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Publié parEdgar Sénéchal Modifié depuis plus de 8 années
Le français II Reprise
How to ask for information? Comment tu t’appelles? Comment il/elle s’appelle? Comment allez-vous?/Ca va? Tu as quel age? Il/Elle a quel age? Quelle est ton adresse e-mail? Quel est ton numéro de telephone? Comment ça s’écrit?
How to respond My name is… His/her name is… It’s going well/So-so/Not too well I am _____ years old He or she is ______ years old It’s_____________ at_______________ It’s____________ (telephone number) It’s written/spelled_____________
To ask for an opinion…. Comment est ___________? Il/Elle est comment? Comment sont tes professeurs? Comment tu trouves __________? Qu’est-ce que tu penses de ton/ta prof?
To give an opinion He or she is _____________ He or she is neither _________ nor __________ In my opinion, they are quite ___________ I think he or she is _______________
Les adjectifs What are some adjectives you can list related to physical appearance? What are some adjectives you can list related to personality or one’s character?
Ecrivons: Writing Activity No. 1 You’re writing to your French e-pal about your best friend. Write a short paragraph telling your best friend’s name, his/her age, and giving a description of your friend. Be sure to ask your e-pal about his/her best friend. Finally, say good-bye.
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