Reference Document Document de référence

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1 Reference Document Document de référence
Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat  © Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada. This information is released under an Open Government Licence - Canada.  Disclaimer: This resource has been deemed to have business value but is not an official publication of the Government of Canada. It is provided in the original language and format in which it was created.    Document de référence Secrétariat du Conseil du Trésor du Canada © Sa Majesté la Reine du chef du Canada. Les présents renseignements sont communiqués selon les termes de la Licence du gouvernement ouvert — Canada.  Avis de non-responsabilité: On a jugé que les présents renseignements possèdent une valeur opérationnelle, mais il est possible qu’ils soient inexacts car ils sont périmés. Ils sont fournis dans la langue originale et le format dans lesquels ils ont été créés. Open Government Canada Gouvernement ouvert Canada

2 Hacking the Hackathon Advice on hackathon design from partners in Canada, the US, New Zealand and Australia

3 Table of Contents Laying the Groundwork During the hackathon

4 Laying the Groundwork Define a problem that matters to citizens
Determine hackathon type Identify the information or data Engage legal counsel Brand early and invest in comms Fund creatively Partner wisely Problem: Nailing down the purpose of the hackathon; Data: about quality popularity and what’s availble Establishing early the hackathon title/brand/name, and whether it will be used again in the future; Landing quickly on the venue the best supports the hackathon design; Partnering with organizations that can best support the aim; Addressing all associated legal issues in ample time; Accruing the required resources, as dictated by the hackathon design; Ensuring subject matter experts and/or business owners are part of the hack teams, and including non-experts as hackers; Integrating cross-cutting and targeted appeal – e.g by blending art and showcasing charismatic figures along with community-rooted realities.

5 Teams Tools Time During the hackathon Build mult-discliplinary team
Use art Space Apps is an international hackathon that occurs over 48 hours in cities around the world drawing coders, scientists, creators, and “everyone enthusiastic about space come together to address challenges we face on Earth and in space

6 Follow-through Don’t just use solutions; use ideas
Design actions according to hackathon type Build on partnerships and creativity

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