OUR LAND – OUR WEALTH, OUR FUTURE, IN OUR HANDS Second Regional Preparation Workshop for the GEF Strategic Investment Program for Sustainable Land Management.


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Transcription de la présentation:

OUR LAND – OUR WEALTH, OUR FUTURE, IN OUR HANDS Second Regional Preparation Workshop for the GEF Strategic Investment Program for Sustainable Land Management (SIP) Deuxième Atelier de Préparation Régionale du Programme Stratégique dinvestissement FEM pour une Gestion Durable des Terres (SIP) July 2006 Midrand, South Africa 1) Objectives: Why are we here? 2) Process: What will we do? Session 1: Opening Overview of Workshop Objectives and Process Welcome!

OUR LAND – OUR WEALTH, OUR FUTURE, IN OUR HANDS Agree on SIP design elements Provide additional recommendations to finalize the Program Brief Deepen understanding of SIP and TerrAfrica by RECs, countries and stakeholders Provide recommendations for RECs and NEPAD to cooperate with stakeholders to deliver SLM advocacy, knowledge, and technical support to countries during SIP implementation Review recommendations on SIP finalization from the Sub-Saharan African Technical Review Panel This workshop follows up on the SIP preparation workshop held in Dakar in April 2006 and two years of TerrAfrica consultations. To consult with African stakeholders in finalizing the SIP Program Brief for submission to GEF in Sept 2006 (implementation in early 2007). 1. Objectives: why are we here?

OUR LAND – OUR WEALTH, OUR FUTURE, IN OUR HANDS The Sub-Saharan African Technical Review Panel is an informal review group convened by NEPAD during SIP preparation. Decision to initiate taken at the Dakar stakeholder workshop Tasked with providing technical review of SIP documentation during preparation via , teleconference, and in person Met July and has provided recommendations and detailed feedback to enhance the quality of final design elements of the Brief Membership includes: - NEPAD - RECs - Research organizations - CSOs - SSA governments OUR LAND – OUR WEALTH, OUR FUTURE, IN OUR HANDS 1. Objectives: why are we here?

OUR LAND – OUR WEALTH, OUR FUTURE, IN OUR HANDS General agreement and recommendations are sought specifically on the key themes, which are organized as follows in both the Program Brief and in the workshop agenda: 1. Background and rationale for the SIP 2. Environmental, socio-economic, policy and institutional context in SSA BREAKOUT 3. Country and regional driveness BREAKOUT 4. SIP description: objectives, programming framework, and project development approach (using the CSIF) BREAKOUT 5. SIP implementation arrangements and stakeholder participation 6. Replicability and sustainability BREAKOUT 7. M&E plan BREAKOUT OUR LAND – OUR WEALTH, OUR FUTURE, IN OUR HANDS 2. Process: what will we do?

OUR LAND – OUR WEALTH, OUR FUTURE, IN OUR HANDS Step 1 (15-30 minutes) A. Short presentation on one or two design elements of the Brief; highlight key guidance needed highlight recommendations by the SSA Technical Review Panel B. Field short questions on clarity only. Step 2 (60-75 minutes) Breakout groups discuss the same theme, organized by: Group 1: Francophones Group 2: Anglophones Group 3: Anglophones Step 3 (~15minutes) Reconvene in full group: breakout chairs briefly present summary feedback Step 4 (~45 minutes) Full group discusses and consolidates recommendations OUR LAND – OUR WEALTH, OUR FUTURE, IN OUR HANDS 2. Process: what will we do?

OUR LAND – OUR WEALTH, OUR FUTURE, IN OUR HANDS Étape 1 (15-30 minutes) A.Courte présentation portant sur un ou deux éléments de la conception du dossier de programme; Souligner les principales orientations requises Souligner les recommandations du Groupe de Revue Technique pour lASS B.Questions courtes, uniquement dans un but de clarification. Étape 2 (60-75 minutes) Travaux de groupes (chaque groupe discute des mêmes thèmes), organisés comme suit : Groupe 1: Francophones Groupe 2: Anglophones Groupe 3: Anglophones Étape 3 (~15minutes) Session plénière : Brève présentation par les animateurs du résumé de travaux de leur groupe. Étape 4 (~45 minutes) Session plénière: Discussion et consolidation des recommandations OUR LAND – OUR WEALTH, OUR FUTURE, IN OUR HANDS 2. Processus: quallons-nous faire?

OUR LAND – OUR WEALTH, OUR FUTURE, IN OUR HANDS Guidance for breakout sessions Agree on key content of the Program Brief Refer to background documents at your convenience Make specific recommendations for each them Use breakout session minutes worksheet (last page in materials distributed to you); breakout chairs will give these to workshop rapporteur to consolidate 2. Process: what will we do?

OUR LAND – OUR WEALTH, OUR FUTURE, IN OUR HANDS Orientations pour les travaux de groupe Valider le contenu principal du dossier de programme Se référer aux documents étudiés, à votre convenance Formuler des recommandations spécifiques pour chaque thème Utiliser le modèle de minutes des travaux de groupe (dernière page du classeur qui vous a été distribué); les animateurs des groupes transmettront ces minutes au rapporteur de latelier pour consolidation. 2. Processus: quallons-nous faire ?

OUR LAND – OUR WEALTH, OUR FUTURE, IN OUR HANDS Second Regional Preparation Workshop for the GEF Strategic Investment Program for Sustainable Land Management (SIP) Deuxième Atelier de Préparation Régionale du Programme Stratégique dinvestissement FEM pour une Gestion Durable des Terres (SIP) July 2006 Midrand, South Africa 1) Objectives: Why are we here? 2) Process: How will we do it? Session 1: Opening Overview of Workshop Objectives and Process Merci!