We build a greener chemical world.

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Présentation au sujet: "We build a greener chemical world."— Transcription de la présentation:

1 We build a greener chemical world

2 One of the 7 INP schools

3 One century of history Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Ingénieurs
Two historic engineering schools merged in synergy Since 1960 Since 1905 Since 2001 Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Ingénieurs en Arts Chimiques Et Technologiques

4 Industrial Engineering
Dépasser le clivage Synergy 5 missions, 3 worlds ENSIACET Discover MOLECULES Imagine PRODUCTS Conceive PROCESSES Control EQUIPMENTS Manage PROJECTS Chemistry Chemical Engineering Industrial Engineering

5 From Molecule to Industry
Dépasser le clivage From Molecule to Industry 5 missions, 5 major degrees ENSIACET Discover MOLECULES Imagine PRODUCTS Conceive PROCESSES Control EQUIPMENTS Manage PROJECTS Eng. in Chemistry Eng. in Materials Chemical Engineering Process Engineering Industrial Engineering

6 Faculty Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Ingénieurs
en Arts Chimiques Et Technologiques Dean: Pr. Jean-Marc LE LANN Deputy Dean: Pr. Christine CECUTTI Academic Dean: Pr. Françoise SILVESTRE Administrator: Mr Etienne GOMEZ 93 Lecturers/Researchers 39 Full Professors, 54 Associate & Assistant Professors 40 Full-time Researchers

7 Also: Education by alternance in Industry
5 Departments ENG. CHEMISTRY Pr. Martine Urrutigoïty Dr. Sophie Thiebaud-Roux ENG. MATERIALS Pr. Bernard Viguier Dr. Corinne Dufaure INDUSTRIAL ENG. Pr. Philippe Duquenne Dr. Stéphane Negny Also: Education by alternance in Industry Pr. Xavier Joulia & Dr. Carole Coufort-Saudejaud PROCESS ENG. Pr. Pascal Floquet Dr. Joël Albet CHEMICAL ENG. Pr. Patrick Cognet Pr. Anne-Marie Billet

8 2 + 3 years  Eng. Degree 48 students per year per Department National
concourse 230 students among the top 1000 (out of candidates) Local selection based on excellence

9 National recognition ENSIACET degrees are accredited by CTI (Commission des titres d’ingénieur) and the Ministry of Higher Education & Research ENSIACET participates to 3 national networks of Engineering Schools: Conférence des Grandes Ecoles (CGE) Fédération Gay-Lussac (FGL) Conférence des Directeurs des Ecoles Françaises d'Ingénieurs (CDEFI)

10 New building since 2009

11 Integrated in INP campus
© Michel Rémon, Architect

12 Education + Research

13 Links with Industry - Sponsors :
Rhodia (bulk chemicals): promotion 2010 Total (petrol): promotion 2011 Sanofi-Aventis (pharmaceutics): promotion 2012 Safran (engineering services): promotion 2013 Veolia (environment): promotion 2014 - Visits to industries - Seminars given by engineers from industry - Team projects in connexion with industry - Internships in industry (3 to 11 months)

14 Mens sana in corpore sano
Half a day sports per week : mandatory for our students Besides : Tournements, One-week skiing in the Pyrénées, Other activities. We host professional sportsman/woman Cédric Berrest, bronze medal Olympic Games Beijing 2008

15 International Relations

16 The International team
Carlos Vaca-Garcia Coordinator Sylvie Balladore Administrative assistant Ludovic Montastruc Vice-coordinator Aurélie Rouaix Special missions Philippe Serp CHEM. Jérôme Durand Christèle Combes ENG. MAT. Lydia Laffont Séverine Camy CHEM. ENG. Sébastien Teychené Marion Alliet-Gaubert PROCESS ENG. Ludovic Montastruc Raphaële Théry-Hétreux INDUST. ENG. Nelly Olivier

17 International mobility
Whole last year 60 ECTS Specialisation programs in 3y1s = 30 ECTS

18 Specialisation programs
Analyses physico-chimiques APC Conception et analyse des procédés CAP Green Chemistry % in English CHV Durabilité des matériaux et des structures DMS Eco-énergie EcoE Fluides et procédés / Fluids and processes % in English FP Génie de l'environnement GE Génie des systèmes industriels GSI Maîtrise des projets complexes et d’information MPCI Procédés pour la chimie fine et les bioindustries PCB Pilotage des systèmes industriels PSI Qualité - Sécurité - Environnement QSE Matériaux fonctionnels MAFO

19 International mobility
OUT Whole last year 60 ECTS Academic Mobility in 3y1s = 30 ECTS Specialisation programs in 3y1s = 30 ECTS Summer internship: 3 months Academic Mobility in 2y2s = 30 ECTS 3 months mandatory, 6 months preferred

20 Foreign Language skills
English is mandatory for our students B2 level required TOEIC test: > 750/990 points Optional languages: Spanish & German: higher-intermediate (B2) Portuguese, Japanese: beginners (A2)

21 French grading system The French grading system is a 20-point scale with the following honours: 10=correct (minimum to validate) 12=satisfactory, 14=good, 16=very good, 18 and above=congratulations. In practice, ENSIACET outstanding students get a score >15.

22 Our website For all the practical information Syllabus Logistics
Forms to fill in And more…

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