Technology Module.  Technology is the application of knowledge and skills to make goods or to provide services.  It includes the tools and machines.

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Présentation au sujet: "Technology Module.  Technology is the application of knowledge and skills to make goods or to provide services.  It includes the tools and machines."— Transcription de la présentation:

1 Technology Module

2  Technology is the application of knowledge and skills to make goods or to provide services.  It includes the tools and machines that people use to convert natural resources into the items they need.  Technology is any product or process that allows humans to extend their natural abilities. What is technology?

3  1) Revolution in Agriculture (ability to produce food)  2) Revolution in Industry (manufacturing, transportation and communication)  3) High-Tech revolution (computers, television, internet, science) How does technology influences us?

4  1876- Alexander Graham bell invents the telephone  1927- First long distance television transmission  1951- First commercially manufactured computer  1990- The phrase “World Wide Web” is coined by Tim Berners- Lee.  2004- Facebook is created  2005- YouTube is launched  Page 199 Invention

5  A patent is a form of intellectual property. It consists of a set of exclusive rights granted by a country to an inventor or their assignee for a limited period of time in exchange for the public disclosure of an inventionexclusive rights  The procedure for granting patents vary widely between countries according to national laws and international agreements. What is a patent?

6 Patent in Canada

7  1) 100 most popular YouTube video of all time  2) Find with your partner your favorite video YouTube Project Introduction

8  1) How does the internet influences your lives?  (time you spend, social influence, etc.)  2) What websites do you visit the most? (Top 5)  3) Why do certain websites are more interesting in your opinion?  4) What makes a YouTube video popular? (3 reasons) Project #4: The influence of the internet

9  1) Comment l’internet vous influence dans vos vies?  (heures en ligne, effets sur votre vie sociale, etc.)  2) Quels sites internet visitez-vous le plus?  3) Pourquoi certains sites internet vous intéresse plus que d’autres?  4) Qu’est-ce qui rend un vidéo de YouTube populaire? (3 raisons) Projet #4: L’influence de l’internet

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