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Meriem Bouamrane Nuuk, 20-21May 2010

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1 Meriem Bouamrane Nuuk, 20-21May 2010
Which options for Greenland National Park and Biosphere Reserve? Sharing with the MAB programme and the World Network of Biosphere Reserves Meriem Bouamrane Programme specialist Division of Ecological and Earth Sciences EuroMAB Secretariat Nuuk, 20-21May 2010

2 Today, the World Network of Biosphere Reserves comprises 553 sites in 107 countries (2009)
Zoom to a region Zoom to a region Search by Countries Contact person for a Biosphere Reserve Search by Countries Contact person for a Biosphere Reserve

3 Biosphere reserves are … Areas of terrestrial, coastal and marine ecosystems promoting practices to reconcile the conservation of biodiversity with its sustainable use, people and nature Demonstration and learning sites for sustainable development

4 Seville Strategy and the Statutory Framework (1996)
Approved in 1995 by the General Conference of UNESCO Three main goals: Conserve natural and cultural diversity Land management and approaches to sustainable development Research, monitoring, education and training Volontary process ; BR managed and owned by Member States

5 Three Integrated Functions for Biosphere Reserves

6 These functions are associated through a zonation system including
Core area(s) T R Research station or experimental research site Buffer zone(s) R M Transition area(s) E M Monitoring R E Education/training T Tourism T These functions are associated through a zonation system consisting of a core area with minimal human activities - except research and monitoring, which is aimed at protecting the landscape, ecosystems and species it contains (there may be several patchy core areas in a single biosphere reserve). The surrounding area acts as a buffer for the core and accommodates more human activities such as research, environmental education and training as well as tourism and recreation. An outer transition area, or area of cooperation, extends outwards and serves as a liaison with the larger region in which the biosphere reserve lies, and promotes in particular the development concern with activities such as applied research, traditional use or rehabilitation, human settlements, agriculture, hunting, fisheries, etc. More information on: This schema can be adapted to various ecological, socio-cultural and legal contexts

7 Zonation in the Statutory Framework
(a) A legally constituted core area or areas devoted to long-term protection, according to the conservation objectives of the biosphere reserve, and of sufficient size to meet these objectives; (b) A buffer zone or zones clearly identified and surrounding or continuous to the core or cores areas, where only activities compatible with the conservation objectives can take place; (c) An outer transition area where sustainable resources management practices are promoted and developed.

8 Mata Atlantica Biosphere Reserve (Brazil)

9 El Hierro Biosphere Reserve (Spain)

10 National network and transboundary biosphere reserves …
Spain biosphere reserves East Carpathians Transboundary Biosphere Reserve

11 Glacier Biosphere Reserve, Alaska, USA
The earliest evidence of human occupation in the area dates back some 10,000 years. Land Use: mining, fur-trading, power plant (as we see) logging, commercial fishing. However, the area gives a unique opportunity to study the plant succession 11

12 ..\..\..\Bureau\CatBaFishFarms.jpg Cat Ba: Viet Nam: Ferme piscicole Passé de 0 à touristes: développement Réserve de biosphère Cat Ba, Viet Nam 12

13 Réserve de biosphère des Volcans, Rwanda
Quelques exemples: Cat Ba: Viet Nam: Ferme piscicole et développement tourisme 13


15 Flexibility of governance schemes : who and how …
Manager/coordinator (funded, volunteer ..) MAB National Committee Steering Committee, Association, Fundation, Governement, Scientific Committee, Advisory Board, Syndicat mixte…. Rotational governance…

16 Flexibility in institutional coordination/management mechanisms
The co-ordinating structure is representative of various administrations and the scientific boards, as well as the authorities in charge of the protected areas, the representatives of local communities, interested and affected groups, including youth, and of the private sector. The NGO sector in the area is also represented in the structure.

17 Management objectives
Change of perspectives: Partnership framework rather than strict legal framework; Platform for dialogue among stakeholders, including private sector : coordination is key; Bioregional and ecosystem approaches: interactions and dynamics Research, local knowledge : information needed to manage the site

18 WNBR is 553 sites in 107 countries
EuroMAB is 264 (48%) in 33 (30%) countries

19 Il s’agit d’une initiative régionale prenant racine dans la volonté de diversifier nos options et de nous ouvrir sur le monde. 19

20 Réserve de la biosphère du Mont St-Hilaire
Charlevoix Lac St-Pierre Réserve de la biosphère du Mont St-Hilaire Networking Mont Saint-Hilaire (Québec) – désigné 1978 20 km sud-est de Montréal sur le Richelieu L’Université McGill est propriétaire de la montagne Terrain d’agriculture riche, villes et villages dans la zone de coopération Mont St-Hilaire Manicouagan-Uapishka 20

21 Biosphere reserves as learning sites for sustainable development
UNDESD (interdisciplinary research, local knowledge; UNESCO Chairs and Associated schools networks); Information and Communication for citizens and general public (web, TV, radio…)

22 Sharing and learning with EuroMAB Network
BRs as learning places for Sustainable Development (Education, training) BRs as green investment/business opportunities/sustainable tourism BRs as places for observations and monitoring climate change BRs as tools for minimizing biodiversity loss and maintening ecosystem services Building partnerships with the private sector

23 Inspiring, learning, sharing
World Network … Inspiring, learning, sharing Réserves de biosphère: tentatives de rendre possible la conciliation entre conservation et développement et de renforcer mutuellement ces 2 fonctions. Parmi toutes les stratégies de développement possible, une trajectoire qui favorise la conservation Parmi toutes les stratégies de conservation, une qui favorise le développement Réserve de biosphère : au croisement, pour permettre la réconciliation des deux stratégies. Cohérence : Importance du Réseau, de partager et de diffuser, de travail collectif à l’échelle planétaire interactions entre les différentes initiatives, communautés et réseaux: 1 seule planète. A quand la planète qui serait un monde où serait parfaitement réconciliées les activités humaines et celles des autres espèces vivantes : une unique réserve de biosphère? Se connecter et interagir: la véritable cohérence est également de se connecter entre nous.

24 Qujanaq - Tak - Thank you
Merci, des informations des données, télé déchargeables sur notre site Contact

25 UNESCO Division of Ecological and Earth sciences
1 rue Miollis 75015 Paris, France Tel: Mail: e.mail:

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