Founded in 1896 by Charles Friedel “Institut de Chimie Appliquée”

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3 Founded in 1896 by Charles Friedel “Institut de Chimie Appliquée”

4 Henri Moissan Director, 1899 à 1907
Nobel Prize in 1906 for isolation of flourine and invention of electric arc furnace

5 Scientific and Engineering Research and Education in the « Latin Quarter »
A major intellectual center of Paris Nearby institutes - Ecole Normale Supièure, Ecole de Mines, Collège de France, Institut Curie, Ecole Supérieure Physique-Chimie Industrielle, Universities Paris V, Paris VI, Paris VII. University of Paris founded 12th century Collège de Sorbonne founded 1257

6 A city campus…

7 Academics: ENSCP Graduate School
A Few Key Figures : Programs for the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Chemical Engineering Awards 100 Master and 30 doctoral degrees every year Graduate students are selected among the top 5% of the undergraduate students in chemistry in France 15% overseas students, graduate programs shared with several overseas Universities (Europe, China, Brazil, …)

8 Careers for ENSCP Graduates
70% of ENSCP engineers work in chemical and related industries throughout the world 20% work in other industries (computer, finance, …) 10% enter academic research and teaching > 50 % continue towards PhD

9 The French Engineering Cycle
Bac Bac +2 Bac +5 Bac +8 Engineering Degree 2 – 3 years of Prepartory School Masters Degree PhD Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Admission by exam (concours) Admission by application and interview A highly selective admission process Teaching Philosophy - Fundamentals, emphasis on mathematics and physics, with a high level of abstraction. - Industrial internship plus management, economics, foreign language - Extensive laboratory practice

10 Some Key Figures 98 faculty staff, including 17 full professors 120 Ph.D. students and postdocs 100 technical and administrative staff 9 research departments

11 First Year Syllabus Quantum Chemistry Interaction radiation / matter
The Chemical Bond Statistical Physics Group theory Solid State Chemistry Crystallography and Diffraction Organic Chemistry Reactive Mediums Polymer Chemistry Spectroscopy and Separation Chemical Engineering Chemical Thermodynamics Electrochemistry Chemical Risks Mathematical methods in physics Statistics Numerical methods Software and Programming Language and Cluture Management and Economics Industrial Internship >35% Laboratory Work

12 Second Year Syllabus Electronic properties of solids
and nanomaterials Mechanical properties and phase transitions Surface chemistry Catalysis Organic Chemistry Biochemistry Molecular Modeling Organometallic Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry Chemical Engineering Process simulation Electrochemical Processes Reaction Engineering Nuclear Chemistry Language and Cluture Management and Economics Second year project or 6 month Industrial Internship >35% Laboratory Work

13 Third Year Syllabus Core Classwork Industrial Strategy Formulation Modeling Real Systems Risk Management ATHENS MODULE Four Specializations Molecular Chemistry Materials Science / Physical Chemistry Chemical Engineering Radiochemistry in the Nuclear Energy Cylce Material Science and Physical Chemistry Elaboration methods of functional materials Soft and amorphous materials Metallurgy Industrial Aspects Specializations Biomaterials Energy Nanotechnology Thesis Project : 6+ research project, usually in a university laboratory or an approved industrial laboratory

14 Major Research Areas Institut Friedel Institut Moissan
Molecular chemistry / synthesis (pharmacology / cosmetology) Solid state chemistry Energy (electrochemistry / nuclear chemistry) Surface chemistry and engineering Institut Friedel Institut Moissan Theoretical Chemistry – transversal theme

15 Surface Engineering A transversal theme
Kevin Ogle ___ Corrosion, oxides, polymers, alloys… Farzi Arefi ___ Vacuum deposition, oxides and polymer films Philippe Barboux ___ Sol gel processes, deposition of oxides, functionalization / corrosion of glass Michel Menier ___ Functionalization of metals with enzymes Daniel Lincot ___ Electrodeposition, plasma deposition of oxides (photovoltaic cells) Phillipe Marcus ___ Passive films, surface chemistry, surface analysis Professors CNRS

16 Materials, Energy, Process
Laboratoire de Physicochimie des Surfaces Dr Philippe Marcus, Directeur En association avec le CNRS Institut de Recherche et Développement sur l’Énergie Photovoltaîque Dr Olivier Kerrec, Directeur En association avec le CNRS et EDF Laboratoire de Chimie de la Matière Condensée Pr Didier Gourier, Directeur En association avec le CNRS, Paris VI, Collège de France Laboratoire d’Electrochimie et Chimie Analytique Dr Daniel Lincot, Directeur En association avec le CNRS et Paris VI Laboratoire de Génie des procédés plasmas et traitements de surface Directeur : Pr Jacques Amouroux En association avec Paris VI

17 Molecular Chemistry Laboratoire de Synthèse sélective organique et produits naturels Directeur : Dr Virginie Vidal En association avec le CNRS                                                           Laboratoire de Chimie et biochimie des complexes moléculaires Directeur : Pr Gérard Jaouen En association avec le CNRS                              Laboratoire de Pharmacologie chimique et génétique Directeur : Dr Daniel Scherman En association avec le CNRS, l’INSERM et Paris V Laboratoire de Chimie bioorganique et organique physique Diretor : Dr Sylvie Derenne En association avec Paris VI, le CNRS, l’INRA, AgroParisTech et l’ENS

18 Example of Collaboration Physical and Analytical Chemistry PhD Program

ParisTech, member of elite European network : IDEA League ATHENS partner (programme d’échanges européen) NTNU KUL UCL KTH TU Delft Imperial College WUT Aachen CTU BME Budapest (Hongrie) - CTU Prague (République Tchèque) - TU Delft (Pays Bas) - ITU Istanbul (Turquie) - KU Leuven/UC Louvain la Neuve (Belgique) - IST Lisbon (Portugal) - UP Madrid (Espagne) - Politecnico Milan (Italie) - TU Munich (Allemagne) - Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Grèce) - KTH (Suède) - NTNU Trondheim (Norvège) - TU Vienna (Autriche) - TU Warsaw (Pologne) TUM ParisTech TUW BUTE Zurich PoliMi UPM ITU AUT ITS IDEA League ATHENS

PAR-ZXF PARISTECH-SL-sf1022 1,594 LATIN AMERICA PARTNERSHIPS Partner of major technical universities Double Degree Masters and Co-monitoring, PhD Continuing education throughout professional activity, … Unisversidad de Concepcion Universidad de Chile - Univ. de Santiago de Chile - Univ.Auton.del Nuevo Léon - Instituto Tecnico de Monterrey  - Universidad de Guadalajara - Univ.Nacional Autonoma de Mexico - Instituto Politecnio Nacional - Consejo Nacional para Ciencias y Tecnologià 20

PAR-ZXF PARISTECH-SL-sf1022 1,594 LONG TERM JOINT PROGRAMS WITH CHINA Cooperation with a network of 9 leading Chinese Universities (“9+9” program) : Peking U., Tsinghua, Chinese Agricultural U., Nanjing U., SouthEast U., Nanjing Agricultural U., Tongji, Fudan, Jiaotong An educational Joint Venture : IFCIM (Sino-French Institute for Engineering & Management) Founded by Tongji University and ParisTech with the support of 10 major French and 7 major Chinese corporations. A Sino-French Engineering school in Shanghai (EFCIS F6) A 6 year-higher education joint project with Tongji, Fudan, Jiaotong which could be launched in 2008 From the launching of the joint program (2000), 400 Chinese students were admitted at ParisTech. Among the 150 graduated students, 70 were recruited in French companies and SME’s in France or China, 20 are preparing a PhD. 21

22 Thank-you for your attention

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