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Trouvez le trésor! mardi le 19 novembre À la télé Lobjectif: to understand how to talk about things we watch on tv in the past tense.

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2 Trouvez le trésor!

3 mardi le 19 novembre À la télé Lobjectif: to understand how to talk about things we watch on tv in the past tense.

4 Some of you will be able to explain how the past tense in formed in French, creating sentences in the past, possibly including adjectives (L5) Most of you will be able to offer an example of one TV show you like in French, using the past tense All of you will be able to recognise AT LEAST 5 genres of TV show in French (L1) Success Criteria

5 une série Hier soir

6 une série policière Hier soir

7 Un dessin animé Hier soir

8 Un documentaire Hier soir

9 Un jeu télévisé Hier soir

10 les informations Hier soir

11 Beat the teacher!

12 Hier soir une serie Jai regardé…

13 une série policière Jai regardé… Hier soir

14 Un dessin animé Hier soir Jai regardé…

15 Un documentaire Hier soir Jai regardé…

16 Un jeu télévisé Hier soir Jai regardé…

17 les informations Hier soir Jai regardé…

18 Les opinions

19 Think, pair, share… La télévision....

20 Le passé composé (the perfect tense) In French you use the perfect tense to say what you have done in the past. The passé composé is usually formed by using the present tense of avoir and the past participle of the verb. Eg. Jai mangé – I ate/ I have eaten Present tense of avoir Past Participle (PP)

21 Par exemple : Jai joué = I played, I have played Jai dansé = I danced, I have danced Elle a mangé = She ate, she has eaten Tu as nagé = You swam, you have swum

22 Je (I)Jai Tu (you) singularTu as Il/elle/on (he/she/it)Il/elle/on a Nous (we)Nous avons Vous (you) pluralVous avez Ils/elles (they)Ils/elles ont

23 Ploc!

24 Some of you will be able to explain how the past tense in formed in French, creating sentences in the past, possibly including adjectives (L5) Most of you will be able to offer an example of one TV show you like in French, using the past tense All of you will be able to recognise AT LEAST 5 genres of TV show in French (L1) Success Criteria

25 1.La télévision le cinéma les acteurs 2. sport musicale comédie 3. Jadore ça mintéresse Jaime 4. lundi au week-end après collège le tennis Cest je naime pas Trouvez lintus Identify the odd one out. Write the answer and your reason why! Je déteste

26 mercredi le 20 novembre Hier, jai vu… Lobjectif: to know how to talk about TV shows in French, using the past tense

27 Some of you will understand how to describe the programmes you have watched in a L5 paragraph. Most of you will be able to use adjectives to describe TV shows in the French in the past tense. All of you will be able to recall from memory AT LEAST 5 types of TV genre. Success Criteria

28 un documentaireune séries un jeu télévisé un dessin animé une serie policièreles informations

29 un documentaireune séries un jeu télévisé un dessin animé une serie policièreles informations

30 Quest ce que tu as vu hier soir? Jai vu…

31 Un documentaire Jai vu…

32 Une série Jai vu…

33 Les informations Jai vu…

34 £ £ Un dessin animé Jai vu…

35 Cétait… Find the English meanings, write them both in your book! Cétait passionnant - Cétait bien - Cétait intéressant - Cétait marrant - Cétait pas mal- Cétait ennuyeux - Cétait affreux - Cétait nul - it was good it was exciting it was funny it was interesting it was alright it was boring it was awful it was rubbish

36 1 1 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 2 2 3 3 4 4 1 Cétait intéressant It was interesting

37 1 1 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 2 2 3 3 4 4 2 It was rubbish Cétait nul Cétait affreux It was awful Cétait ennuyeux It was boring

38 1 1 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 2 2 3 3 4 4 3 It was great Cétait super Cétait passionnant It was exciting Cétait marrant It was funny

39 Past tense extension adjective Creating your own language Eg, Hier, TV show jai vuun dessin animé cétait amusant. EXTEND with time phrases! (normally at the beginning of the sentence)

40 Some of you will understand how to describe the programmes you have watched in a L5 paragraph. Most of you will be able to use adjectives to describe TV shows in the French in the past tense. All of you will be able to recall from memory AT LEAST 5 types of TV genre. Success Criteria

41 Trouvez le trésor!

42 Organise these adjectives into POSITIVE and NEGATIVE phrases Cest passionnant Cest super Cest intéressant Cest marrant Cest bien Cest ennuyeux Cest affreux Cest pas mal Cest nul Cest stupide

43 Je regarde toujours… Lobjectif: to revise time phrases and sequencers to improve our writing

44 Some of you will be able to use seuqencers and time phrases in language that contains positive and negative opinions about television programmes. Most of you will be able to add a sequencer (accurately) into your written work to add detail. All of you will be able to recall from memory AT LEAST 3 sequencers Success Criteria

45 Sequencers – place these sequencers in order of frequency In another colour, write the English meaning! De temps en temps Tous les jours Deux fois par semaine jamais souvent Tous les week-ends rarement

46 Sequencers – place these sequencers in order of frequency de temps en temps – from time to time tous les jours – every day deux fois par semaine – twice a week Jamais - never Souvent - often tous les week-ends – every weekend Rarement - rarely

47 Les Dominos français! *** normalement normallyJe regarde… Travaillez en groupe Identify (and write in your book) 5 genres 4 time phrases 3 sequences 2 negative adjectives 1 sentence in the past tense

48 Écoutez 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Write what you hear (in English) Eg. On Saturday I like to watch game shows.

49 Les Devoirs Write a passage about what you like to watch on television and why. To aim for a high level 4/5, you need to include time phrases, opinions and a negative. Think about the structure of the work, check it would make sense in English! I will place resources on on Friday. Due 18 th September

50 Some of you will be able to use seuqencers and time phrases in language that contains positive and negative opinions about television programmes. Most of you will be able to add a sequencer (accurately) into your written work to add detail. All of you will be able to recall from memory AT LEAST 3 sequencers Success Criteria

51 Lévez vous...suivez moi! *** normalement normallyJe regarde… parlez!

52 Success criteria Remember to include: Connectives Opinions Intensifiers Time phrases Negative Present tenses Past tenses Future tenses Et, mais, aussi, Jaime… Très, vraiment, assez Le soir, le weekend Je naime pas… Je regarde… Jai regardé… Je vais regarder…

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