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Publié parHAMZA DEHIMI Modifié depuis plus de 8 années
1 Linear Prediction
2 Linear Prediction (Introduction) : The object of linear prediction is to estimate the output sequence from a linear combination of input samples, past output samples or both : The factors a(i) and b(j) are called predictor coefficients.
3 Linear Prediction (Introduction) : Many systems of interest to us are describable by a linear, constant-coefficient difference equation : If Y(z)/X(z)=H(z), where H(z) is a ratio of polynomials N(z)/D(z), then Thus the predictor coefficients give us immediate access to the poles and zeros of H(z).
4 Linear Prediction (Types of System Model) : There are two important variants : (AR) All-pole model (in statistics, autoregressive (AR) model ) : The numerator N(z) is a constant. (MA) All-zero model (in statistics, moving-average (MA) model ) : The denominator D(z) is equal to unity. (ARMA) The mixed pole-zero model is called the autoregressive moving-average (ARMA) model.
5 Linear Prediction (Derivation of LP equations) : Given a zero-mean signal y(n), in the AR model : The error is : To derive the predictor we use the orthogonality principle, the principle states that the desired coefficients are those which make the error orthogonal to the samples y(n-1), y(n-2),…, y(n-p).
6 Linear Prediction (Derivation of LP equations) : Thus we require that Or, Interchanging the operation of averaging and summing, and representing by summing over n, we have The required predictors are found by solving these equations.
7 Linear Prediction (Derivation of LP equations) : The orthogonality principle also states that resulting minimum error is given by Or, We can minimize the error over all time : where
8 Linear Prediction (Applications) : Autocorrelation matching : We have a signal y(n) with known autocorrelation. We model this with the AR system shown below : σ 1-A(z)
9 Linear Prediction (Order of Linear Prediction) : The choice of predictor order depends on the analysis bandwidth. The rule of thumb is : For a normal vocal tract, there is an average of about one formant per kilo Hertz of BW. One formant requires two complex conjugate poles. Hence for every formant we require two predictor coefficients, or two coefficients per kilo Hertz of bandwidth.
10 Linear Prediction (AR Modeling of Speech Signal) : True Model: DT Impulse generator G(z) Glottal Filter Uncorrelated Noise generator H(z) Vocal tract Filter R(z) LP Filter Voiced Unvoiced Pitch Gain V U U(n) Voiced Volume velocity s(n) Speech Signal
11 Linear Prediction (AR Modeling of Speech Signal) : Using LP analysis : DT Impulse generator White Noise generator All-Pole Filter (AR) Voiced Unvoiced Pitch Gain estimate V U H(z) s(n) Speech Signal
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