Quest-ce que tu fais à lécole? Buts: Using regular verbs to say what we do at school.

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1 Quest-ce que tu fais à lécole? Buts: Using regular verbs to say what we do at school

2 Starter: 1.We eat sandwiches noisily in the canteen 2.On Mondays, the boys play football on the field. 3.Jim runs quickly around the school. 4.The teacher is usually very lively. 5.We have lessons in the big classroom. Copy and highlight the nouns in each sentence. Identify the verbs in the sentences. Can you find the adverbs and adjectives?

3 Buts All: To revise the activities we might do at school by learning some useful infinitives Most: To know how to change the endings of the verbs to match the pronouns Some: To use a mixture of verbs and pronouns when writing about what we do at school.

4 Les infinitifs a)manger un sandwich b)écouter le professeur c)aimer les maths d)regarder un film e)jouer au foot f)danser dans le cours g)étudier beaucoup h)avoir beaucoup de devoirs i)être fatigué(e) watch a film be tired like maths play football eat a sandwich have lots of homework listen to the teacher dance in the playground study a lot S-T-R-E-T-C-H yourself Underline the infinitive verb in each phrase

5 Rappel! S-T-R-E-T-C-H yourself Dont forget youve got être and avoir in your exercise book. What endings match up to on? What does it mean?

6 Complètez les phrases Je (manger) un sandwich dans la cantine. Il (écouter) le professeur tous les jours. Elle ne (regarder) pas un film dans la classe. On (jouer) au foot souvent dans les classes dEPS, mais je n(aimer) pas le sport. John (penser) que le français (être) facile. Mary et Lucy (danser) le lundi soir, mais pas le mardi car elles (avoir) beaucoup de devoirs. I study a lot and I am tired. Dylan and Sally like French. Do you eat a sandwich in the canteen at break? *at break = pendant la récré

7 Writing Frame S-T-R-E-T-C-H yourself Can you add extra details to your sentences? Like what time you do things or how often? You might look up some new verbs in the dictionary and see if you can apply the rule. Task here: Use the verbs you matched up earlier to write a paragraph describing your school day. Include je and on forms if you can. Vocabulary à huit heures = at 8:00 à neuf heures et demie = at 9:30 à onze heures et quart = at 11:15 à midi moins le quart = at 11:45 normalement = normally souvent = often quelquefois = sometimes tous les jours = every day avec mes amis = with my friends Success Criteria Have you: Written a paragraph, using three different verbs? Include je and on forms of the verbs? Used connectives, given opinions and added extra detail? *Used different verb forms? Au collège,… Normalement… (Or just start with Je/On + verb)

8 Buts All: To revise the activities we might do at school by learning some useful infinitives Most: To know how to change the endings of the verbs to match the pronouns Some: To use a mixture of verbs and pronouns when writing about what we do at school.

9 Plenary: En groupes de 3 1: Explain to your group what on means and when you would use it. 2: Explain to your group how you could change: Il mange un sandwich to mean we eat a sandwich 3. Summarise what you have learnt today to the group. 1 2 3

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