Perfect tense with ÊTRE. When do you use the perfect tense with être?  The perfect tense with être is also used to describe an action in the past which.

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Présentation au sujet: "Perfect tense with ÊTRE. When do you use the perfect tense with être?  The perfect tense with être is also used to describe an action in the past which."— Transcription de la présentation:

1 Perfect tense with ÊTRE

2 When do you use the perfect tense with être?  The perfect tense with être is also used to describe an action in the past which is no longer happening.  Eg: Je suis allé en France. I went to France.

3 What is the main difference between the perfect tense with avoir and the perfect tense with être?  The perfect tense with être is used to describe a movement or a change of state:  Eg: I went to the supermarket. (movement) My brother was born in 1996. (change of state)

4 How do you form the perfect tense?  You will need to remember the same easy formula: SAPSAPSAPSAP  Subject + Auxiliary verb + Auxiliary verb + Past Participle Past Participle

5 Now the more complicated bit…  There are about 16 verbs that use the perfect tense with ‘être’. You will need to remember them all: Devenirto become Revenirto come back Monterto go up resterto stay / to remain sortirto go out Venirto come allerto go naîtreto be born descendreto go down entrerto go in retournerto return tomberto fall resterto stay arriverto arrive mourirto die partirto leave

6 You will remember this as… Dr. Mrs. Vandertramp


8 Subject + Auxiliary verb + Auxiliary verb + Past Participle Past ParticipleJeTuIlElleNousVousIlsElles Let’s go back to the formula suisesestestsommesêtessontsont allé(e)(s)monté(e)(s)descendu(e)(s)resté(e)(s)parti(e)(s)venu(e)(s)

9 Ecris une phrase pour chaque image Utilise les verbes suivants: tomber / monter / naître / sortir 1 432 je ilselle nous

10 Réponses (1) 1 2 Je suis tombé(e) dans l’escalier. Elle est née la semaine dernière.

11 Réponses (2) 3 4 Nous sommes monté(e)s dans ma chambre. Ils sont restés à la maison.

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