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RIEDP PDG I/ITSEC Meeting – 2 Dec 2015 Orange County Convention Center Room S230G Référence – Date : E2Cxxxx du 10-03-2013 RIEDP-PDG - I/ITSEC Meeting
Ce document est la propriété intellectuelle de Sogitec Industries, il ne peut être utilisé, reproduit, modifié ou communiqué sans son autorisation. SOGITEC Industries Proprietary Data. Introduction Members and Quorum Product #1 RIEDP DM Foundations Document Status of Informal Review Product #2 RIEDP Detailed Features Description Outlines by DG1 Way Forward AOB Conclusion Agenda RIEDP-PDG - I/ITSEC Meeting 1 2 Dec 2015
Ce document est la propriété intellectuelle de Sogitec Industries, il ne peut être utilisé, reproduit, modifié ou communiqué sans son autorisation. SOGITEC Industries Proprietary Data. PDG Communication Method Please join the RIEDP Community PDG SISO Discussion - Register for Discussion: Logon to SISO Discussions and select SAC-PDG-RIEDP (Don’t forget to select SUBMIT !) PDG SISO Webpage - Complete New Affiliation Form: Standards Activities > Development Groups > Reuse and Interoperation of Environmental Data and Processes (RIEDP) PDG Possible Issue : no access to the form Contact Siso HelpDesk PDG SISO Library File Folder – Access PDG Documents: SISO Digital Library > Development Groups > RIEDP PDG 2 RIEDP-PDG - I/ITSEC Meeting 2 Dec 2015
Ce document est la propriété intellectuelle de Sogitec Industries, il ne peut être utilisé, reproduit, modifié ou communiqué sans son autorisation. SOGITEC Industries Proprietary Data. Introduction DG2 members - Attendance - Quorum RIEDP-PDG - I/ITSEC Meeting 3 NomPrénomOrganismeSISO StatusDG2AttendingVoting BAILEYGrant UK MoD Current SISO Member Yes CASTANERGilbert SOGITEC Current SISO Member Yes COGMANJack DATASIM Current SISO Member Yes COXRob PEO STRI / RDG YesNo ENOCHIANDavid USAF Not a SISO Member YesNo FAULKMark LEIDOS unclearNo FOLEYPaul DOD Terrain MSEA NGA Current MemberYes HOPKINSONBill MSCO unclearNo HUMPHRIESRoland XPI Simulation Expired Membership 2014 YesNo IGARZAJean-Louis Antycip Simulation France Current SISO Member Yes MACCHIWarren ABAMIS YesNo MAMAGHANIFarid Self Expired Membership 2013 YesNo MARROULance LEIDOS Current SISO Member Yes MOORERonald LEIDOS Expired in 2014YesNo PEELEGreg ARA Expired in 2014YesNo REIFAndreas BwB Current SISO Member Yes ROBBINSBruce US Army/PEO STRI/OneSAF Expired in 2012YesNo SCRUDDERRoy Univ Texas Current SISO Member Yes SIEGFRIEDRobert ADITERNA Current SISO Member Yes TABOURETYann TT&S Current SISO Member Yes GOUGEATJean-Louis SOGITEC Current SISO Member PDG ChairNo 2 Dec 2015
Ce document est la propriété intellectuelle de Sogitec Industries, il ne peut être utilisé, reproduit, modifié ou communiqué sans son autorisation. SOGITEC Industries Proprietary Data. Introduction PDG Affiliation List Members RIEDP-PDG - I/ITSEC Meeting 4 2 Dec 2015 First NameLast NameAffiliationEmailCreated PaulFoleyConsultant pjfoley2@verizon.net9/24/2015 12:04 PM ArnoGerretsenNLR arno.gerretsen@nlr.nl9/14/2015 1:54 AM Jean-LouisGougeatSogitec Industries jlgougeat@sogitec.fr9/14/2015 3:57 AM PatriceLe LeydourTHALES patrice.leleydour@thalesgroup.com9/14/2015 4:51 AM ArjanLemmers Netherlands Aerospace Centre NLR Arjan.Lemmers@nlr.nl9/14/2015 4:25 AM LanceMarrouSE Core CVEM lance.r.marrou@leidos.com9/14/2015 5:28 PM AndreasReifGerman Armed Forces Andreas1reif@bundeswehr.org10/15/2015 8:21 AM DavidRonnfeldt Australian Defence Simulation and Training Centre david.ronnfeldt2@defence.gov.au9/14/2015 5:55 PM RobertSiegfriedaditerna GmbH robert.siegfried@aditerna.de9/14/2015 4:53 AM SimonSkinnerXPI Simulation Ltd - Thales UK simon.skinner@xpisimulation.com9/14/2015 4:22 AM WarrenMacchiAbamis IT Solutions wmacchi@abamis.com11/16 2015 12:14 PM FaridMamaghani self SEDRIS Organization US Army farid@halcyon.com11/16/2015 1:29 PM RonaldMooreSE Core/Leidos ronald.g.moore@leidos.com1010/20/2015 11:55 AM RoyScrudderARL:UT US Army roy.scrudder@arlut.utexas.edu10/13/2015 10:31 AM GilbertCastenerSogitec Industries gcastaner@sogitec.fr
Ce document est la propriété intellectuelle de Sogitec Industries, il ne peut être utilisé, reproduit, modifié ou communiqué sans son autorisation. SOGITEC Industries Proprietary Data. DG principles Check Consistency Find PDG Consensus Approve within PDG Towards Balloting - Reference Doc - Copyrights Define for Doc1 & 2 : - Doc Headlines - Sections principles - Guidances - Wording by DGM - Cross Reviews - Wording by DGM - Cross Reviews Identify Use Draft Doc1 Draft Doc2 Recommandations V0 Doc1 & 2 for PDG approval V1 Doc1 & 2 for balloting § allocation § wording - Flesh out Doc 1 - Find DGM consensus - Align with Doc 2 - Flesh out Doc 2 - Find DGM consensus - Align with Doc 1 § allocation § wording Doc 1 = RIEDP Data Model Foundations (RPM+RADM) Doc 2 = RIEDP Detailled Features Description 5
Status of Informal Review n°2 RIEDP DM Foundations Document RIEDP-PDG - I/ITSEC Meeting
Ce document est la propriété intellectuelle de Sogitec Industries, il ne peut être utilisé, reproduit, modifié ou communiqué sans son autorisation. SOGITEC Industries Proprietary Data. RPM with Import/Export Stage RIEDP-PDG - I/ITSEC Meeting 7 2 Dec 2015
Ce document est la propriété intellectuelle de Sogitec Industries, il ne peut être utilisé, reproduit, modifié ou communiqué sans son autorisation. SOGITEC Industries Proprietary Data. RADM RIEDP-PDG - I/ITSEC Meeting 8 2 Dec 2015
Ce document est la propriété intellectuelle de Sogitec Industries, il ne peut être utilisé, reproduit, modifié ou communiqué sans son autorisation. SOGITEC Industries Proprietary Data. What The RIEDP DM Foundations Document : Version 0.9f When Launched on August 25 Dead Line : Initial September 25 - Extension 2 weeks (version 0.9g) Objective Finalization of Introductory Sections Finalization of § 4.2 : RPM section Review of § 4.3 : New RADM section General Comments Target DGE2 to provide updated version October 25 New Extension … (still waiting for additional comments) Informal Review n°2 RIEDP-PDG - I/ITSEC Meeting 9 2 Dec 2015 Foundations
Ce document est la propriété intellectuelle de Sogitec Industries, il ne peut être utilisé, reproduit, modifié ou communiqué sans son autorisation. SOGITEC Industries Proprietary Data. Feedback so far: Paul (independent) Greg (USAF) Andreas (BwB) Rob (EDS) - preliminary comments Sylvie (Sogitec) Kevin (TTS) Expected Rob Ron/Lance Others Core Team has moved forward with the document Currently version 0.9h Informal Review n°2 2 Dec 2015 RIEDP-PDG - I/ITSEC Meeting 10
Ce document est la propriété intellectuelle de Sogitec Industries, il ne peut être utilisé, reproduit, modifié ou communiqué sans son autorisation. SOGITEC Industries Proprietary Data. We need to remind that: RIEDP is not about requiring changes to internal process of Database providers, RIEDP is about sharing/reusing database generation efforts result of the RPM Export stage. Hence we need to find a common denominator in the database generation process, data representation, and exchange/sharing formats. Based on the RIEDP Study Group phase: A set of formats has been identified as this common denominator amongst the Initiatives. Neither COLLADA nor CITYGML were required. Key Review Issue: RIEDP Format List (1/2) 2 Dec 2015 RIEDP-PDG - I/ITSEC Meeting 11
Ce document est la propriété intellectuelle de Sogitec Industries, il ne peut être utilisé, reproduit, modifié ou communiqué sans son autorisation. SOGITEC Industries Proprietary Data. Also to remind that the use of the identified data formats does not imply the use or purchase of proprietary tools (format specifications are open). Their primary goal is to reach interoperability through the use of available data as-is. And in case improvements are needed, the providers have probably already these tools. We need this format list stabilized In order to progress on the semantics associated with the attribution. The RIEDP specification is open to integration of new formats as long as: No additional unreasonable constraints are brought; The same agreement on the associated attribution rules can be applied; Methodology and tools to translate with existing formats are provided; with acceptable loss Addition of other formats is done after the first product is complete. Key Review Issue: RIEDP Format List (2/2) 2 Dec 2015 RIEDP-PDG - I/ITSEC Meeting 12
Ce document est la propriété intellectuelle de Sogitec Industries, il ne peut être utilisé, reproduit, modifié ou communiqué sans son autorisation. SOGITEC Industries Proprietary Data. Updated Content of the document Introduction (Preface, § 1, §2, § 3, § 4.1)~ finished ? Glossary RPM (§ 4.2)~ finished ? RADM (§ 4.3)~ finished ? Data Organization ~ finished ? Data Profile to be integrated to Conformance Conformance to be improved Main remaining topics Definition of RIEDP Formats - Rules and Criteria (§ 4.5) Definition of Requirements for use of non-RIEDP Formats (§ 4.6) Main effect sought Finalize Product #1 asap Which requires to identify the border with Product #2 –> towards DG3 Initiation Current Status of DM Foundations Document 2 Dec 2015 RIEDP-PDG - I/ITSEC Meeting 13
RIEDP Detailed Features Description RIEDP-PDG - I/ITSEC Meeting
Ce document est la propriété intellectuelle de Sogitec Industries, il ne peut être utilisé, reproduit, modifié ou communiqué sans son autorisation. SOGITEC Industries Proprietary Data. During Telecon2, it was agreed that it was currently difficult to go into details on DG3 (Attribution subject) before the RADM is sufficiently stabilized. It is now agreed, conversely, that the Product #1 cannot be finalized before the scope of DG3 is sufficiently outlined Approach proposed to future DG3 drafted by DG1 RIEDP Detailed Features Description Looking for the Scope … 2 Dec 2015 RIEDP-PDG - I/ITSEC Meeting 15
Ce document est la propriété intellectuelle de Sogitec Industries, il ne peut être utilisé, reproduit, modifié ou communiqué sans son autorisation. SOGITEC Industries Proprietary Data. Process that DG 3 will need to follow Identify the required collection of Features (classes) and Attributes needed for RIEDP Define what is mandatory and what is optional Assess available Dictionaries and select the most suitable as the RIEDP reference dictionary Check what is available and what is missing in these dictionaries Identify required extensions or additions to the dictionary Define how this collection can be described with the reference dictionary Identify mappings between RIEDP Attributions and those used by the initiatives/users This process will be incremental (for initialization and as for updates) It is important to define a flexible way of characterizing the underlying structure of the attribution. Establish Attribution Schema RIEDP Detailed Features Description Approach 2 Dec 2015 RIEDP-PDG - I/ITSEC Meeting 16
Ce document est la propriété intellectuelle de Sogitec Industries, il ne peut être utilisé, reproduit, modifié ou communiqué sans son autorisation. SOGITEC Industries Proprietary Data. RIEDP Detailed Features Description DG1 Team met to discuss key Product #2 topics When Series of meetings from 18 to 27 Nov 2015 Participants Farid, Gilbert, JLG Goals and Topics discussed Identify Scope/Principles for Product #2 Derive conditions to finalize Product #1 Identify boundaries of the first product Address various additional topics (NATO ET and US Marine Corps) Results Identified principles for topics above 17
Ce document est la propriété intellectuelle de Sogitec Industries, il ne peut être utilisé, reproduit, modifié ou communiqué sans son autorisation. SOGITEC Industries Proprietary Data. Categories of attribution for environmental database generation: 1- attribution related to environmental objects 2- attribution related to representation of data (not the object) 3- attribution related to process (database generation, rendering,...) There may be more than the three categories above that we are interested in Any idea ? RIEDP Detailed Features Description Identification of Categories of Attribution 2 Dec 2015 RIEDP-PDG - I/ITSEC Meeting 18
Ce document est la propriété intellectuelle de Sogitec Industries, il ne peut être utilisé, reproduit, modifié ou communiqué sans son autorisation. SOGITEC Industries Proprietary Data. 1- attribution related to environmental objects Examples of sub-categories: terrain regions/surface (polygons and/or elevation grid posts) non-terrain regions (lakes, forests,...) natural and man-made networks (roads, rivers, power lines,...) natural features (trees, rocks, shrubs,...) man-made terrain features (houses, benches, poles,...) man-made moving objects (vehicles,...) Special Areas City Airport Lights RIEDP Detailed Features Description Identification of sub-Categories 2 Dec 2015 RIEDP-PDG - I/ITSEC Meeting 19
Ce document est la propriété intellectuelle de Sogitec Industries, il ne peut être utilisé, reproduit, modifié ou communiqué sans son autorisation. SOGITEC Industries Proprietary Data. 2- attribution related to representation of data (not the object) Examples of sub-categories: imagery-related attributes (things unique to an image, not metadata; example: histogram, color pallet used, number of pixels, number of features in the image,...) feature-file-related attributes (number of features, number of types of features, number of nodes/segments, number of files per terrain tile,...) database-related attributes (number of textures used, number of special areas, coordinate reference frame, extents, number of 3D objects, number of geo-specific objects, number of randomly scattered objects, number of libraries included,...) 3- attribution related to process (DB generation, rendering,...) Examples of sub-categories: data creation related (roads modified to match terrain, terrain modified to match water,...) rendering-related (order of rendering, object-texture relations, when to switch LoD, animation- related,...) RIEDP Detailed Features Description Identification of sub-Categories (cont.) 2 Dec 2015 RIEDP-PDG - I/ITSEC Meeting 20
Ce document est la propriété intellectuelle de Sogitec Industries, il ne peut être utilisé, reproduit, modifié ou communiqué sans son autorisation. SOGITEC Industries Proprietary Data. There may be more categories than the three identified There may be more sub-categories under each category Or the number of sub-categories could be reduced to a smaller number For example, for the first category, we can consider that all features, whether natural, man- made, or moving are just features and they can all be collected together and no need to identify sub-categories. RIEDP Detailed Features Description Categories of attribution - Issues 2 Dec 2015 RIEDP-PDG - I/ITSEC Meeting 21
Ce document est la propriété intellectuelle de Sogitec Industries, il ne peut être utilisé, reproduit, modifié ou communiqué sans son autorisation. SOGITEC Industries Proprietary Data. Features of the real world: Identified by their standardized name/code Described by their geometry, and Characterized by a set of standardized attribute information Attribute A Attribute B … Attribute information: including at least a standardized identifier and a value Application of attribution Case Study – Feature / Vector data 2 Dec 2015 RIEDP-PDG - I/ITSEC Meeting 22
Ce document est la propriété intellectuelle de Sogitec Industries, il ne peut être utilisé, reproduit, modifié ou communiqué sans son autorisation. SOGITEC Industries Proprietary Data. Both features and attributes are defined in standardized dictionaries Identifier:standardized name/code to be used in the data products Definition:text defining the feature or attribute concept With additional parameters for attributes (such as): Applicability:Mandatory, optional, … Datatype : Logical, String, Integer, Real, … Unit:meter, kg, or N/A Range:Authorized values Default:Value if not filled out In addition (depending on implementation), product-specific information for attributes and features may be provided external to both dictionary and actual data E.g. same attribute, but different Range or Applicability information for different features Application of attribution Features and Attributes Dictionaries 2 Dec 2015 RIEDP-PDG - I/ITSEC Meeting 23
Ce document est la propriété intellectuelle de Sogitec Industries, il ne peut être utilisé, reproduit, modifié ou communiqué sans son autorisation. SOGITEC Industries Proprietary Data. Feature records Record 1 Record 2 Record 3 Record 4 ….. Feature Instance-level Attributes Class Name Runway Taxiway Road 2 lanes Street …. Instance Attrib. Ext. xyyxx yxyyx - Attribute 1 a1 b1 c1 d1 Attribute 2 a2 b2 c2 d2 Attribute 3 a3 b3 c3 d3 ….. … …... … Attribute n an bn cn dn Instance Level Description Class Level Description (Library) Feature Class-level Attributes or Schemas …. Road 2 lanes ….. Feature Class-level Attributes or Schemas Extension ….. 1 2 3 Feature Instance Geometry *.shp file Values (*.dbf file) Feature Instance-level Attributes or Schemas Extension ….. …… XML or *.dbf file Attribute instances Application of attribution Case Study – Shapefile Schema Shape files Shape files
Ce document est la propriété intellectuelle de Sogitec Industries, il ne peut être utilisé, reproduit, modifié ou communiqué sans son autorisation. SOGITEC Industries Proprietary Data. From CDB specification Relation between Shapes & Attributes Shares common concepts with Sogitec’s Sindbad Application of attribution Shapefile Schema: Sindbad/CDB illustration
Ce document est la propriété intellectuelle de Sogitec Industries, il ne peut être utilisé, reproduit, modifié ou communiqué sans son autorisation. SOGITEC Industries Proprietary Data. Category 1 Geomatics Schema fully applicable Can be supported by existing Standard feature/attribute dictionaries DFDD, EDCS, … Category 2 Informatics Not applicable to schema (with minor exceptions) Not covered by existing Standard feature/attribute dictionaries Relies on metadata and/or Tags / Boxes for specific formats (e.g. GeoTIFF, JPEG, …) Category 3 Process Schema may be applicable Not (fully) covered by existing Standard feature/attribute dictionaries Though some elements available in DFDD and EDCS Needs to be defined Application of attribution Categories vs Attribution Schema 2 Dec 2015 RIEDP-PDG - I/ITSEC Meeting 26
Ce document est la propriété intellectuelle de Sogitec Industries, il ne peut être utilisé, reproduit, modifié ou communiqué sans son autorisation. SOGITEC Industries Proprietary Data. Study of specific RIEDP-compliant data use cases can help identify any additional issues Expressing “Here is what you should expect in this RIEDP-compliant data product“ may require: Specific information in headers of files (GeoTIFF/Shapefile/etc.), which may or may not be allowed by the format, and/or Providing an RIEDP-specific external file Verification of whether a product is in fact compliant or not is a separate topic. This may require developing new tools, or if possible use existing tools (read this file in GIS application, and you must see the following...). Additional Considerations for Attribution Use 2 Dec 2015 RIEDP-PDG - I/ITSEC Meeting 27
Ce document est la propriété intellectuelle de Sogitec Industries, il ne peut être utilisé, reproduit, modifié ou communiqué sans son autorisation. SOGITEC Industries Proprietary Data. GeoTIFF/Imagery or JPEG 2000 The Tags list defines what should be present to be able to understand the file content The file must be readable in existing COTS tools GeoTIFF/Elevation Idem (similar to GeoTIFF/Imagery) Shapefiles Specifying which dictionary is used for feature/attribute identifiers The attribution should be compliant with Shapefile schema principles Within the main DBF file Within an additional DBF File, referencing via a Key Attribute in the main DBF File Or via an XML file (whose schema must be defined) The file must be readable in existing COTS tools OpenFlight Understandable and consistent node structure Rules for object composition/decomposition/control References to (external) feature/object attributes The file must be readable in existing COTS tools Additional Considerations for Attribution Use File-Specific Examples 2 Dec 2015 RIEDP-PDG - I/ITSEC Meeting 28
Ce document est la propriété intellectuelle de Sogitec Industries, il ne peut être utilisé, reproduit, modifié ou communiqué sans son autorisation. SOGITEC Industries Proprietary Data. Product #2 (Detailed Features Description) issues have been explored Three categories of attribution Indirection-based attribution schema (for vector data) To be drafted by DG3 (to be kicked-off) Product #1 (RIEDP DM Foundations) boundaries have been identified Attribution elements to be transfered to Product #2 Scope based on current list of RIEDP formats (result from RIEDP SG Phase) Additional Formats deferred until Product #1 has reached maturity RIEDP Formats - Rules and Criteria to be established To be finalized by DG2 and formally reviewed by PDG members RIEDP Detailed Features Description Conclusion 2 Dec 2015 RIEDP-PDG - I/ITSEC Meeting 29
Way Forward RIEDP-PDG - I/ITSEC Meeting 2 Dec 2015 30
Ce document est la propriété intellectuelle de Sogitec Industries, il ne peut être utilisé, reproduit, modifié ou communiqué sans son autorisation. SOGITEC Industries Proprietary Data. Complete informal Review n°2 for Product #1 Incorporate comment resolutions Take into account approach for format list Finalize the relevant sections Target for formal Review Sometime in 1st quarter 2016 RIEDP Data Model Foundations Next step 2 Dec 2015 RIEDP-PDG - I/ITSEC Meeting 31
Ce document est la propriété intellectuelle de Sogitec Industries, il ne peut être utilisé, reproduit, modifié ou communiqué sans son autorisation. SOGITEC Industries Proprietary Data. RIEDP Detailed Features Description Next step Initialization of the RIEDP DFD – Establish DG3 Who ? DG 3 Volunteers ? Schedule for completion of Product #2 Fall 2016 RIEDP-PDG - I/ITSEC Meeting 32 2 Dec 2015
Ce document est la propriété intellectuelle de Sogitec Industries, il ne peut être utilisé, reproduit, modifié ou communiqué sans son autorisation. SOGITEC Industries Proprietary Data. Main steps of the Process PDG Chair sends document to SAC SAC reviews and approves document for Official Review SAC establishes Comment Tracking System SAC asks for volunteers for ReviewHow ? Volunteers identify themselvesHow ? SAC check validity of the Group Review Period is launched Reviewers feed the CTS and Vote (Y/N/?) Comments are resolved by DG Resolutions are voted Reviewers reassess their vote Recirculation ??? ????? Towards Balloting 2 Dec 2015 RIEDP-PDG - I/ITSEC Meeting 33
Next Events RIEDP-PDG - I/ITSEC Meeting
Ce document est la propriété intellectuelle de Sogitec Industries, il ne peut être utilisé, reproduit, modifié ou communiqué sans son autorisation. SOGITEC Industries Proprietary Data. Next Events Telecon 13 To be held during Week ?Date to be agreed ITEC (17-19 May, ExCel, London) RIEDP-PDG - I/ITSEC Meeting 35 2 Dec 2015
Action Items RIEDP-PDG - I/ITSEC Meeting
Ce document est la propriété intellectuelle de Sogitec Industries, il ne peut être utilisé, reproduit, modifié ou communiqué sans son autorisation. SOGITEC Industries Proprietary Data. Action Items Attendance RIEDP-PDG - I/ITSEC Meeting 37 2 Dec 2015
Ce document est la propriété intellectuelle de Sogitec Industries, il ne peut être utilisé, reproduit, modifié ou communiqué sans son autorisation. SOGITEC Industries Proprietary Data. AOB ?? RIEDP-PDG - I/ITSEC Meeting 39 2 Dec 2015
Conclusion RIEDP-PDG - I/ITSEC Meeting
Ce document est la propriété intellectuelle de Sogitec Industries, il ne peut être utilisé, reproduit, modifié ou communiqué sans son autorisation. SOGITEC Industries Proprietary Data. Conclusion During Session RIEDP-PDG - I/ITSEC Meeting 41 2 Dec 2015
Backup RIEDP-PDG - I/ITSEC Meeting
Shapefile RIEDP-PDG - I/ITSEC Meeting 2 Dec 2015 43
Ce document est la propriété intellectuelle de Sogitec Industries, il ne peut être utilisé, reproduit, modifié ou communiqué sans son autorisation. SOGITEC Industries Proprietary Data. A Shapefile stores map (geographic) features and attribute data as a collection of files having the same prefix and the following file extensions: Required: .shp - the file that stores the feature geometry. .shx - the file that stores the index of the feature geometry. .dbf - the dBASE file that stores the attribute information of features. Optional .sbn and.sbx - the files that store the spatial index of the features. .fbn and.fbx - the files that store the spatial index of the features for shapefiles that are read-only. .ain and.aih - the files that store the attribute index of the active fields in a table or a theme's attribute table. .prj - the file that stores the coordinate system information. .xml - metadata for ArcInfo and ArcView 8.0 and higher, for using shapefiles on the Internet. What is Shapefile? RIEDP Attribution - Initial Thoughts 44
Ce document est la propriété intellectuelle de Sogitec Industries, il ne peut être utilisé, reproduit, modifié ou communiqué sans son autorisation. SOGITEC Industries Proprietary Data. A shapefile stores nontopological geometry and attribute information for the spatial features in a data set. The geometry for a feature is stored as a shape comprising a set of vector coordinates. Because shapefiles do not have the processing overhead of a topological data structure, they have advantages over other data sources such as faster drawing speed and edit ability. Shapefiles handle single features that overlap or that are noncontiguous. They also typically require less disk space and are easier to read and write. Shapefiles can support point, line, and area features. Area features are represented as closed loop, double-digitized polygons. Attributes are held in a dBASE® format file. Each attribute record has a one-to-one relationship with the associated shape record. What is Shapefile ? RIEDP Attribution - Initial Thoughts 45
Ce document est la propriété intellectuelle de Sogitec Industries, il ne peut être utilisé, reproduit, modifié ou communiqué sans son autorisation. SOGITEC Industries Proprietary Data. An ESRI shapefile consists of: a main file (.shp), an index file (.shx), and a dBASE table (.dbf). The main file is a direct access, variable-record-length file in which each record describes a shape with a list of its vertices. In the index file, each record contains the offset of the corresponding main file record from the beginning of the main file. The dBASE table contains feature attributes with one record per feature. The one-to-one relationship between geometry and attributes is based on record number. Attribute records in the dBASE file must be in the same order as records in the main file. What is Shapefile ? RIEDP Attribution - Initial Thoughts 46
Ce document est la propriété intellectuelle de Sogitec Industries, il ne peut être utilisé, reproduit, modifié ou communiqué sans son autorisation. SOGITEC Industries Proprietary Data. All file names adhere to the 8.3 naming convention. The main file, the index file, and the dBASE file have the same prefix. The prefix must start with an alphanumeric character (a–Z, 0–9), followed by zero or up to seven characters (a–Z, 0–9, _, -). The suffix for the main file is.shp. The suffix for the index file is.shx. The suffix for the dBASE table is.dbf. All letters in a file name are in lower case on operating systems with case sensitive file names. Examples: Main file: counties.shp Index file: counties.shx dBASE table: counties.dbf Naming Conventions RIEDP Attribution - Initial Thoughts 47 Remarque: cette convention n’est pas respectée par CDB
Ce document est la propriété intellectuelle de Sogitec Industries, il ne peut être utilisé, reproduit, modifié ou communiqué sans son autorisation. SOGITEC Industries Proprietary Data. A shapefile stores integer and double-precision numbers. The remainder of this document will refer to the following types: Integer: Signed 32-bit integer (4 bytes) Double: Signed 64-bit IEEE double-precision floating point number (8 bytes) Numeric Types RIEDP Attribution - Initial Thoughts 48
Ce document est la propriété intellectuelle de Sogitec Industries, il ne peut être utilisé, reproduit, modifié ou communiqué sans son autorisation. SOGITEC Industries Proprietary Data. The main file (.shp) contains: a fixed-length file header followed by variable-length records. Each variable-length record is made up of a fixed-length record header followed by variable-length record contents. Organization of the Main File (.shp) RIEDP Attribution - Initial Thoughts 49
Ce document est la propriété intellectuelle de Sogitec Industries, il ne peut être utilisé, reproduit, modifié ou communiqué sans son autorisation. SOGITEC Industries Proprietary Data. The main file header is 100 bytes long. The Main File (.shp) Header RIEDP Attribution - Initial Thoughts 50 The Bounding Box in the main file header stores the actual extent of the shapes in the file: the minimum bounding rectangle orthogonal to the X and Y (and potentially the M and Z) axes that contains all shapes. Currently, shapefiles are restricted to contain the same type of shape.
Ce document est la propriété intellectuelle de Sogitec Industries, il ne peut être utilisé, reproduit, modifié ou communiqué sans son autorisation. SOGITEC Industries Proprietary Data. The header for each record stores the record number and content length for the record. The Main File (.shp) - Record Headers RIEDP Attribution - Initial Thoughts 51
Ce document est la propriété intellectuelle de Sogitec Industries, il ne peut être utilisé, reproduit, modifié ou communiqué sans son autorisation. SOGITEC Industries Proprietary Data. Shapefile record contents consist of a shape type followed by the geometric data for the shape. The length of the record contents depends on the number of parts and vertices in a shape. The Shape Types in X,Y Space are described in the following. The Main File (.shp) Record Contents RIEDP Attribution - Initial Thoughts 52
Ce document est la propriété intellectuelle de Sogitec Industries, il ne peut être utilisé, reproduit, modifié ou communiqué sans son autorisation. SOGITEC Industries Proprietary Data. Point A point consists of a pair of double-precision coordinates in the order X,Y. MultiPoint A MultiPoint represents a set of points, as follows: Main File (.shp): Shape Types in X,Y Space – Point - MultiPoint RIEDP Attribution - Initial Thoughts 53
Ce document est la propriété intellectuelle de Sogitec Industries, il ne peut être utilisé, reproduit, modifié ou communiqué sans son autorisation. SOGITEC Industries Proprietary Data. A PolyLine is an ordered set of vertices that consists of one or more parts. A part is a connected sequence of two or more points. Parts may or may not be connected to one another. Parts may or may not intersect one another. Main File (.shp): Shape Types in X,Y Space – PolyLine RIEDP Attribution - Initial Thoughts 54 Box : The Bounding Box for the PolyLine stored in the order Xmin, Ymin, Xmax,Ymax. NumParts: The number of parts in the PolyLine. NumPoints: The total number of points for all parts. Parts: An array of length NumParts. Stores, for each PolyLine, the index of its first point in the points array. Points: An array of length NumPoints. The points for each part in the PolyLine are stored end to end.
Ce document est la propriété intellectuelle de Sogitec Industries, il ne peut être utilisé, reproduit, modifié ou communiqué sans son autorisation. SOGITEC Industries Proprietary Data. A polygon consists of one or more rings. A ring is a connected sequence of four or more points that form a closed, non-self-intersecting loop. A polygon may contain multiple outer rings. The order of vertices or orientation for a ring indicates which side of the ring is the interior of the polygon. The neighborhood to the right of an observer walking along the ring in vertex order is the neighborhood inside the polygon. Vertices of rings defining holes in polygons are in a counterclockwise direction. Vertices for a single, ringed polygon are, therefore, always in clockwise order. The rings of a polygon are referred to as its parts. Main File (.shp): Shape Types in X,Y Space – Polygon RIEDP Attribution - Initial Thoughts 55
Ce document est la propriété intellectuelle de Sogitec Industries, il ne peut être utilisé, reproduit, modifié ou communiqué sans son autorisation. SOGITEC Industries Proprietary Data. Shapes of this type have an additional coordinate M (Measure). PointM: A PointM consists of a pair of double-precision coordinates in the order X, Y, plus a measure M. MultiPointM: A MultiPointM represents a set of PointMs. PolyLineM: A shapefile PolyLineM consists of one or more parts, related to PointMs. PolygonM: A PolygonM consists of a number of rings, related of PointMs. Main File (.shp): Measured Shape Types in X,Y Space RIEDP Attribution - Initial Thoughts 56
Ce document est la propriété intellectuelle de Sogitec Industries, il ne peut être utilisé, reproduit, modifié ou communiqué sans son autorisation. SOGITEC Industries Proprietary Data. Shapes of this type have additional coordinates Z and M (Measure). PointZ: A PointZ consists of a triplet of double-precision coordinates in the order X, Y, Z plus a measure. MultiPointZ: A MultiPointZ represents a set of PointZs. PolyLineZ: A PolyLineZ consists of one or more parts, related to PointZs. PolygonZ: A PolygonZ consists of a number of rings, related to PointZs. Main File (.shp): Shape Types in X,Y,Z Space RIEDP Attribution - Initial Thoughts 57
Ce document est la propriété intellectuelle de Sogitec Industries, il ne peut être utilisé, reproduit, modifié ou communiqué sans son autorisation. SOGITEC Industries Proprietary Data. A MultiPatch consists of a number of surface patches. Each surface patch describes a surface. The surface patches of a MultiPatch are referred to as its parts, and the type of part controls how the order of vertices of an MultiPatch part is interpreted. The parts of a MultiPatch can be of the following types: Triangle Strip A linked strip of triangles, where every vertex (after the first two) completes a new triangle. A new triangle is always formed by connecting the new vertex with its two immediate predecessors. Triangle Fan A linked fan of triangles, where every vertex (after the first two) completes a new triangle. A new triangle is always formed by connecting the new vertex with its immediate predecessor and the first vertex of the part. Outer Ring The outer ring of a polygon. Inner Ring A hole of a polygon. First Ring The first ring of a polygon of an unspecified type. Ring A ring of a polygon of an unspecified type. Main File (.shp): MultiPatch RIEDP Attribution - Initial Thoughts 58
Ce document est la propriété intellectuelle de Sogitec Industries, il ne peut être utilisé, reproduit, modifié ou communiqué sans son autorisation. SOGITEC Industries Proprietary Data. The index file (.shx) contains: a 100-byte header followed by 8-byte, fixed-length records. Organization of the Index File (.shx) RIEDP Attribution - Initial Thoughts 59
Ce document est la propriété intellectuelle de Sogitec Industries, il ne peut être utilisé, reproduit, modifié ou communiqué sans son autorisation. SOGITEC Industries Proprietary Data. The index file header is identical in organization to the main file header described above. The Index File (.shx) Header RIEDP Attribution - Initial Thoughts 60
Ce document est la propriété intellectuelle de Sogitec Industries, il ne peut être utilisé, reproduit, modifié ou communiqué sans son autorisation. SOGITEC Industries Proprietary Data. The I’th record in the index file stores the offset and content length for the I’th record in the main file. The offset of a record in the main file is the number of 16-bit words from the start of the main file to the first byte of the record header for the record. Thus, the offset for the first record in the main file is 50, given the 100-byte header. The content length stored in the index record is the same as the value stored in the main file record header. The Index File (.shx) Records RIEDP Attribution - Initial Thoughts 61
Ce document est la propriété intellectuelle de Sogitec Industries, il ne peut être utilisé, reproduit, modifié ou communiqué sans son autorisation. SOGITEC Industries Proprietary Data. The dBASE file (.dbf) contains : any desired feature attributes or attribute keys to which other tables can be joined. Its format is a standard DBF file used by many table-based applications in Windows™ and DOS. Any set of fields can be present in the table. There are three requirements, as follows: The file name must have the same prefix as the shape and index file. Its suffix must be.dbf. The table must contain one record per shape feature. The record order must be the same as the order of shape features in the main (*.shp) file. The year value in the dBASE header must be the year since 1900. Organization of the dBASE File (.dbf) RIEDP Attribution - Initial Thoughts 62
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