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Publié parClarisse Marques Modifié depuis plus de 11 années
L A N ATIONALIT É ET L IDENTITÉ Tiffany Wun French II Honors Period 3
E XPLANATION – I IDENTIT É ( FRENCH TRANSLATION ) TopicExample Question Involving the Topic Example Answer to the Question le Pr é nom et le Nom Comment tappelles-tu?Je mappelle Tiffany. la NationalitéQuelle est ta nationalité? De quelle nationalité es- tu? Je suis chinoise. le DomicileO ù habites-tu? Quelle est ton adresse? Quel est ton numéro de téléphone? Jhabite à MD. Jhabite 9930 Rose Trail Cest le 41-04-61-18-13 l Âge Quel âge as-tu?Jai quinze ans. le Lieu et la Date de Naissance O ù es-tu n é(e)? Quand es-tu n é(e) Je suis née à Chine. Je suis née le 5 février.
L IDENTIT É V OCABULARY W ORDS Le prénom : first name Le nom : name/last name Ladresse : address Le numéro de téléphone : phone number Le lieu : place La date : date La naissance : birth Je suis né(e) : I was born
E XPLANATION – I IDENTIT É ( ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS ) TopicExample Question Involving the Topic Example Answer to the Question First and last name What is your name?I call myself Tiffany. NationalityWhat is your nationality? What nationality are you? I am Chinese. Place of residenceWhere do you live? What is your address? What is your telephone number? I live in Maryland. My address is 9930 Rose Trail. My telephone number is (410) 461 - 1813 AgeWhat age are you?I am 15 years old. Place and date of birth Where were you born? When were you born? I was born in China. I was born on February 5.
R EMEMBER … While nationality, date of birth, and place of birth uses être, age is different. When using age, it usesavoir as if to say I have 15 years. Also, remember that n é and nationalities change in order to match the subject it is referring to!
L A N ATIONALITÉ anglais(e): English français(e): French japonais(e): Japanese chinois(e): Chinese américain(e): American mexicain(e): Mexican cubain(e): Cuban portoricain(e): Puerto Rican belge: Belgian suisse: Swiss russe: Russian Add an e for the ladies Same to whatever gender espagnol(e): Spanish allemand(e): German
L A NATIONALITÉ CONTINUED canadien/canadienne: Canadien italien/italienne: Italian ha ïtien/haïtienne: Haitian vietnamien/vietnamienne: Vietnamese cambodgien/cambodgienne: Cambodian indien/indienne: Indian coréen/coréenne: Korean Needs a different form for feminine
R EMEMBER … Nationalities are not capitalized when used in French. Also, correspond the gender of the nationality to the person or object it is referring to!
E XAMPLES Comment tappelles-tu? Elle sappelle Linda. Il est né le 9 mars. Nous sommes coréenne. Tu as vingt ans. Quelle est ta nationalité? Ma cousine est belge. Où est-tu né? Le fleur est chinois. What is your name? Her name is Linda. His birthday is March 9 th. We are Korean You are 20 years old What is your nationality? My cousin is Belgian. Where were you born? The flower is Chinese. French translation English translation
P RACTICE P ROBLEMS : Translate these sentences from French to English Now translate these problems from English to French Comment sappelle-t-il? Quel âge a-t-elle? Mon chien est japonais. Elles sont nées à Paris. Nous habitons à Californie. My phone number is (443) 206 – 9193. What nationality are you? Are you (s) Italian? My aunt lives in Montreal. My friend is Haitian.
P RACTICE P ROBLEMS : A NSWER K EY Translate these sentences from French to English Now translate these problems from English to French Comment sappelle il? What is his name? Quel âge a-elle? What age is she? Mon chien est japonais. My dog is Japanese. Elles sont nées à Paris. They were born in Paris Nous habitons à Californie. We live in California. My phone number is (443) 206 – 9193. Mon num é ro de t é l é phone est 44-32-06-91-93 What nationality are you? De quelle nationalit é es-tu? Are you (s,m) Italian? Est que tu es italien? My aunt lives in Montreal. Ma tante habite à Montr é al. My friend (m) is Haitian. Mon amis est ha ïten.
Bibliography Valette, Jean-Paul and Rebecca M. Discovering French Nouveux! United States of America: McDougal Littell, 2004. Print. Brown, Curtis. Le Pré aux Clercs. 14 March 2011. Web. Carroll, Becky. Staying on top of Minds with Customers. 6 November 2007. Web.
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