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Mardi 3 octobre Français II
Emmanuel Macron a passé son BAC en Il est titulaire d’un DEA en philosophie. Il est diplomé de l’ENA* en 2004. Emmanuel Macron graduated from high school in He holds a Master’s degree in philosophy. He graduated from ENA (National School of Administration) in 2004. (*ENA is an extremely prestigious school to become a diplomate). Présentations
Mardi 3 octobre Français I
Emmanuel Macron a passé son BAC en Il est titulaire d’un DEA en philosophie. Il est diplomé de l’ENA* en 2004. Emmanuel Macron graduated from high school in He holds a Master’s degree in philosophy. He graduated from ENA (National School of Administration) in 2004. (*ENA is an extremely prestigious school to become a diplomate). Revoir les quiz Corrections Exercice écrit * Oral (2 times) Time final test tomorrow.
Mardi 3 octobre Français PreAP/AP
Emmanuel Macron a passé son BAC en Il est titulaire d’un DEA en philosophie. Il est diplomé de l’ENA* en 2004. Emmanuel Macron graduated from high school in He holds a Master’s degree in philosophy. He graduated from ENA (National School of Administration) in 2004. (*ENA is an extremely prestigious school to become a diplomate). Revoir texte PC Corrections avec FIII (11:15) FIII► Finir nouveau texte 10:35-10:55 test PP irréguliers 10:55- 11:10 FIV Cultural comparison Guides 10:35-11:15
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