 What is your favorite season of the year? Write 4 sentences in English to tell me why.


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Transcription de la présentation:

jeudi 11 novembre Petit Mot # 22 What is your favorite season of the year? Write 4 sentences in English to tell me why.

jeudi 11 novembre Vocabulaire essentiel # 2 L’auberge de jeunesse = the youth hostel La boutique de cadeaux = the gift shop La cathédrale = the cathedral Le centre commercial = the mall Le supermarché = the supermarket

La bibliothèque Schoelcher in Fort de France, built in Paris for the 1889 exposition, disassembled and shipped to la Martinique.

Le jardin de Balata ◊ Created by landscaper Jean-Philippe Thoze ◊ At about 7 miles north of Fort de France ◊ more than 3000 species of tropical plants

ºLangue officielle: le Français ºLangue commune: le Créole º Madinina, autre nom de la Martinique = île aux fleurs (island of flowers.) º La mascotte de la Martinique est le colibri (the hummingbird.)

º le gommier est un bateau de pêche ºLe bakoua est le chapeau traditionnel.