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Publié parAuguste Brousseau Modifié depuis plus de 7 années
Lecture 3: Light Sources Objectives: To identify lamps, and name them
Masters in Lighting Design / Lighting Fundamentals Lecture 3: Light Sources Objectives: To identify lamps, and name them To understand their operation To know their performances, their life To fully understand when to use them, and when not to use them. To know the trends, and future technologies
Lecture 3: LED –OLED technology /applications Marc Fontoynont
Lighting Fundamentals / Master in Lighting Design Lecture 3: LED –OLED technology /applications Marc Fontoynont
Les progrès sont encore trop rapides pour stabiliser l’offre
et la rendre « Future-Proof »
Lighting / Product certification
Confidence is unsufficient with respect to innovative lighting products (Solid State Lighting) . Need testing by third body, international collaboration, Traceabiliy of products. Link with building certification (LEEDS, BREEAM, etc.) Non- directional Lamps Directional Lamps Downlight Fixtures LED Linear Fluorescent replacement lamps Outdoor Luminaires
From SSL light engines and light modules to lighting schemes in indoor lighting: bringing architects and engineers in the game. Point, linear, flat light sources RGB, RGBW, RGBA, CW-WW
Cove lighting
Off-axis array of circular downlighters
Coût sur le long terme des technologies Incandescences, fluorescence et LED . TCO (source Yole Développement)
Le marché de l’éclairage à base de LEDs est sans aucun doute
un facteur majeur de croissance pour le marché de l’éclairage
Linear LED luminaires and stripes:
RGB ( Red Green Blue) RGBW, (Red Green Blue, White) WW, CW ( Warm white Cool White) Single chip / multichip
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