Le Corps The Body.

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Présentation au sujet: "Le Corps The Body."— Transcription de la présentation:

1 Le Corps The Body

2 Les mots masculines Les cheveux Le visage Le font L’oeil / les yeux
Le nez Le cou Le bras Le coude Le poignet Le doigt Le pouce L’estomac Le dos Le derière Le genou Le pied Le doigt de pied Les mots masculines

3 Les mots feminines Une oreille / les oreilles La tête La figure
La gorge L’ épaule /les épaules La main La jambe La cheville La tête La figure La joue La bouche La lèvre La langue La dent Les mots feminines

4 PRACTICE ACTIVITY Label each body part you see pictured in French.

5 PRACTICE ACTIVITY 2 Draw a picture of each body part listed below.
La main Les oreilles La dent Les cheveux Le bras Les yeux PRACTICE ACTIVITY 2

6 La Santé Être malade = to be sick Être fatigué(e) = to be tired
Être en forme = to be in shape Avoir un rhume = to have a cold Avoir de la fièvre = to have a fever Avoir la grippe = to have the flu Prendre la température = to take a temp. Tousser = to cough Éternuer = to sneeze Se blesser = to hurt yourself Casser ________ = to break ______ Le médecin = the doctor La Santé

7 AVOIR MAL A = to have a hurt
The expression avoir mal à is used when you want to tell some one what hurts. use au if the body part is masculine use à la if the body part is feminine use à l’ if the body part starts with a vowel use aux if the body part is plural EXAMPLE J’ai mal à la tête = I have a headache / my head hurts Il a mal au dos = His back hurts. AVOIR MAL A = to have a hurt

8 La Santé Qu’est-ce qu’il y a? Tu as mauvaise mine.
What’s wrong? Tu as mauvaise mine. You look bad J’ai un chat dans la gorge. I have a frog in my throat J’ai le nez qui coule. I have a runny nose J’ai la gorge qui gratte. I have a scratchy throat Je ne me sens pas bien. I don’t feel well La Santé

9 CLASS WORK Write the following into French I am sick. She coughs.
They (masc.) have a fever. We have a cold. You (singular) have an earache You (plural) are in shape. CLASS WORK

10 PRACTICE ACTIVITY Translate the following conversation into French.
Doctor: What’s wrong? Patient: I’m sick. Doctor: You look bad. Patient: Yes. I have a runny nose and my throat hurts. Doctor: You have the flu. PRACTICE ACTIVITY

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