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Publié parJoëlle Rancourt Modifié depuis plus de 6 années
WALT- On va analyser la literature française.
Le boulanger était un gros garçon de trente ans; il avait de belles dents, et des cheveux plats très noirs, mais toujours poudrés de farine. Il riait volontiers, et s'intéressait à toutes les femmes du village, et même à la sienne, une belle fille de vingt ans qui l'adorait. Il s'appelait Martial Chabert, mais à force de l'appeler Boulanger, on avait oublié son nom Who is being described? 1 How old was he? 1 What were his teeth like? 1 What was his hair like? 1 What type of person was he? 3 What was his real name? 1 Why was his real name not used? 1
Hwk for next week Work in teams of two or three.
Research another famous French writer. Make a list of poems / plays / novels that they have written – in French. Choose a short extract of their work to read. Write a paragraph in French, giving you opinions of the work. Use this structure to explain your ideas : “À mon avis, c’était …car il s’agit de …
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