One of the most touristic destination in Great Britain

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1 One of the most touristic destination in Great Britain
SCOTLAND One of the most touristic destination in Great Britain

2 One of the most important monuments in Scotland
The most touristic destination in Great Britain THE + MOST + adj. Dans un GN + in + lieu mettre en valeur un élément par rapport à tout un groupe Le SUPERLATIF The largest park in the world  Quand l’adjectif est court, on ajoute la terminaison <-est>: the larg-est .

3 Je sais présenter des arguments pour convaincre.
If you like History, come and visit Scotland as there are many castles and museums. If you enjoy nature, the Scottish landscapes will welcome you with their wild animals and mysterious lakes. VOCABULARY: Many = a lot of - lakes = lacs Landscapes = paysages - wild = savage

4 Stirling Castle, Scotland

5 Stirling Stirling is a Scottish town located at the South East of Scotland. Vocabulary: A town = a city Located = situated

6 The Castle of Stirling It is one of Scotland’s largest and most important castles. It was built on a volcanic hill during the 15th and 16th centuries. VOCAB: Built on = construit sur - a century = un siècle A hill = a mountain

7 Atelier d’amélioration
Vérifier qu’il y a bien la phrase d’introduction. Des mots de liaison Un superlatif Une date, et s’entraîner à bien la lire. Ex. 2009= two thousand and nine / twenty o nine Préparer l’expression de votre opinion.  Ceux qui sont déjà passés aident les autres.

8 CLAVA CAIRNS Clava Cairns is also known as (a.k.a.) the prehistoric Burial Cairns of Bulnuaran of Clava. Vocabulary: Known as = connu sous le nom de … A burial = un enterrement To bury = enterrer

9 It is located near Inverness.
It is a group of 3 bronze-age cairns. It is an exceptionally well-preserved site and a fantastic example of the History of Highland Scotland (4000 years ago!). - A cemetery = un cimetière

10 Pour finir, on donne son opinion.
We think that these oral presentations were interesting because they helped us knowing more about Scotland. Besides, we learnt how we can convince people to go and visit Scottish Historical monuments such as for example: the castle of Stirling and Clava Cairns. That’s all folks!

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