. Sequence and project number 1. Guess what the topic is (devine le sujet)

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Présentation au sujet: ". Sequence and project number 1. Guess what the topic is (devine le sujet)"— Transcription de la présentation:

1 . Sequence and project number 1

2 Guess what the topic is (devine le sujet)

3 With clues, of course…. (avec des indices bien sûr) ? ? ? ? ?

4 Ready ? Look at the clue and think

5 Clues : work Internship training course one week December observe

6 Now speak I think the words are in connection with … What is the meaning of.................? I guess we are going to speak about..

7 Repeat I think I guess I suppose The words observe In connection with the meaning of Internship Is about

8 Now speak I think the words are in relation with … I suppose......... I guess.............. We are probably going to............... What is the meaning of.................?

9 Now recap The sequence is about......................... Actually we are going to..................in December to observe........................ Our...................lasts............... week. For the moment we must......................... Last = durer (le verbe)

10 Are you good readers ? The sequence is about our training courses. Actually we are going to do an internship in December to observe people at work. Our internship lasts 1 week. For the moment we must look for it. Last = durer (le verbe)

11 Are you good translators ? The sequence is about our training courses. Actually we are going to do an internship in December to observe people at work. Our internship lasts 1 week. For the moment we must look for it. Last = durer (le verbe)

12 Sequence 1 Ready for the intership ?

13 Date A training course Actually we are going to do an internship in December to observe people at work. Our internship lasts 1 week. For the moment we must look for it. Last = durer (le verbe) Actually est veut dire « en fait ». C’est un faux ami. Last = dernier (adjectif) et durer (verbe)

14 Step 2

15 Word is missing Look at the definition. Can you find the word ?

16 Help. Word is missing !!! Look at the definition.Can you find the missing word ?

17 …........................ : a method of meeting possible partners in which participants have a few minutes to introduce themselves. At the end of the event paticipants decide who they want to select.

18 So ? What word do you suggest ? a method of meeting possible partners in which participants have a few minutes to introduce themselves. At the end of the event paticipants decide who they want to select.

19 There are different sorts of speed- datings, for example : to find…..... to find........ to find.......

20 Imagine there is a job-speed dating to get an internship.

21 I would introduce myself with.... Hi guys ! What’s up ? Good morning Madam/ Sir. because …..

22 Imagine you take part in a selection to get an internship in New York City

23 Réfléchis à ta présentation et rédige la en développant les points suivants : Introduction : Good …....Madam/Sir identity ? name – age – date and place of birth – nationality address ? city - country family ? parents – brothers and sisters sports and hobbies ? school ? - foreign languages – years and level of practice Personality ? special talents ? To conclude..............

24 Helps : Good morning Madam/ Sir. I am a student and I am really interested in getting an internship in NYC. So I am going to introduce myself. My name is..........................................I’m..........years old. I was born in 200...........in.....(place)..........so I’m.........

25 (address and family) I live in...............................located in............................ I live with....................................and I have............brother(s) and............sister(s). (sports, hobbies, talent) I practise............................................and I love..................................... I have a talent for......... (languages) I speak.................................and I study English and.....................at school. I have learned English for............years and I am (very/rather/not very good) at English. (personality, qualities) I am rather..........................and............................. (conclusion)To conclude I really hope I will get the internship in NYC because.......

26 Imagine you take part in a selection to get an internship in New York City

27 Projet 1 : imagine que tu te présentes à un speed-dating pour obtenir un stage d’une semaine (an internship) à New York. Prépare ta présentation pour participer à un speed-dating que nous allons organiser en classe. 1.je développe les informations ci-dessous 2.j’hésite le moins possible 3.Je respecte la prononciation et l’intonation. 4.je montre ma motivation et cherche à convaincre 5.je parle environ 1 minute 30

28 My holidays ? My languages ? My nationality ? My talents ? My identity ? My physical description ? My friends ? My personality ? My family ? My pets My grand-parents ? My favourite food ? In connection with My presentation is going to focus on … (ma présentation va insister sur.....)

29 Language : myself / to / polysémie/ faux amis

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