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Publié parbrigitte foucault Modifié depuis plus de 8 années
. Sequence and project number 1
Guess what the topic is (devine le sujet)
With clues, of course…. (avec des indices bien sûr) ? ? ? ? ?
Ready ? Look at the clue and think
Clues : work Internship training course one week December observe
Now speak I think the words are in connection with … What is the meaning of.................? I guess we are going to speak about..
Repeat I think I guess I suppose The words observe In connection with the meaning of Internship Is about
Now speak I think the words are in relation with … I suppose......... I guess.............. We are probably going to............... What is the meaning of.................?
Now recap The sequence is about......................... Actually we are going to..................in December to observe........................ Our...................lasts............... week. For the moment we must......................... Last = durer (le verbe)
Are you good readers ? The sequence is about our training courses. Actually we are going to do an internship in December to observe people at work. Our internship lasts 1 week. For the moment we must look for it. Last = durer (le verbe)
Are you good translators ? The sequence is about our training courses. Actually we are going to do an internship in December to observe people at work. Our internship lasts 1 week. For the moment we must look for it. Last = durer (le verbe)
Sequence 1 Ready for the intership ?
Date A training course Actually we are going to do an internship in December to observe people at work. Our internship lasts 1 week. For the moment we must look for it. Last = durer (le verbe) Actually est veut dire « en fait ». C’est un faux ami. Last = dernier (adjectif) et durer (verbe)
Step 2
Word is missing Look at the definition. Can you find the word ?
Help. Word is missing !!! Look at the definition.Can you find the missing word ?
…........................ : a method of meeting possible partners in which participants have a few minutes to introduce themselves. At the end of the event paticipants decide who they want to select.
So ? What word do you suggest ? a method of meeting possible partners in which participants have a few minutes to introduce themselves. At the end of the event paticipants decide who they want to select.
There are different sorts of speed- datings, for example : to find…..... to find........ to find.......
Imagine there is a job-speed dating to get an internship.
I would introduce myself with.... Hi guys ! What’s up ? Good morning Madam/ Sir. because …..
Imagine you take part in a selection to get an internship in New York City
Réfléchis à ta présentation et rédige la en développant les points suivants : Introduction : Good …....Madam/Sir identity ? name – age – date and place of birth – nationality address ? city - country family ? parents – brothers and sisters sports and hobbies ? school ? - foreign languages – years and level of practice Personality ? special talents ? To conclude..............
Helps : Good morning Madam/ Sir. I am a student and I am really interested in getting an internship in NYC. So I am going to introduce myself. My name is..........................................I’m..........years old. I was born in 200...........in.....(place)..........so I’m.........
(address and family) I live in...............................located in............................ I live with....................................and I have............brother(s) and............sister(s). (sports, hobbies, talent) I practise............................................and I love..................................... I have a talent for......... (languages) I speak.................................and I study English and.....................at school. I have learned English for............years and I am (very/rather/not very good) at English. (personality, qualities) I am rather..........................and............................. (conclusion)To conclude I really hope I will get the internship in NYC because.......
Imagine you take part in a selection to get an internship in New York City
Projet 1 : imagine que tu te présentes à un speed-dating pour obtenir un stage d’une semaine (an internship) à New York. Prépare ta présentation pour participer à un speed-dating que nous allons organiser en classe. 1.je développe les informations ci-dessous 2.j’hésite le moins possible 3.Je respecte la prononciation et l’intonation. 4.je montre ma motivation et cherche à convaincre 5.je parle environ 1 minute 30
My holidays ? My languages ? My nationality ? My talents ? My identity ? My physical description ? My friends ? My personality ? My family ? My pets My grand-parents ? My favourite food ? In connection with My presentation is going to focus on … (ma présentation va insister sur.....)
Language : myself / to / polysémie/ faux amis
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