Bienvenue ! Good afternoon everybody, I am very happy to welcome you to CERN today. My name is SD, I am working in HR dep. And I am coordinating the induction programme. Some of you have been here for a long time, some of you are brand new, but all of you got a new staff or fellow contract recently. That’s why we are here together this afternoon. (Who is brand new?) I’ll distribute to you the programme of the afternoon as well as a presence sheet. Please sign it beside your name. If you don't find your name on the list, just add it at the end. A practical question: - who does not understand French at all? - y a-t-il des personnes parmi vous qui ne comprennent pas du tout l'anglais? Ok, we will do the presentations in English but the slides will be in French. So what are we going to do this afternoon? First of all I will say a few words about CERN and about the induction formalities that applies to all our new members of personnel. Then you will meet a lot of people who will come, one by one, to give you information on various subjects, such as..... All the speakers will come back at the end of the afternoon, around 4.40pm, for a big questions and answers session. So, for a practical reason, we ask you to write down all your questions and keep them until all the presentations are finished.
Induction / Pourquoi ? Contexte du CERN Organisation intergouvernementale France / Suisse Why an Induction programme? It is due to the very specific context of CERN. First of all CERN is an intergovernmental organization. It is not like the public sector or the private sector, it works in a totally different way. In addition, CERN is situated in 2 different countries, France and Switzerland, and this particular situation will have an impact on your everyday life.
Induction / Pourquoi ? Vous Vos questions This induction program is a service we want to offer you, so that you receive as much useful information as possible on your first day. We do not oblige anyone to stay here with us all afternoon, however if you have questions about your removal, car formalities, schooling for your children, health insurance, etc, this is the right place.
I will start with a brief overview of CERN. CERN has 20 member states at the moment. In this room we have staff and fellows. Staff members almost all belong to MS. It is very exceptional that we hire NMS staff. However we have 2 programmes for fellows: 1 program for MS fellows and 1 program for NMS fellows. Do we have any NMS staff of fellows today?
Structure du CERN DG Départements CERN has a pyramidal structure, like all intergovernmental Org., with the DG at the top and the departments at the bottom. Départements
CERN’s Organization Chart Here is the organizational chart. At the top we have the DG who is working together very closely with the CFO and the CSO. Here we have something very specific to CERN: a large DG's office, that includes many services such as: ...... Here we have the project managment, with all the different projects we are handling. And finally, the departments.
Executive Board 01/04/05 Let's have a closer look at the chart and see who are our bosses: ....
DAO / Secrétaires de départements AB : L. Van Cauter AT : S. Maio / M. Prola-Tessaur DSU/SG : F. Rabier FI : C. Laignel HR : J. Belleman IT : V. Favrot PH : J. Ruiz SC : A. Vignes TS : F. Ziesler Now I am going to give you the name of your departmental administrative officer (DAO). Normally you have all met your DAO (or another secretary) this morning or on the 1st day of your contract. (Is that the case for everybody?) If it is not the case, please go and see her as soon as possible, she has important information to give you and she will also take care of your computer and email accounts. The DAO is the person who deals with all the administrative procedures inside your department. So anytime you have a question linked to administrative matters, don't hesitate to contact her. She's here to help you, not only on your 1st day but also during the whole of your contract at CERN. (And if she cannot answer, at least she will give you the name of the person who can help you). "donner les noms par dép."
Qui sont vos HRCs? FI : Linda Orr-Easo AT : Lore Taillieu & Peter Berry (PB : HR) IT : Andrzej Charkiewicz AB : Louise Willoughby-Petit & Cécile Granier PH : Clémentine Lehtinen & Frank Cliff Another contact person for you is your Human Resources coordinator (HRC). You have probably met him or her when you had your selection board. If you have any questions related to HR matters, such as contract policy, salary and other benefits, dont hesitate to contact your HRC. "donner les noms par dép." + Marie.Luce Falipou for Fellows, whatever the dep. You're working in. Classification & Remuneration : Pierre Gildemyn TS : Lisette Van Den Boogaard SG : Seamus Hegarty Boursiers : Marie-Luce Falipou
Objectifs Accueil Intégration Efficacité So now let's get back to the induction program itself. First of all, what are our objectives with this program: - to welcome you to CERN, of course - to help you with administrative formalities and make it as easy as possible for you - to help you integrate better in your new job and in your new life. Efficacité
Programme d’induction Programme Central - HR Actions des Départements The induction program has a central part, coordinated by HR, but it also includes some actions that have to be taken by the departments. So we will see now what is done by HR and what is done by your department directly.
Programme central HR Formalités d'entrée Sessions d’induction Parrainage Documents What is HR doing in the central part of the induction program: We take care of: Entrance administrative formalities, which you have all done this morning or on your 1st contract day, normally. We organize 2 induction sessions : - 1 monthly session, wich we're having today - 1 trimester session that is held every 3-4 months depending on how many new comers we have. So today we will present to you subjects that we think are "immediatly useful" for you, and in the trimester session we will tackle different subjects, such as career evolution, training, library, staff association, etc. You will receive a personal invitation for the trimester session very soon. We also offer you a mentorship program. The objective of this program is to bring you into contact with someone who is already at CERN, is from the same country as you and has more or less the same family situation. This person will be your "mentor" and you can meet him or her anytime you want, on an informal basis, to discuss whatever you want to. This program is not obligatory at all, it is really up to you to decide wether you want to have a mentor or not. My colleague L. Leroux will give you more details about this program later and she will give you an application form if you are interested to subscribe. And finally, we have a set of document which we keep at your disposal. You will receive some of these documents during the afternoon and you'll find many more on the table outside. There are many information notes about CERN and social activities in Geneva. Just help yourself. mensuelle trimestrielle
Actions des Départements Présentation Formalités d'entrée Entretien et rapport Actions des Départements Période d’essai Suivi What is done inside the departments? - entrance formalities with your DAO (computers accounts, email, travelling expenses, keys, etc.) - You should be introduced to your supervisor who will then introduce you to the colleagues you are going to work with, your group leader and your dep leader, if possible. (reminder sent by HR every month to DAO/supervisor). - induction interview and an induction report must be done by your supervisor - during your probation period (12 months for staff) a follow-up will be done by your supervisor who will write down and submit to HR 2 assessment reports (1 at the middle of your probation period and 1 at the end).
… 6 semaines Entretien / rapport d’entrée en fonctions Obligatoire Titulaires Fortement recommandé Boursiers (exceptés boursiers de recherche) … 6 semaines The induction interview must be held with your supervisor within 6 weeks from the beginning of your contract. It is mandatory for staff members and highly recommended for fellows (except research fellows). Répéter cette partie en français.
ACCORD Objectifs de travail concrets Concret Détaillé Besoins en formation So, you have to meet with your supervisor and find an agreement on work objectives and training objectives that you have to achieve during the 1st year. These objectives have to be as concrete and as detailed as possible, so that you know exactly what you have to do. It will be written down in a specific form and signed by you, your supervisor, your group leader, your dep. Leader and finally, your HRC. Formulaire d’entrée en fonctions
Objectifs HARD SOFT SMART We say that the objectives should be SMART: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and in Time. Objectives can be hard or soft. A hard objective describe precisely the result that is expected from you and the delay you have to reach this result. Soft objectives are more about your attitude and “how the job is done. They are less measurable than hard objectives. Example: You have to install 20 magnets by the end of July. You know what you have to do, you know the quantity and by when you have to reach the objective (delay). Components: what, quantity, delay Spécifique Mesurable Atteignable Réalisable Temps
Objectifs / Formation mesurable disponible nécessaire spécifique You might also define some training objectives with your supervisor. If your supervisor wants you to do a job and you need some training to be able to do that job, it is very important to say so in the interview and write it down in the induction report. The training objectives should be measurable, specific, necessary and, of course, available. For more information about training at CERN, please have a look at HR webpages. In each dep. there is a DTO who can inform you and advise you about training at CERN, don’t hesitate to contact your DTO. nécessaire spécifique
6 semaines Circulaires Administratives n° 2 et 26 INITIATIVE ! COMPRENDRE ! Please remember that the induction interview should be done within 6 weeks from the beginning of your contract. It is important that you clearly understand what is expected from you so if the supervisor is very busy and forgets about it, take the initiative to contact him / her and ask for an interview. All the legal details about this interview are in CA 26. Together with your contract you received our SRR. In addition of that we have 32 CA to clarify and developp some points mentionned in the SRR. CA 2 is about recruitment and probation period and CA 26 is about career and all the different evaluations that will be done during your contract. So I strongly recommend you to read it. You will find it on HR website or you can also ask your DAO to give you a copy. Circulaires Administratives n° 2 et 26
Inventaire des compétences (STI) Titulaires uniquement Outil d’adéquation des compétences avec les missions du CERN Saisie des compétences techniques à partir d’un modèle pré-établi Validation par le superviseur Délai : à partir date d’arrivée EDH Finally, I want to talk to you about another management tool called "Skills and talent inventory". It concerns staff members only. This tool is made to match the skills of staff members together with the mission of CERN. So, we ask you to fill out a specific form in which you describe all the skills you have and how many years of experience you have in each skill. This document is sent automatically to your supervisor who checks and validates it. You have 1 month from your arrival at CERN to fill out that form. You will find this form on your EDH desktop. If you have seen your DAO already you should have an EDH account by know, if not it will come in a few days. Répéter en français 1 mois
Next please !