Expressions of Quantity. Combien de To ask “how many” or “how much,” use the expression combien de before a noun. Combien de croissants est-ce que tu.

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Présentation au sujet: "Expressions of Quantity. Combien de To ask “how many” or “how much,” use the expression combien de before a noun. Combien de croissants est-ce que tu."— Transcription de la présentation:

1 Expressions of Quantity

2 Combien de To ask “how many” or “how much,” use the expression combien de before a noun. Combien de croissants est-ce que tu veux? How many croissants do you want? Il y a combien d’oeufs dans cette omelette? How many eggs are there in this omelette? *Note that de becomes d’ before a word beginning with a vowel sound.

3 Expressions of Quantity To tell “how many” or “how much,” use one of these general expressions of quantity before a noun: assez deenough beaucoup dea lot of, many (un) peu de(a) little, few trop detoo much, too many

4 Je voudrais un peu de fromage. I would like a little cheese. Non, merci, j’ai assez d’eau. No thanks, I have enough water.

5 Specific Quantity Certain nouns express a specific quantity. They are followed by de and a noun. Un morceau dea piece of Une tranche dea slice of Un pot dea jar of Une boîte dea can of Une bouteille dea bottle of Un kilo dea kilogram of

6 Donnez-moi une tranche de jambon. Give me a slice of ham. Je veux acheter un kilo d’oranges. I want to buy one kilo of oranges.

7 Write each expression of quantity on note card and place in one stack Put names of foods in French on other cards and place in stack In your small group, take one from each stack and make an appropriate sentence using the verbs: vouloir or avoir  ex. Assez de/petits pois  -J’ai assez de petits pois.

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