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Publié parStéphanie Lajoie Modifié depuis plus de 8 années
Technology Module
Technology is the application of knowledge and skills to make goods or to provide services. It includes the tools and machines that people use to convert natural resources into the items they need. Technology is any product or process that allows humans to extend their natural abilities. What is technology?
1) Revolution in Agriculture (ability to produce food) 2) Revolution in Industry (manufacturing, transportation and communication) 3) High-Tech revolution (computers, television, internet, science) How does technology influences us?
1876- Alexander Graham bell invents the telephone 1927- First long distance television transmission 1951- First commercially manufactured computer 1990- The phrase “World Wide Web” is coined by Tim Berners- Lee. 2004- Facebook is created 2005- YouTube is launched Page 199 Invention
A patent is a form of intellectual property. It consists of a set of exclusive rights granted by a country to an inventor or their assignee for a limited period of time in exchange for the public disclosure of an inventionexclusive rights The procedure for granting patents vary widely between countries according to national laws and international agreements. What is a patent?
Patent in Canada
1) 100 most popular YouTube video of all time 2) Find with your partner your favorite video YouTube Project Introduction
1) How does the internet influences your lives? (time you spend, social influence, etc.) 2) What websites do you visit the most? (Top 5) 3) Why do certain websites are more interesting in your opinion? 4) What makes a YouTube video popular? (3 reasons) Project #4: The influence of the internet
1) Comment l’internet vous influence dans vos vies? (heures en ligne, effets sur votre vie sociale, etc.) 2) Quels sites internet visitez-vous le plus? 3) Pourquoi certains sites internet vous intéresse plus que d’autres? 4) Qu’est-ce qui rend un vidéo de YouTube populaire? (3 raisons) Projet #4: L’influence de l’internet
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