Objective: To be able to talk about what you would like to do for a living using je voudrais + infinitive “je voudrais faire…”

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Présentation au sujet: "Objective: To be able to talk about what you would like to do for a living using je voudrais + infinitive “je voudrais faire…”"— Transcription de la présentation:

1 Objective: To be able to talk about what you would like to do for a living using je voudrais + infinitive “je voudrais faire…”

2 français anglais faire A to work jouer B to earn travailler C
1 faire A to work 2 jouer B to earn 3 travailler C to do/make 4 être D to help 5 aider E to travel 6 devenir F to go 7 voyager G to play 8 gagner H to have 9 avoir I to be 10 aller J to become  1 3 4 5 10 

3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 8

4 Un sondage de classe – Quel métier voudrais-tu faire?

5 Activité de lecture – page 109

6 Read the speech bubbles out loud with your neighbour, then answer the questions below in your exercise book. Who would like to earn lots of money? Who like animals? Who dislikes working on their own? Who wants to work in medicine? Who would like to do something practical? Who wants to work Monday to Friday? Who is a people person? Who would like to work outside of an office?

7 Écouter – page 109 Listen to the six people talking about their jobs and note down the advantages and disadvantages they mention.

8 Je voudrais devenir médecin
1 Je voudrais devenir médecin

9 Je ne voudrais pas être chef
2 Je ne voudrais pas être chef

10 Je ne voudrais pas devenir facteur
3 Je ne voudrais pas devenir facteur

11 Je voudrais travailler comme serveur
4 Je voudrais travailler comme serveur


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