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1. Role of PLAGE-experts & some results Jonathan FRONHOFFS Facilitatordienst Duurzame Gebouwen PLAGE-project.

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1 1

2 Role of PLAGE-experts & some results Jonathan FRONHOFFS Facilitatordienst Duurzame Gebouwen PLAGE-project

3 1. RESULTS 2. KEYS TO SUCCESS 3. CONFIRM ! 4. NEXT STEPS FORWARD PLAGE écoles : Results and future

4 Results! ● 5 schools networks (FWB, CECP, CPEONS, SEGEC, FELSI) & 1 representant of school network (SIT) ● Region support from 50,000 to 180,000 euro/y during four year ● Monitoring and expert advice L’enseignement obligatoire en Région Bruxelles Capitale PLAGE école (2009) Implantations scolaires cadastrées 636 implantations110 implantations Superficie2,6 mio m²540.000 m² soit 21% de la superficie totale du parc Nombre d'élèves190.000 élèves33.000 élèves Consommation en combustibles en 2009 360.000 MWh (= consommation de 22.000 ménages) 100.000 MWh (= consommation de 6.200 ménages) soit 28% des consommations parc Consommation en électricité en 2009 52.000.MWh14.500 MWh 100% financial support Expert support!

5 Results! ● 5 schools networks (FWB, CECP, CPEONS, SEGEC, FELSI) & 1 representant of school network (SIT) ● Region support from 50,000 to 180,000 euro/y during four year ● Monitoring and expert advice 100% financial support Expert support! Implantations scolaires cadastrées 110636 Superficie 540.000 m² 2,6 millions m² Consommation en combustible en 2009 100.000 MWh – consommation 6.200 ménages 360.000 MWh – consommation 22.000 ménages Consommation en électricité en 2009 14.500 MWh 52.000 MWh PLAGE écoles (2009) L’enseignement obligatoire en Région Bruxelles Capitale

6 Results! -18% for fuel consumption 2.600.000 € de dépenses cumulées évitées aux écoles entre 2009 et 2013 Moyenne pondérée prix de l’énergie : + 20% en 4 ans stabilisation for electricity consumption

7 Results per network Avant le PLAGE écolesAprès le PLAGE écoles SeGEC146 kWh/m2.an116 kWh/ FELSI143 kWh/m2.an121 kWh/ SIT145 kWh/m2.an133 kWh/ CECP/CPEONS198 kWh/m2.an170 kWh/ FWB248 kWh/m2.an199 kWh/ ● Situation contrastée au départ : consommation spécifiques de combustibles par réseau ● Consommations stagnent la 1ere année ● Baisses dès 2012 et 2013 ● Stabilisation en électricité ● En RBC, augmentation de 1,7 %/an

8 1. RESULTS 2. KEYS TO SUCCESS 3. CONFIRM ! 4. NEXT STEPS FORWARD PLAGE école : Results and future

9 Before 2004 : no energy strategy ! … but new policy willing * Be AMBITIOUS Set the objectives as high as possible ! * birth of a Strategy = convince by large scale experiments KEY 1 : AMBITIOUS ENERGY POLICY !

10 2005, INITIATIVES to promote EXAMPLES : VOLUNTARY / INCENTIVES / TECHNICAL SUPPORT Local Action Plan for Energy Management :  Public authorities  Experiences on life-size scale Energy challenge :  Household  Modification in Behaviour Energy Grants:  Everybody KEY 1 : AMBITIOUS ENERGY POLICY !

11 KEY 2 : PEOPLE!

12 Keys 2: ENERGY MANAGER! ● Compétent ● Chef d’orchestre ● Garant du Processus ● Expérimenté ● Technique ● Persuasif ● Stable ● Mobiliser ● Coordinateur ● Gardien des chiffres S’il part, les chiffres reviennent à la normale !

13 Keys 2: ENERGY TEAM ● De EV kan niet alleen werken ● Hierarchie mee in het proces: beslissingen: omkadering en steun ● Samenwerken met spelers op het terrein ● Energy team : samenvoegen van kennis en steuncité dans mise en œuvre ● Communicatie op alle niveau’s ● Evaluatie

14 KEY 3 : COMMUNICATION ! Les fiches par réseaux Les fiches par écoles …,…,… Les vidéos Les actions

15 1. RESULTS 2. KEYS TO SUCCESS 3. CONFIRM ! 4. NEXT STEPS FORWARD PLAGE écoles : Results and future

16 CONFIRM ! 2013 ManagEnergy Award finalists Brussels’ big buildings save energy through innovative new managementystems A record 82 projects were submitted for the 2013 ManagEnergy Local Energy Action Award.ManagEnergy Local Energy Action Award More than 1.380 buildings ( 4,5 millions m² ) of which 2 millions m² were put in PLAGE Action Plan For the 4 PLAGE action Plan calls ended, the annual global mean results are : -14% (-10 to -18%) for fuel consumption and CO2; stabilisation (-4% to +1%)for electricity consumption; 4,25 millions € saved; 35 Energy Managers engaged. Best result of -30% of fuel consumption

17 -18% -16% -10% and electricity consumption stabilized ! Heating demand saved and bill saved EDUCATION NETWORK Starting Year : 2009 # buildings (m²): 500.000 €/4y: 2.600.000 € EDUCATION NETWORK Starting Year : 2009 # buildings (m²): 500.000 €/4y: 2.600.000 € HOSPITALS Starting Year : 2007 # buildings (m²): 465.000 €/y: 800.000 € HOSPITALS Starting Year : 2007 # buildings (m²): 465.000 €/y: 800.000 € LOCAL AUTHORITIES Starting Year : 2006 # buildings (m²): 310.000 €/y: 1.000.000 € LOCAL AUTHORITIES Starting Year : 2006 # buildings (m²): 310.000 €/y: 1.000.000 € LOCAL AUTHORITIES Starting Year : 2008 # buildings (m²): 230.000 €/y: 750.000 € LOCAL AUTHORITIES Starting Year : 2008 # buildings (m²): 230.000 €/y: 750.000 € SOCIAL HOUSINGS Starting Year : 2012 # buildings (m²): 560.000 €/y: IN PROGRESS SOCIAL HOUSINGS Starting Year : 2012 # buildings (m²): 560.000 €/y: IN PROGRESS

18 ENERGY MANAGER! Hannes Merckx, energieverantwoordelijke van SIT Marc Lemeye, responsable énergie du SEGEC Inès Dehouk, reponsable energie de la FELSI Pierre Urbain, responsable énergie du SEGEC Khalid Elmansori, responsable énergie FWB Roberto Impedovo, responsable énergie CECP Sam Fockedey, energieverantwoordelijke van SIT Abdelhak Zemousori, responsable énergie FWB mais aussi : Catherine Olbrecht (FELSI), Sabah Koumiza (CoCOF) …

19 A. PLAGE: What’s the problem 19 HVAC Equipment Building Users Management Maintenance & contractors Invest ? Complain Comfort Fiddle Energy Bills Energy consumption PLAGE ENERGY MANAGER

20 A. PLAGE: The solution 20 HVAC Equipment Building Users Management Maintenance & contractors EM Mandate Report-Convince Invest ? Analyse Report-Convince Complain Comfort Fiddle Analyse Complain

21 B. PLAGE-experts? ● Experts in the field of energy conservation and energy management ● Roles: ► Technical & Methodologic assistance to Energy Managers (EMs) ► Policing EM’s activities to ensure effectiveness of their actions ► Reporting to IBGE-BIM 21

22 C. PLAGE-experts: Assistance to EMs ● Technical & Methodologic assistance to Energy Managers ● Policing EM’s activities to ensure effectiveness of their actions ● Reporting to IBGE-BIM 22

23 C. Assistance to EMs: Technical 23 HVAC Equipment Building Users Management Maintenance & contractors EM Mandate Report-Convince Invest ? Analyse Report-Convince Complain Comfort Fiddle Analyse Complain ● EM’s are not always energy experts… ● Roles: ► Define prioritary buildings; ► Define priorities; ► Find & report on ECM’s; ► Monitor & report savings;

24 C. Assistance to EMs: Methodology 24 HVAC Equipment Building Users Management Maintenance & contractors EM Mandate Report-Convince Invest ? Analyse Report-Convince Complain Comfort Fiddle Analyse Complain Assist ● Energy management: broader scope than ECM… ► Communication skills; ► Understanding how institutions work; ► Monitor & report savings;

25 D. Energy Teams 25 ● EMs: not external consultants ● EM’s role integrated in the institution ● To ensure support from within: Energy teams

26 D. ECMs & Results 26 ● PLAGE is not about renovation ● PLAGE is all about management, “good housekeeping” & small ECMs

27 D. ECMs & Results 27

28 D. ECMs & Results 28


30 45% lower consumption!!

31 31

32 F. Future of PLAGE-EMs ● Subsidised EMs in institutions…but cost-effective ● Next steps: ► Prove cost-effectiveness ► Define new roles for EMs after PLAGE ► Broaden scope of EM’s work 32

33 Dank u voor uw aandacht! CONTACT: Energiefacilitator duurzame gebouwen: 0800/85 775 (Jonathan Fronhoffs) 33

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