Learn by heart and write 6 sentences to demonstarte it’s usage.

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Présentation au sujet: "Learn by heart and write 6 sentences to demonstarte it’s usage."— Transcription de la présentation:

1 Learn by heart and write 6 sentences to demonstarte it’s usage.
Vouloir (to want to) Pouvoir (to be able to) Je veux peux Tu Il / Elle / on veut peut Nous voulons pouvons Vous voulez pouvez Ils / Elles veulent peuvent E2 Can you identify the verb in spoken and written French? Regular an irregular? (L3a) Can you name types of holiday and say what you like/dislike? (L4c-b) Can you develop a response about your favourite holidays are?(L4a/wt5) D1 D2

2 Je veux……….. I want …………. jouer au tennis to play tennis
jouer au babyfoot aller au bowling aller en boîte aller à une fête voir des DVDs aller à la plage faire une promenade faire du vélo faire du patin à glace I want …………. to play tennis to play table football to go bowling to go to a nightclub to go to a party to watch DVDs to go to the beach to go for a walk to go for a bike ride to go ice-skating E2 Can you identify the verb in spoken and written French? Regular an irregular? (L3a) Can you name types of holiday and say what you like/dislike? (L4c-b) Can you develop a response about your favourite holidays are?(L4a/wt5) D1 D2

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