Français II Leçon 14 – Un petit service. Les pronoms compléments me, te, nous, vous Tu me parles?Are you talking to me? Oui, je te parle!Yes, I’m talking.


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A The words in heavy type are called OBJECT PRONOUNS.
Par Mme. Cook. The pronouns me, te, nous, and vous are often used as objects of verbs. Look at the following sentences: Le chien me mord. Je tinvite à.
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Les pronoms compléments d’objet directs et indirects
Police de grammaire!. Sujet (subject) A person, thing, place or idea performing the verb of a sentence. Ex. Le chat mange du jambon. verb – manger (to.
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1 Les objets pronoms Les normes: Communication 1.2 Comparisons 4.1 Les questions essentielles: What are the object pronouns for « me, to me, you, to you,
Indirect Object Pronouns Presentation, Part 2 You should now know the direct object pronouns from the first presentation: Me-me Te-you Le-him, it La—her,
S TRESS P RONOUNS. W HAT IS A PRONOUN ? Takes the place of a noun. Noun is a person, place or thing.
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Les verbes they express actions or state of being Acheter regarder vendre faire Être chercher se maquiller se laver Donner Demander.
Leçon 14: Un petit service
Les pronoms sujets Singular subject pronouns. Les normes: Communication 1.2 Comparisons 4.2  Les questions essentielles:  What is a subject pronoun?
Français II Les notes #4. Object pronoun rules: REGULAR Object pronouns receive the action of the verb (indirect or direct) Object pronouns go immediately.
LES VERBES REFLECHIS une partie des verbes pronomiaux.
Subject pronouns usually begin a sentence. They tell what the person or thing is doing. In French they are as follows Je- I nous- we Tu – you (informal)
Les pronoms le, la, les.. You have come to know le, la and les as definite articles. Did you know that these articles can be used as direct object pronouns.
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Verb  a word that show action or a state of being.  Examples: run, jump, play, talk, listen  In English, we just the verb “to be” to describe how people.
Le monde des. Pierre va au cinéma. Ses amis sont là aussi. Sa mère reste à la maison. These words are nouns or proper nouns that are also s ss subjects.
You already know the subject pronouns: jenous tuvous il/elle/onils/elles The subject pronoun is always doing the action (verb). Exemple: Je regarde la.
Les pronoms compléments ME, TE, NOUS, VOUS
Français II. Note in the following sentences how the highlighted noun comes DIRECTLY AFTER the verb. This noun is called the DIRECT OBJECT. Note the form.
Les Objets Directs Est-ce que tu vois la fille? Oui je vois la fille. Est-ce que tu aimes la musique jazz? Oui, j’aime la musique jazz. J’aime le français.
Object Pronouns me, te, nous, vous. The object pronouns me, te, nous, vous are direct and indirect object pronouns. They are used a lot in conversation.
8 septembre Moi Toi Lui Elle Soi Nous Vous Eux elles I, me You He, him She, her Oneself We, us You, They, them (m) They, them.
Exemples de pronoms compléments (object pronouns):
© and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.7A.2-1 Point de départ In Leçon 6B, you learned about indirect objects. You are now going to learn about direct.
Leçon 14 Unité 5. Les pronoms compléments: me, te, nous, vous **Object Pronouns are used to replace a noun or pronoun. The words in heavy type are called.
Direct Object Pronouns! Français II. Direct Objects D.O. A direct object is a part of speech that RECEIVES the direct action of the verb. Ask “who” or.
Les Pronoms complément d’objet direct.  A word that replaces a noun in a sentence and shortens the sentence  Types:  Subject  Direct object  Indirect.
Les pronoms compléments d’objet Object pronouns. Direct Object Pronouns A direct object receives the action of the verb, -- who? Or What? –I see the ball/je.
Les COI et les COD Y et En. Comment distinguer les CODs et les COIs?
© 2015 by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved.7A.2-1 Point de départ In Leçon 6B, you learned about indirect objects. You are now going to.
Le temps libre 7 7 UNITÉ Quit Qui a de la chance? 24 LEÇON B La construction négative ne … jamais p. 346 A Le passé composé avec être p. 342 C Les expressions.
Les pronoms complément d’objet indirect.  Answers the question “to whom” “to what”  I’m writing to Paul/J’écris à Paul  Who are you writing to? Paul.
Pronouns in French What is a pronoun? Give examples of pronouns you already know!
Les compléments d’object direct Direct object pronouns le, la, l’, les.
Unité 2- Leçon C. To talk about THINGS that you like and don’t like J’adore… J’aime… Je n’aime pas… Je déteste…
Bienvenue Au monde des Pronoms.
Transcription de la présentation:

Français II Leçon 14 – Un petit service

Les pronoms compléments me, te, nous, vous Tu me parles?Are you talking to me? Oui, je te parle!Yes, I’m talking to you! Vous nous intivez au concert? Are you inviting us to the concert? Oui, nous vous invitons au concert. Yes, we’re inviting you to the concert. The underlined words in the sentences above are the OBJECTS of the sentences.

So what is the OBJECT of a sentence? The OBJECT of a sentence is the person, place, or thing that RECEIVES the action of the verb. The OBJECT of a sentence is the person, place, or thing that the action of the verb is being done to. Je téléphone à toi.I am calling you. Parlez à moi!Talk to me! Tu aimes mes copains et moi?Do you like my friends and me?

Parts of a complex statement Je téléphone à toi.I am calling you. (Vous) Parlez à moi!(You) Talk to me! Tu aimes mes copains et moi?Do you like my friends and me? Subject :The noun (person/place/thing) that is PERFORMING the action of the verb Verb :The ACTION of the sentence Object :The noun that is RECEIVING the action of the verb The noun that action of the verb is being done TO

Les pronoms compléments me, te, nous, vous Note the forms of the sentences below. Je téléphone à toi.I am calling you. Je te téléphone.I am calling you. (Vous) Parlez à moi!(You) Talk to me! (Vous) Me parlez!(You) Talk to me! Tu aimes mes copains et moi?Do you like my friends and me? Tu nous aimes?Do you like us? J’invite tes copines et toi.I’m inviting your friends and you. Je vous invite.I’m inviting you (all). What happened?!

Les pronoms compléments me, te, nous, vous OBJECT PRONOUNS replace the name of the object of a sentence The OBJECT PRONOUNS that correspond with je, tu, nous, and vous are: SubjectObject PronounExample Jeme (m’)Paul me téléphone. Il m’invite. Tute (t’)Anne te parle. Elle t’écoute. NousnousTu nous téléphones. VousvousJe vous parle.

Order Affirmative: Subject + OBJECT PRONOUN + verb Negative: Subject + NE + object pronoun + verb + PAS

Vocabulaire Rapports et services personnels Présenter…àto introduce…to Apporter…àto bring…to Donner…àto give…to Rendre…àto give back…to Montrer…àto show…to Prêter…àto loan/lend…to

Les pronoms me, te, nous, vous à l’imperatif In affirmative commands: Verb + object pronoun Téléphone-moi ce soir. Apportez-nous les sandwichs. Note: Me becomes moi, te becomes toi in the imperative, ONLY when the verb comes first. In negative commands: NE + object pronoun + verb + PAS Ne me téléphone pas ce soir. Ne nous apportez pas de pizzas.