Europroject CCIFB Petit-déjeuner débat Fonds européens.


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Transcription de la présentation:

Europroject CCIFB Petit-déjeuner débat Fonds européens

Sommaire Présentation d’Europroject Introduction générale aux programmes opérationnels Le montage d’une proposition et la gestion du projet Les prochaines opportunités de financement Petit-déjeuner débat Fonds européens Plan de la présentation

Europroject accompagne les projets d’innovation depuis 2007 A sa création, le cabinet visait les entreprises et universités bulgares, et dans les Balkans Cet accompagnement se faisait sur les projets nationaux et européens, Les secteurs visés sont principalement: les technologies de l’information et de la communication, la santé, les transports, l’agroalimentaire et l’environnement, Nos clients étaient principalement: bulgares, macédoniens, monténégrins, … L’activité s’est progressivement étendue à l’ensemble de l’Europe Cette activité se fait particulièrement dans le cadre de projets collaboratifs européens (Contrats Cadres UE) Nos clients sont désormais: polonais, français, espagnols, italiens, … Europroject maintient des liens étroits avec Euroquality, sa société mère Petit-déjeuner débat Fonds européens La société EUROQUALITY Bordeaux EUROQUALITY Paris EUROQUALITY Marseille EUROQUALITY Bruxelles EUROPROJECT Sofia, Bulgarie

Cet accompagnement se fait à travers 6 actions clés 1.Le montage de projets innovants de coopération (ingénierie de projets collaboratifs) Etude de faisabilité du projet: évaluation de l'innovation, identification du cadre de financement Montage du projet : recherche de partenaire, état de l'art, étude de marché, programme de travail, budget… 2.La gestion de projets collaboratifs et la coordination d'actions de coordination et de soutien Assistance managériale au coordinateur dans les phases de négociation et de mise en œuvre du projet Coordination d'actions de coordination et de soutien (CSA) 3.La réalisation d'études d'évaluation et d'études stratégiques Evaluation de politiques publiques ou sectorielles Evaluation de questionnaires d’évaluation Réalisation de recommandations stratégiques et d'un plan d'action 4.La promotion et l'encouragement à l'innovation Diagnostic innovation Développement d'une stratégie de l'innovation 5.Des formations en Bulgarie et à l'étranger Montage et gestion de projets de recherche collaborative "Comment mettre en place votre stratégie de l'innovation" 6.Communication en ligne et outils informatiques Développement de sites internet, bases de données, plateformes interactives, pour communiquer autour des projets réalisés Petit-déjeuner débat Fonds européens Notre offre

Notre participation aux projets européens Le programme H2020 Projet de recherche Projet de démonstration Projet de coordination Les fonds structurels européens: Programme opérationnel Compétitivité Le programme ERASMUS+ Le programme LIFE Petit-déjeuner débat Fonds européens Les types d’appels de la Commission Européenne

Quelques exemples de projets nationaux Programme opérationnel Compétitivité: Petit-déjeuner débat Fonds européens Nos références ,8m€ 242k€ 451k€ Innovative vessel for gas transportation under high pressure: realisation of the innovative potential of Bulgarian company Termoinvest. Strengthening Mars Armors' positions as a successful producer on the international market through the development and integration of ERP system. Implementation of integrated resources management system

OP Innovations and Competitiveness Petit-déjeuner débat Fonds européens New moments in the new program period

OP Innovations and Competitiveness ISSS (RIS3) Regional prioritization New methodology and criteria for evaluation Business plan Indicators followed Petit-déjeuner débat Fonds européens New moments in the new program period

OP Innovations and Competitiveness Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialization (RIS3) Petit-déjeuner débat Fonds européens New moments in the new program period ICT and informatics Mechatronics and clean technologies Industry for healthy living and biotechnologies New technologies in creative and recreative industries

OP Innovations and Competitiveness ICT and informatics (RIS3) Manufactures, esp. Fabless and new methods for design and/or assembly; ICT methods in machine building, medcine and creative industries, incl. digitalisation of cultural- historic heritage, entertainment and educational games, „inbeded “ software; 3D digitalization, visualization and prototyping; Big Data, Grid and Cloud Technologies; Wireless sensor networks and wireless communication/management; Lingual technologies; web, hybrid and "native" applications, web based applications for developing new services and products; Use of new opportunities with regard to outsourcing and ICT-based services and systems. Petit-déjeuner débat Fonds européens New moments in the new program period

OP Innovations and Competitiveness Mechatronics and clean technologies (RIS3) Systems for automated and software supported management with application in the manufacturing; Robotics and automatization of processes, incl. 3-D modelling of robotized automated systems; Engineering and production of high-tech products and/or in transnational production chain, including space industry; Bio-mechatronics; Smart systems and devices, „smart homes“ – „smart cities“; Clean technologies with focus on transport and energetics (storage, saving and effective distribution of energy, electrc vehicles and eco-mobility, H- based models, wasteless technologies, technologies and methods for inclusion of waste products and materials in other manufactures). Other Petit-déjeuner débat Fonds européens New moments in the new program period

OP Innovations and Competitiveness Industry for healthy living and biotechnologies (RIS3) Manufacture of specialized foods and drinks(children’s „space“ foods); Nano-technologies for medcine; Bio-technologies; „blue“ technologies and application of new methods and technologies for sustainable use of water resources; Manufacture of installations for eco- el. Energy and industrial water ; Green economy. other. Petit-déjeuner débat Fonds européens New moments in the new program period

OP Innovations and Competitiveness New technologies in creative and recreative industries Cultural and creative industries (architecture, artistic crafts, audio-visual forms, films, TV, video games and multimedia), cultural heritage, design, festivals, music, etc.) Computer and mobile applications and games; Alternative (rural, eco, cultural and festival) and extreme tourism and sport (niche tourism); Manufacture of goods and devices in these spheres (e.g. folklore costumes, goods for alternative and extreme tourism, costumes, materials for historic scenes, etc). Petit-déjeuner débat Fonds européens New moments in the new program period

OP Innovations and Competitiveness Regional prioritization South-west region vs Outside south-west region - the intensity of the grant Example: scheme “Improvement of the production capacity of SME”: North-west region: some schemes - additional points if the project will be implemented in north-west region Petit-déjeuner débat Fonds européens New moments in the new program period Enterprise sizeOutside South-West reg.South-west region Micro and small70%45% Medium60%35%

OP Innovations and Competitiveness New methodology and criteria for evaluation Business plan Indicators followed Example: scheme “Improving the production capacities of SMEs”: I.Economic and financial stability of the applicant before the project implementation II.Capacity of the applicant in investment projects and management III.Impact from project implementation IV.Prioritization of projects Petit-déjeuner débat Fonds européens New moments in the new program period (1)

OP Innovations and Competitiveness Petit-déjeuner débat Fonds européens Project setting-up and management

OP Innovations and Competitiveness Project setting-up Electronic submission of project Business plan Supporting documents (declarations, offers for equipment, profit and loss accounts, balance sheets and other accounting documents, documents from public authorities, etc.) Project management Tenders Reporting Petit-déjeuner débat Fonds européens Project setting-up and management

OP Innovations and Competitiveness Petit-déjeuner débat Fonds européens Forthcoming calls for proposals

OP Innovations and Competitiveness Ministry of economy, OP Innovations and Competitiveness Indicative program 2016: Implementation of innovations (companies over 3 years) Development of Innovations Energy efficiency – 2015 Petit-déjeuner débat Fonds européens Forthcoming funding schemes

OP Innovations and Competitiveness Implementation of innovations (companies over 3 years) Eligible projects: the project must lead to market implementation of an innovation (product/service/process) in an area covered by RIS3 Eligible applicants: SME and large enterprises over 3 years Eligible activities expected: a) Investments (equipment needed to implement a new product or service; acquisition of IPR for the innovation to be implemented; purchase/development of software needed to implement the innovation) b) Services: consultancy and supporting (ex. Defence of IPR, data bases, libraries, market analysis, laboratories, testing and certification) Max. grant expected: SME (1 mil. BGN); large enterprises (1,5 mil. BGN) Petit-déjeuner débat Fonds européens Forthcoming funding schemes

OP Innovations and Competitiveness Implementation of innovations (companies over 3 years) Intensity of grant: 3 regimes of state support Regional support De minimis: 90%, EUR “Support for innovations for SME”: 90%, EUR Petit-déjeuner débat Fonds européens Forthcoming funding schemes SizeOutside South-West regionSouth-West region Micro and small70%45% Medium60%35% Large50%25%

OP Innovations and Competitiveness Development of innovations by start-ups Eligible projects: the project must lead to development of an innovation (product/service/process) in an area covered by ISSS Eligible applicants: less than 3 years Eligible costs : staff costs; equipment and software; subcontracting for RTD, tests,measurements; IPR defence; development and test of prototypes; economic,financial and technical assessment; marketing plans; etc. Travel and subsistence. Max. grant expected: EUR, 90% Petit-déjeuner débat Fonds européens Forthcoming funding schemes

OP Innovations and Competitiveness Energy efficiency for SMEs Eligible projects: based on the recommendations from the energy audit, include investments Eligible applicants: SMEs over 3 years, activity in sectors C, D, E, F Eligible activities: investments to implement the measures for energy efficiency from the energy audit. Max. grant expected: 1,5 mil. BGN Petit-déjeuner débat Fonds européens Forthcoming funding schemes

Conclusions Thank you for your attention! Petit-déjeuner débat Fonds européens Questions

Petit-déjeuner débat Fonds européens Pierre Ponsar Directeur Teodora Marinova Consultant